Softball Season is here ~ Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you are interested in playing. Participants must be at least 15 years old to join. The first game is April 27th. A schedule is also posted on the bulletin board.
The Haiti Team needs clean, dry Weis/Giant bags. Please put them in the laundry basket by the downstairs coat rack.
Dominic & Gladys Jacob, one of our missionary families, are in need of a new vehicle in the near future. If anyone has a vehicle that could be donated, please contact a member of our mission’s board.
Coming on Easter Sunday ~ A.D. The Bible Continues TV series. A.D. tells the story of Christ’s followers, taken from the first ten chapters of the Book of Acts. This powerful new program begins Easter Sunday, 9:00 PM on NBC. It is a 12 week series, and will conclude on June 21. Our church library has ordered the book with the same title, by Dr. David Jeremiah. It will be
available mid April.
Spring Fling: Spring is “officially” here, so it’s time to start planning for First Baptist’s part in Spring Fling on May 2. We will need a number of people to help out in various ways throughout the day. Sign up sheets will be available next week for those who can help with this outreach. Please consider being part of this team!! On Wednesday, April 15, 5:30 PM, there will be a hands on training for working in the booth. Pizza will be served.
April 13th.
ATTENTION YOUTH: TODAY is your last chance to get your $50 deposit in. No guaranteed spots after today!!
TOTAL COST (prior to deposit)
Senior High, July 20-25 – $340
Junior High, July 27-31 – $285
Please give your deposit and/or final payments to the office. On the memo line write “Jr. High Harvey Cedars” or “Sr. High Harvey Cedars”. There are discounts to families with multiple children attending. Contact Pastor Luke about available scholarships.