Sunday, August 11, 2019
Posted on Aug 10, 2019 in Newsletter |
The Forge – A Ministry for Men at FBC – Tuesdays beginning 9/10 – 7PM – The Forge’s mission is to bring men together to support one another in life, faith and personal growth. We do this with Trust, Confidentiality, and Authenticity striving to deepen relationships and make new ones. There will be faith based teaching in the chapel, then small group breakout sessions. Light refreshments will be available. A free gift for you! “RightNow Media; the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” – This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics, for all different ages! Wait until you see what they have for children! Get your FREE subscription today by checking it off on your connect card or you can email your request to the church office at
Red Cross Blood Drive will be here tomorrow, August 12 in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00pm. Stop and see Jack and Brenda who will be serving food in the kitchen to all donors!
Football Chapel: The first football chapel is on Friday, 8/23 at 6:30am. A few big hearts are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders. If you are interested in helping, call the church office.
Keep On Jamming! VBS Music CDs are available at the Info Desk! Grab one for you and a friend!
Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. They meet this Thursday from 9-12 and will be working in Room 9 processing eye glasses. All are welcome!
MOPS is part of an international movement to connect moms who have one or more children ages birth to kindergarten. Our goal is to provide you with a tribe of supportive women as you navigate the world of motherhood, faith, and life together. NEW!! MOMSNEXT is for moms with school aged kiddos!! This new small group will have their own table(s) at the MOPS meetings. Meetings are 9-11am 2nd Wednesday of each month September through May. First Meeting: September 11. Visit OR /momsnext/ for more information.
Awana – Registration is now open! We are welcoming ages 3yrs to 6th grade!! To register, go to NEW!! Parents of returning clubbers have a much more abbreviated registration AND pre-orders for supplies can be placed at the same time!!! SAVE THE DATES!
- 8/21 @ 6:30pm – Volunteer Training in the chapel
- 8/28 @ 6:30pm – Parent/Guardian Night in the chapel
New Class Coming this Fall! Divorce Care WEDNESDAYS @ 6PM | BEGINNING 9/4 – Divorced? Separated? Struggling in your marriage? Divorce Care is a special seminar and support group that will walk with you through topics like, What’s happening to me?, Facing My Anger, KidCare, Forgiveness, Financial Survival and more. Register at class on 9/4!
GAiN World Hunger Project – Saturday, September 7 – 9am-12pm – PUT YOUR LOVE IN ACTION! Join hundreds of volunteers to pack rice, lentils, beans & seed packets to be sent out world-wide! To register, get more info and/or to donate check out ALL ABILITIES WELCOME.
Event Goals
- 400 Volunteers
- $27,000 for meals/seeds
- Pack 75,000 meals & 8,000 seed packets
Single Ladies Potluck Lunch – Save the Date! – Sunday, October 6 – Wear your apron and bring stories to share! More info to come.
Opportunity to serve Jesus in Costa Rica! November 2-9, 2019 – We are looking for people to serve on a missions trip to Costa Rica on one of our many teams that we will be putting together: construction, medical (needs to have some physicians, PAs, nurses and pharmacist), eye glasses, women’s ministry and VBS. Please see or contact Jeanie or Doug Wesner if you would like to join one of the teams or if you have any questions about the trip or the location. Packets of information are also located at the Info Desk.
School Supplies for Rochester! During the month of August, we’ll be collecting school supplies to help Marv Robinson, an FBC supported missionary, as he ministers to the children of Rochester. Please leave your donations of the following suggested items in the bins outside the kitchen by September 22.
- Ball Point Pens
- Boxes of Crayons (24/box preferred)
- Spiral notebooks, large with 70 pages
- Wooden Pencils
- Backpacks
- Erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser)
- Toothbrushes
- Small tubes of toothpaste
Techies needed Full Coaching and Training Provided. If interested in any of these opportunities, contact the church office. Sound Tech: Love music? Have an ear to hear the different instruments in a song? We will equip you to mix and run our sound boards for our radio and sanctuary sound ministry. Projector Tech: If you love worship music and can navigate a computer, we could use a talented computer tech to run our lyrics for worship services. Video Tech: You will be controlling multiple cameras via one master computer. You’ll need an eye for live broadcasting and enjoy multitasking.
