1st Haiti Mission Team Meeting will be at 3:00pm next Sunday in the Chapel. What should I pack? Do I need special shots? Find out the answers to these questions and more!! Also, mark your calendar for these upcoming training meetings: 9/17, 10/8 and 11/5. You don’t want to miss these!
Tim Zimmerman & The Kings Brass Free concert at 7pm on Tuesday, August 22nd! This group provides innovative worship for young and old alike through the “best in sacred brass music.” There is even an opportunity for us locals to toot our own horns during the show! Please see Pastor John for the music to practice. A freewill offering will be taken during the concert.
Housing for King’s Brass Musicians Needed FBC is looking for homes for 9 musicians after the show. They’ll each need their own bed. If you are interested in this opportunity, please call the church office.
Young Adult Summer Retreat! August 18-20 will be a time of camping, Rail to Trail biking, and white water rafting for those 18 or older! The cost is $100 and covers transportation, food, camping, bike rentals and rafting. Cost is due TODAY. To reserve your spot or for more information, call Lynn Wintersteen.
Friday, September 8 – Night of Worship; 6PM at Hess Recreation Area
There will be many projects available to choose from! For more info check out the event at
Location: The gorgeous Linck Hill Inn, Morris, Pa; www.threespringsministries.org/linck-hill-inn
Cost: $160 (includes study guide, 5 meals, lodging and transportation). Amount is due by Sunday, September 3. Installments are accepted.
Note: Payments should be given to Sheri Croll or mailed to her.
Study Material: Measureless Love by Beth Moore; Scripture will be Ephesians 3: 14-19
Theme: “Live Like You’re Loved”. Have you ever felt unloved? We will “dig deep and dive in” to scripture to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Know this-God has a plan for you and so does the enemy! Do you know what that plan is? Join us to find out!
Questions: Contact Sheri Croll or Joanna Klein