A River Baptism Service – Next Sunday, July 24 at 3 PM. East side of the Danville/Riverside bridge. (Turn right off Water Street.) Bring your lawn chairs. *Please let Pastor Dawes know no later than Monday, July 18 if you would like to be baptized at this service.
The Good Samaritan Socks & Underwear Drive is Coming! Please bring your donation of new socks & underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the chapel foyer July 24 & 31. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they begin the new school year.
Announcing Haiti Team XI – Applications are available for our next trip to Haiti, December 31 – January 7. Please stop by the Information Desk to pick up additional information and an application if you are interested in participating in this ministry opportunity.
Ladies in Grades 5 ~ 8: The Daughters of the Divine Class is inviting you to a special tea! It will take place on Sunday, August 14 at 9:00 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center. Please RSVP to your SBS teacher by August 7.
Attn Adult Ladies: It’s that time of year again for Ladies Fall Retreat! Our theme is “Garden Getaway/A Walk with God,” September 16-18. There is still time for you to join us! You will discover how God is at work in your life, no matter what season of life you’re in. Our journey will take us through Ecclesiastes 3. Cost of $160 includes transportation, lodging, 5 meals and study materials. We have something new this year, canvas painting! To register, contact Sheri Croll at 570-441-2471 or email her at slcroll630@gmail.com
Summer Business Meeting & Ice Cream Social, Wednesday, July 27 at 6:30 PM. We will review reports and attend to New Business. Take note of the information below from Pastor John. Officers: your reports for the Business meeting are due in the office July 24.
Proposal: The Trustees have confirmed and set forth a proposal from Somerset Media Group, for the approval of the congregation, to address the sound concerns in the sanctuary and radio room. The proposal will be presented at the upcoming business meeting. The upgrade would replace our sound consoles that are beginning to break down, meet the monitor needs of an ever-expanding music ministry, improve sound quality in the sanctuary where there has been uneven sound distribution and “dead spots’, and greatly improve the sound quality of our radio ministry. This proposal will also provide future audio needs for live-streaming services and events, as well as provide new opportunities for training of sound
DVD available: A copy of the tribute for Pastor Harry, a full length version of his challenge to FBC and Pastor Harry and Lynn sharing
special memories of their time at FBC will be available in the Office. A donation to help cover costs would be appreciated.
“With Dr. Bob in Ethiopia” Dr. Bob Bowers, a missionary supported by FBC, has written a book about the challenges he and his wife, Marion,
experienced while serving in Ethiopia from 1974 until they were forced to leave in 1997. A sample copy of the book may be viewed at the Information Desk. Book purchases may be made at Amazon.com or from the Bowers directly by contacting them at 570-724-6809.