Come & Help in The Kitchen! Family Meals are beginning September 4 and we are looking for big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours). If you are interested, contact the church office.
Sunday, August 4, 2019
Posted on Aug 3, 2019 in Newsletter |
Barnabas Sunday During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket is in the Foyer today. August’s need is for Peanut Butter & Saltines.
Blood Drive: Red Cross Blood Drive will be here Monday, August 12 in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00pm. Stop and see Jack and Brenda who will be serving food in the kitchen to all donors!
Keep On Jamming! VBS Music CDs are available at the Info Desk! Grab one for you and a friend!
Project Love Committee Member Needed The planning for Project Love (Oct. 19-20) is getting underway and we are looking for an FBC rep to be part of this committee! Good communication and organization skills needed. For more information or to volunteer contact the church office.
Gluten Free Communion Wafers – Located on the ushers’ table in the back of the sanctuary. Feel free to pick one up prior the service starting!
MISSION TRIP RECAP: Sunday!! New Bern, NC | Chapel | 6PM – Join us to hear about what God did through our team back in May! Dessert Donations would be greatly appreciated! A Love Offering will be collected and given to Samaritan’s Purse.
Single Ladies Potluck Lunch – Save the Date! Sunday, October 6 – Wear your apron and bring stories to share! More info to come.
Opportunity to serve Jesus in Costa Rica! November 2-9, 2019 – Check out our table in the Main Foyer! We are looking for people to serve on a missions trip to Costa Rica on one of our many teams that we will be putting together: construction, medical (needs to have some physicians, PAs, nurses and pharmacist), eye glasses, women’s ministry and VBS. Please see or contact Jeanie or Doug Wesner if you would like to join one of the teams or if you have any questions about the trip or the location. Packets of information are also located at the Info Desk.
Awana Registration – We are welcoming ages 3yrs to 6th grade!! Visit to register. NEW!! Parents of returning clubbers have a much more abbreviated registration AND pre-orders for supplies can be placed at the same time!!!
World Hunger Project – Saturday, September 7 – 9am-12pm – Join hundreds of volunteers to pack rice, lentils, beans & seed packets to be sent out world-wide! To register, get more info and/or to donate check out Event Goals
- 400 Volunteers
- $27,000 for meals/seeds
- Pack 75,000 meals
- 8,000 seed packets
Donation Update: 29% to goal!
School Supplies for Rochester, NY! During the month of August, we’ll be collecting school supplies to help Marv Robinson, an FBC supported missionary, as he ministers to the children of Rochester. Please leave your donations of the following suggested items in the bins outside the kitchen by September 22.
- Ball Point Pens
- Boxes of Crayons (24/box preferred)
- Spiral notebooks, large with 70 pages
- Wooden Pencils
- Backpacks
- Erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser)
- Toothbrushes
- Small tubes of toothpaste
If you had fun volunteering at VBS & Family Fun Day, here are more opportunities to bless Children & Youth at FBC: MOPS 2.5hrs per month -Wed. morning – Babies to 5 yrs
AWANA 1.5hrs per week-Wed. evenings – 3 yrs to 6th grade
Jr & Sr High 2hrs/week- Wed. evening 6th to 12th grade
Children’s Churches 1.5hrs/week – 10:30am service 3 to 5yrs or 1.5hrs/week – 10:30am service K to 2nd grade
Sunday School 1.5hrs/week – 9:15am All ages *Child Safe Church Clearances are required for these positions*
Or JOIN THE KITCHEN TEAM! Midweek meals begin 9/4 and we are looking for help! Interested? Contact the Church Office.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Posted on Jul 27, 2019 in Newsletter |
Pizza with the Pastors: Cancelled for Sunday. We’ll catch up with you after the summer!
Barnabas Sunday During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket is in the Foyer next Sunday. August’s need is for Peanut Butter & Saltines.
