College Care Packages are Off!! A team of 7 packed and sent a total of 22 care packages to our college students! Thank you so much for your donations. Please keep college kids in your prayers as they head into final exams and the spiritual warfare that they face.
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the new arrivals that have just buzzed in!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Certified to Teach First Aid, CPR, AED? If you are interested in sharing your talents by teaching classes here at FBC we have the space and equipment! Please circle “T” on your connect card or contact Jason our new Administrator.
FaithBuilders’ New Study! Starting today, FaithBuilders Sunday School Class will be studying Tim Tebow’s book, Shaken. During the 4 sessions, you’ll gain wisdom from the scriptures and hear personal testimonies from celebrities to cancer patients and be reminded that a secure identity only comes from a personal relationship with God. Location: Room 230
New! Adult Open Gym Night! Mondays from 8-10pm, adults ages 25+ are welcome to come enjoy a game or two of basketball! The fellowship will boost your spirit and the exercise will boost your health! For any questions, contact Leighton Elliott.
Look Out Fish!! Fil’s Retiring! Join us in celebrating on Sunday, May 6 @ 3pm. It will be a dessert reception so any and all sweets
would be appreciated!
Spring Fling Packing & Pizza Party! Wednesday – 5:00 PM – Join us for a time of pizza, prep and prayer for this great event! Sunday is Your Last Chance to Sign Up!