Question & answer time. An activity table will be provided for children at the back of the BFLC so that parents may stay in the room and participate in the discussions. ¨
Vote to extend a call to Pastor Dawes as Sr. Pastor for FBC Please see the insert with for details
SURGE Young Adult Conference : May 13-15 ~ A deposit of $30 is needed by the 15th to hold your spot, with the remaining amount due before leaving. Please talk to Lynn Wintersteen for all the details.
5 Principles for Disciplining Your Children by Max Lacado is now available on Right Now Media. If you are a part of First Baptist, you can get a free subscription to this on-line library with thousands of videos and helps for children, teens, and families. Contact the office to find out how to join.
Be sure and pick up a M & M Tube this morning and fill it with quarters. The quarters collected will pay for the rice, beans, and seeds that our team will be packing at the GAiN Warehouse on June 21. Please return the tubes by June 12.
Phone Prayer Chain : If you are on the Phone Prayer Chain, please pick up an updated calling list at the Information Desk.
April is Autism Awareness Month . On April 24th, at 9:00 AM in the BFLC, we are hosting an Autism Training Class. This is for all teachers and anyone who works with children. Anyone else who is interested is also welcome to attend.
Something new! What is Christianity all about? Who was Jesus and why did He come? What is the meaning of the gospel and grace? Christianity Explored is an 8 week class which will answer these questions through a though provoking video series and small group discussion. This class is for old and new believers and is a great way to get a hold of the good news that Jesus came to bring. The class will begin on May 1st in the music room at 9:00 AM.
Journeying with Jesus Ladies Sunday School class is just starting a new study from “A SHEPHERD LOOKS AT PSALM 23 by W. Phillip Keller. Ladies are welcome to join them any Sunday at 9:00 AM.
Planting Seeds of Service is the featured article in the Focus on the Family Bulletin Insert this morning. As you read the article you will see a suggestion of donating garden produce to a local food pantry or shelter as a teaching moment to children. We can help with that through our own community garden project at First Baptist. If you are interested in helping with a garden project that would provide food to the local food bank, please call, or email Sabrina at 570-764-4316 or