Ladies Bible Study Steering Team will be meeting on Tuesday August 6 at 9:30 at the Muffin Man. Contact Heather Hess with questions.
Project Love Committee Member Needed The planning for Project Love (Oct. 19-20) is getting underway and we are looking for an FBC rep to be part of this committee! Good communication and organization skills needed. For more information or to volunteer, circle “P” on your connect card!
Encourage Those Who Were Baptized! We had a wonderful baptism service last Sunday! Over 100 attendees came to encourage the them as they were baptized. Please continue to pray for them as they strive to follow HIM.
LuoPad Team Join us the first Thursday of every month in the gym at 9:30am. The LuoPads we assemble will be added to kits that will be handed out in Costa Rica by the Women’s Ministry team. If you’d like sewing lessons so you can help out, contact Patty Miller. Monetary donations can be made out to FBC with LuoPads in the memo.
Montour Delong Fair Vesper Service is Sunday at 7PM. The fairgrounds are located at 5848 Broadway Road, Danville.
WGRC Day at Knoebel’s is Friday, August 4. See the Allan Scott Band, Caitie Hurst, and Josh Wilson perform at the Band Shell!
Mission Trip Recap: NEXT WEEK! – New Bern, NC | Chapel | 6PM – Join us to hear about what God did through our team back in May! Dessert Donations would be greatly appreciated!
Opportunity to serve Jesus in Costa Rica! November 2-9, 2019 – Check out our table in the Main Foyer! We are looking for people to serve on a missions trip to Costa Rica on one of our many teams that we will be putting together: construction, medical (needs to have some physicians, PAs, nurses and pharmacist), eye glasses, women’s ministry and VBS. Please see or contact Jeanie or Doug Wesner if you would like to join one of the teams or if you have any questions about the trip or the location. Packets of information are also located at the Info Desk.
GAiN World Hunger Project – Saturday, September 7 – 9am-12pm – Join hundreds of volunteers to pack rice, lentils, beans & seed packets to be sent out world-wide! To register, get more info and/or to donate check out Event Goals
- 400 Volunteers
- $27,000 for meals/seeds
- Pack 75,000 meals & 8,000 seed packets
New Discoveries at the Tract Rack! Check out the following titles to help you enrich your spiritual growth:
- Teach Us to Pray
- Biblical Meditation
- The Risk of Forgiveness
- Why Christians Doubt
And many more!!
Knoebel’s Summer Campground Ministry is Happening! Join Joe & Terry Davis of the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as their team shares the good news each Sunday!
- 9am – Knoebels: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
- 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
RightNow Media – A free gift for you! “RightNow Media; the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” – This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics, for all different ages! Wait until you see what they have for children! Get your FREE subscription today by checking it off on your connect card or you can email your request to the church office at
Movie Nights for the Family! Wednesdays | 3:45pm or 6:45pm | Now-8/21 – Movie Nights are free for the whole family! $2 Kids Meals offered. For a list of movies and dates, please see the Info Desk or our Ramp Bulletin Board. The Well Coffee House at Christ Wesleyan Church is located at 323 Stamm Road in Milton.
School Supplies for Rochester, NY! During the month of August, we’ll be collecting school supplies to help Marv Robinson, an FBC supported missionary, as he ministers to the children of Rochester. Please leave your donations of the following suggested items in the bins outside the kitchen by September 22.
- Ball Point Pens
- Boxes of Crayons (24/box preferred)
- Spiral notebooks, large with 70 pages
- Wooden Pencils
- Backpacks
- Erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser)
- Toothbrushes
- Small tubes of toothpaste
If you had fun volunteering at VBS & Family Fun Day, here are more opportunities to bless Children & Youth.
*Child Safe Church Clearances are required for these positions*
Program Time Commitment Ages/Grades of Children
2.5hrs per month -Wed. morning Babies to 5 years old
Position: MOPS KIDS (childcare team)
Contact: Kathie Nagle
1.5hrs per week-Wed. evenings 3 year olds to 6th grade
Positions: Group Leader/Helper, Mentor, Game Director, Score Keeper & more!!
Contact: Katie Yarger
Jr & Sr High
2hrs/week- Wed. evening 6th grade to 12th grade
Positions: Weekly Helpers and Event Team
Contact: Pastor Luke
Children’s Churches
1.5hrs/week – 10:30am service 3 years olds to Kindergarten 1st to 4th graders
Position: Leader/Helper/Clerk
Contact: Church Office (570) 275-1511
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Posted on Jul 20, 2019 in Newsletter |
Vesper Service – Montour-Delong Community Fair – Join us NEXT SUNDAY at 7:00 PM to kick off the fair by praising God! The fair is located at 5848 Broadway Road, Danville.
River Baptism – SUNDAY – 4:30pm – Bring your chair to Montgomery Park in Danville as we celebrate the public statement of changed life!
- Cookies & Brownies Needed Any and all non-meltable (it’s hot out there!) goodies would be appreciated! Please drop off items marked “baptism” in the kitchen by Sunday morning or bring items directly to the baptism. Thank you in advance!
- Danville Heritage Festival Hymn Sing Stay after the baptism and join in praising our Savior at 6:30pm!
New Books at the Library! Check out the new selection of books that arrived at our Library! It is open Sunday mornings between services. Also, if you have any overdue books, please return them at your earliest convenience.
Keep On Jamming! VBS Music CDs are available at the Info Desk! Grab one for you and a friend!
I’m Siiiiiiinging in the Rain – Did you leave your umbrella here? Please check our coat racks to make sure! Missing other things? Don’t forget to check Lost & Found located in the gym lobby.
Summer Campground Ministry – Join Joe & Terry Davis of the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as they share the good news each Sunday!
- 9am:Knoebels: Near campground registration Desk *Bring Chairs!
- 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
“RightNow Media; the Netflix of Christian Bible Studies” – This huge online video library is full of studies on all different topics, for all different ages! Wait until you see what they have for children! Get your FREE subscription today by checking it off on your connect card or you can email your request to the church office at
Opportunity to serve Jesus in Costa Rica November 2-9, 2019 – We are looking for people to serve on a missions trip to Costa Rica on one of our many teams that we will be putting together: construction, medical (needs to have some physicians, PAs, nurses and pharmacist), eye glasses, women’s ministry and VBS. Please see or contact Jeanie or Doug Wesner if you would like to join one of the teams or if you have any questions about the trip or the location. Packets of information are also located at the Info Desk.
World Hunger Project – Saturday, September 7 – 9am-12pm – Join hundreds of volunteers to pack rice, lentils, beans & seed packets to be sent out world-wide! To register, get more info and/or to donate check out Event Goals:
- 400 Volunteers
- $27,000 for meals/seeds
- Pack 75,000 meals & 8,000 seed packets
Donation Update: 4.4% to goal!
New things are coming to Thrive Sunday School Class | 9:15a, Room 108
- Midweek Fellowship – Thursday evenings, coming this fall
- Third Sunday lunch together – come out today after church!
- Summer Socials – Bonfire at the Yargers’ on July 26 at 7p – more TBA!
For more info call/text Andrew Horvath.
Pizza with the Pastors – Sunday, July 28 following the 10:30am service – This is for new attenders. Join the pastors for an informal time together to get better acquainted. Sign-up at the Info Desk, ramp bulletin board or your Sunday class.
New Discoveries at the Tract Rack!! Check out the following titles to help you enrich your spiritual growth:
- Teach Us to Pray
- Biblical Meditation
- The Risk of Forgiveness
- Why Christians Doubt
And many more!!
The Socks & Underwear Drive is here!! Please bring your donation of new socks and/or underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the kitchen foyer by TODAY. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they prepare for the new school year.
Freedom Found in Prison! – Our prison ministry team would like to give you the opportunity to encourage the young men coming to their Bible study! Drop a card off at the office! Note: cards only, please, in unsealed envelopes. Interested in joining this ministry for young men, contact the church office!
WGRC Day at Knoebel’s is Friday, August 2 – Featuring Josh Wilson, Caitie Hurst, and the Allan Scott Band
If you had fun volunteering at VBS & Family Fun Day, here are more opportunities to bless children at FBC!
Program – Time Commitment – Ages/Grades of Children
MOPS 2.5hrs per month -Wed. morning Babies to 5 years old
Position: MOPS KIDS (childcare team)
Contact: Kathie Nagle
AWANA 1.5hrs per week-Wed. evenings 3 year olds to 6th grade
Positions: Group Leader/Helper, Mentor, Game Director, Score Keeper & more!!
Contact: Katie Yarger
Jr & Sr High 2hrs/week- Wed. evening 6th grade to 12th grade
Positions: Weekly Helpers and Event Team
Contact: Pastor Luke
Children’s Churches 1.5hrs/week – 10:30am service 3 to 5 years olds & 1st to 4th graders
Position: Leader/Helper/Clerk
Contact: Church Office (570) 275-1511
*Child Safe Church Clearances are required for these positions*
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Posted on Jul 13, 2019 in Newsletter |
Family Fun Day – July 14th
8:00 AM—Traditional Service
9:15 AM—Sunday Bible School
10:30 AM—VBS Closing Program
11:00 AM—Lunch (1st Seating) *For those not attending the VBS Closing
11:30 AM—Lunch (2nd Seating)
12:00 PM—Games Begin
2:30 PM—Conclusion
New Books at the Library! Check out the new selection of books that arrived at our Library! It is open Sunday mornings between services. Also, if you have any overdue books, please return them at your earliest convenience.
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 21, at 4:30 PM. Stick around after the baptism for the Danville Heritage Hymn Sing at 6:30pm!
River Baptism Dessert Donations are needed for the baptism and can be dropped off in the FBC kitchen that morning or brought to the service.
GAiN World Hunger Project Saturday, September 7, from 9-12pm, hundreds of people will be joining together in the BFLC to pack thousands of meals and seed packs! You do not want to miss this event! For more info on registering and/or donating check out!
Opportunity to serve Jesus in Costa Rica! We are looking for people to serve on a missions trip to Costa Rica November 2-9, 2019on one of our many teams that we will be putting together: construction, medical (needs to have some physicians, PAs, nurses and pharmacist), eye glasses, women’s ministry and VBS. Please see or contact Jeanie or Doug Wesner if you would like to join one of the teams or if you have any questions about the trip or the location. Packets of information are also located at the Info Desk.
Sunday, July 7, 2019
Posted on Jul 6, 2019 in Newsletter |
Barnabas Sunday During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket is in the Foyer today. July’s need is for Jell-O & Pudding.
Bus for Sale! Our bus was approved to be sold at our Spring Business meeting. If you, or anyone you know is interested, please email Jason Martello at or call the office at (570) 275-1511.
No Jr. Children’s Church Next Week Due to the VBS Closing Ceremony happening during the 10:30 service, there will be no Jr. Children’s Church.
New Books at the Library! Check out the new selection of books that arrived at our Library! It is open Sunday mornings between services. Also, if you have any overdue books, please return them at your earliest convenience.
River Baptism Dessert Donations are needed for the baptism and can be dropped off in the FBC kitchen that morning or brought to the service.
Heritage Festival Hymn Sing Stick around after the baptism for the Danville Heritage Hymn Sing at 6:30pm!
GAiN World Hunger Project Saturday, September 7, from 9-12pm, hundreds of people will be joining together in the BFLC to pack thousands of meals and seed packs! You do not want to miss this event! For more info on registering and/or donating check out!
River Baptism – Sunday, July 21 | 4:30pm – If you are interested in being baptized, please check off “baptism” on your Connect Card. Deadline is TODAY!
Family Fun Day!! Sunday, July 14 – 12-2:30pm – Free Picnic Lunch, Sundaes, Games, Prizes, Huge Inflatables & More!!! Fun for the WHOLE family! We are looking for volunteers! Check out the table in the lobby for options!
VBS Need-To-Knows TRAINING CLASS (LAST CHANCE!) TODAY | 9:15am – We’ll be in the Conference Room by the Office! Annual Safe Church Class refresher Course available at this time
KITCHEN DONATIONS FOR KIDDOS: Thank you for all your donations!! FOR VOLUNTEERS: We greatly appreciate both sweet & savory grab-n-go donations! Heartfelt thanks in advance!
PRAYER GUIDES AVAILABLE! We ask for your prayer as the power of prayer is a vital part of VBS. Prayer Calendars are available at the Info Desk for pick up.
Movie Nights for the Family!! Wednesdays | 3:45pm or 6:45pm | Now-8/21 – Movie Nights are free for the whole family! $2 Kids Meals offered. For a list of movies and dates, please see the Info Desk or our Ramp Bulletin Board. The Well Coffee House at Christ Wesleyan Church is located at 323 Stamm Road in Milton.
NEW Quarterly Devotionals! Check out the Tract Rack to pick up your new Large Print Our Daily Bread and Keys for Kids devotional for July-August-September!
Opportunity to serve Jesus in Costa Rica! November 2-9, 2019 – We are looking for people to serve on a missions trip to Costa Rica on one of our many teams that we will be putting together: construction, medical (needs to have some physicians, PAs, nurses and pharmacist), eye glasses, women’s ministry and VBS. Please see or contact Jeanie or Doug Wesner if you would like to join one of the teams or if you have any questions about the trip or the location. Packets of information are also located at the Info Desk.
The Socks & Underwear Drive is here!! Please bring your donation of new socks and/or underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the kitchen foyer until Sunday, July 21st. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they prepare for the new school year.
Freedom Found in Prison! Our prison ministry team would like to share their excitement in seeing 3 young men make a public statement of their faith in baptism on June 24! Due to privacy laws we cannot share their names, however if you would like to encourage these young men, drop a card off at the office! Note: please do not add anything to your card and do not seal the envelope. The prison ministry team will gladly bring them to the young men! If you are interested in joining the prison ministry for young men, circle “P”!
Sr. & Jr. High Youth – 24/7 Mission Week – July 7-13 – Sr. & Jr. High will be doing various service projects during the week, have Bible sessions and help out at VBS. If you’d like a free car wash, stop by the church parking lot on Friday from 1-2:30pm!
- TODAY! – Backyard Tour 6PM @ the Puccio’s – Van leaves FBC at 5:30!!
- July 7-13 – Jr & Sr High 24/7
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Posted on Jun 29, 2019 in Newsletter |
Missionary Receptions – TODAY with Corby & Ashley White serving with World Venture, Poland. Join us in the gym tonight at 6:00 PM and be encouraged by the work that is being done through the Whites. * Dessert donations appreciated! *
- Coming Up August 4 – New Bern, NC Team Recap
Missionary Updates!! Did you know that we have a wall dedicated to sharing the newsletters we receive from the missionaries that FBC supports? You can find it in the chapel entrance (parking lot level). Keep up-to-date on what’s going on and how you can pray for them and the work that God is doing!
Barnabas Sunday During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket is in the Foyer today. July’s need is for Jell-O & Pudding.
Bus for Sale! Our bus was approved to be sold at our Spring Business meeting. If you or anyone you know is interested, please email Jason Martello at or call the office at (570) 275-1511.
Host Families Needed We love hearing from our missionaries when they get the chance to visit FBC! When they do come, we are in need of families to host them during their stay. This includes providing breakfast for them in the morning(s). If interested, please contact Alice Laidacker.
Please Note!
- The Church Office summer hours are in effect through August 16th. The office will be open 9AM – 3PM Monday-Friday.
- The Church Office will be closed on July 4 for the holiday. ARMS, Fishnet and LuoPads Work Session will not meet this day.
New Books at the Library! Check out the new selection of books that arrived at our Library! It is open Sunday mornings between services. Also, if you have any overdue books, please return them at your earliest convenience.
River Baptism – Sunday, July 21 | 4:30pm – If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office. Deadline is Next Sunday!
Family Fun Day!! Sunday, July 14 – 12-2:30pm – Free Picnic Lunch, Sundaes, Games, Prizes, Huge Inflatables & More!!! Fun for the WHOLE family! We are looking for volunteers! Check out the table in the lobby for options!
Youth 24/7 Mission Week – July 7-13 – Sr. & Jr. High will be doing various service projects during the week, have Bible sessions and help out at VBS. Please call the church office if you or someone you know could use some assistance with any odd jobs.
VBS Need-to-Knows TRAINING CLASS (LAST CHANCE!) NEXT SUNDAY | 9:15am – We’ll be in the Conference Room by the Office! Annual Safe Church Class refresher Course available at this time
- FOR KIDDOS: We are asking for specific items to be able to make their snacks. **Please drop off donations by Sunday (6/30) in the Kitchen – Thanks!**
- FOR VOLUNTEERS: We greatly appreciate both sweet & savory grab-n-go donations! Heartfelt thanks in advance!
PRAYER GUIDES AVAILABLE! We ask for your prayer as the power of prayer is a vital part of VBS. Prayer Calendars are available at the Info Desk for pick up.
Knoebel’s Summer Campground Ministry Has Begun! Join Joe & Terry Davis of the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as their team shares the good news each Sunday!
- 9am – Knoebels: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
- 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
NEW Quarterly Devotionals! Check out the Tract Rack to pick up your new Large Print Our Daily Bread and Keys for Kids devotional for July-August-September!
Community Opportunities – Wondering how you can reach our community for Christ? Here are some opportunities! Danville Little League is looking for volunteers to help out with theconcession on the following dates and times: July 1-4:30pm & 7pm | July 3-5pm & 7:30pm | July 5-5pm | July 7-5pm Emma Gibson will meet you at the concession stand to show you the ropes. Interested? Circle “B” on your connect card and indicate the date & time you are interested in!
Freedom Found in Prison! Our prison ministry team would like to share their excitement in seeing 3 young men make a public statement of their faith in baptism on Monday! Due to privacy laws we cannot share their names, however if you would like to encourage these young men, drop a card off at the office! Note: please do not add anything additional to your card and do not seal the envelope. The prison ministry team will gladly bring them to the young men! If you are interested in joining the prison ministry, contact the church office!
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Posted on Jun 22, 2019 in Newsletter |
Missionary Reception with Elohim & Karla Salazar serving with Missions Door, Mexico. Join us in the gym tonight at 6:00 PM and be encouraged by the work that is being done through the Salazars. Pizza will be served. * Sign up at the info desk if you are planning to attend.* Coming Up this Summer:
- June 30 – Corby & Ashley White
- August 4 – New Bern, NC Team
Missionary Updates!! Did you know that we have a wall dedicated to sharing the newsletters we receive from the missionaries that FBC supports? You can find it in the chapel entrance (parking lot level). Keep up-to-date on what’s going on and how you can pray for them and the work that God is doing!
Sunday Evening Bible Study with Pastor Paul has wrapped up for the summer. It will resume on September 8!
Host Families Needed We love hearing from our missionaries when they get the chance to visit FBC! When they do come, we are in need of families to host them during their stay. This includes providing breakfast for them in the morning(s). If interested, please contact Alice Laidacker.
Bulletin Collators Needed We need 1 or 2 people to put together our service bulletins on Friday afternoons. The job takes about 1.5 hours and bulletins are typically ready by 2pm. This is a sit down job. If you are interested, contact the church office.
Please Note! The Church Office summer hours are now in effect through August 16th. The office will be open 9AM – 3PM Monday-Friday.
New Arrivals! The large print Our Daily Bread July-August-September edition has arrived as well as the kids devotional, Keys for Kids!! Grab yours today!
New Books at the Library! Check out the new selection of books that arrived at our Library! It is open Sunday mornings between services. Also, if you have any overdue books, please return them at your earliest convenience.
Ricketts Glen Young Adult Trip – Saturday, June 29th!
When: Leaving the church parking lot at 9am and returning by 4pm
What: Hiking the Falls trail that has some amazing waterfalls! We will pack food to make sandwiches for lunch by Lake Jean as well. Bring your swim suit and a towel if you’d like to swim! Please feel free to invite your friends!
Contact: Jillian Schaeffer by June 26
Bonus: Our group will also go out to lunch at a local restaurant after church on June 23rd
River Baptism – Sunday, July 21 | 4:30pm – If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office. Deadline is July 7!
Jr. Children’s Church Has Begun!! For potty-trained 3 to 5 year olds. Jr. Children’s Church is dismissed during the 10:30 service, where parents can then bring kiddos down to the 1st grade class room in Noah’s Ark Hallway. Nursery sign-in procedure will apply. God’s Champions also welcomes kiddos with special needs to join!
Community Opportunity – Wondering how you can reach our community for Christ? Here are some opportunities! Danville Little League is looking for volunteers to help out with the concession on the following dates and times: July 1-4:30pm & 7pm | July 3-5pm & 7:30pm | July 5-5pm | July 7-5pm Emma Gibson will meet you at the concession stand to show you the ropes. Interested? Circle “B” on your connect card and indicate the date & time you are interested in!
Knoebel’s Summer Campground Ministry Has Begun! Join Joe & Terry Davis of the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as their team shares the good news each Sunday!
- 9am – Knoebels: Across from campground registration desk *Bring chairs!
- 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
Youth 24/7 Mission Week – July 7-13 – Sr. & Jr. High will be doing various service projects during the week, have Bible sessions and help out at VBS. Please call the church office if you or someone you know could use some assistance with any odd jobs.
VBS NEED-TO-KNOWS TRAINING CLASS (LAST CHANCE!) – SUNDAY, JULY 7 | 9:15am – We’ll be in the Conference Room by the Office! Annual Safe Church Class refresher Course available at this time KITCHEN DONATIONS
- FOR KIDDOS – We are asking for specific items to be able to make their snacks. **Please drop off donations by NEXT SUNDAY in the Kitchen – Thanks!**
- FOR VOLUNTEERS – We greatly appreciate both sweet & savory grab-n-go donations!
VBS PRAYER GUIDES AVAILABLE! We ask for your prayer as the power of prayer is a vital part of VBS. Prayer Calendars are available at the Info Desk for pick up.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Posted on Jun 15, 2019 in Newsletter |
Updated Church Directories are available to all for pick-up at the Info Desk.
Sunday Evening Bible Study with Pastor Paul has wrapped up for the summer. It will resume on September 8!
Host Families Needed We love hearing from our missionaries when they get the chance to visit FBC! When they do come, we are in need of families to host them during their stay. This includes providing breakfast for them in the morning(s). If interested, please contact Alice Laidacker.
Bulletin Collators Needed We need 1 or 2 people to put together our service bulletins on Friday afternoons. The job takes about 1.5 hours and bulletins are typically ready by 2pm. This is a sit down job. If you are interested, contact the church office.
Please Note! The Church Office summer hours are now in effect through August 16th. The office will be open 9AM – 3PM Monday-Friday.
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Today is the last day to sign up for the TUESDAY packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Sign-up is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk. A heartfelt thanks for your M&M Tube donations that went towards this trip!
Junior Children’s Church Begins Today!! For potty-trained 3 to 5 year olds. They will be dismissed during the 10:30 service, where parents can then bring kiddos down to the 1st grade class room in Noah’s Ark Hallway. Nursery sign-in procedure will apply. God’s Champions also welcomes kiddos with special needs to join!
TRAINING CLASSES for VBS – JUNE 20, 21 | 6:30pm – (Thursday & Friday of this week!) You only need to attend one class. Annual Safe Church Class refresher Course available at this time.
KITCHEN DONATIONS for VBS FOR KIDDOS: We are asking for specific items to be able to make their snacks. FOR VOLUNTEERS: We greatly appreciate both sweet & savory grab-n-go donations! Contact the church office to sign up to donate snacks.
VBS PRAYER GUIDES AVAILABLE! We ask for your prayer as the power of prayer is a vital part of VBS. Prayer Calendars are available at the Info Desk for pick up.
Ricketts Glen Young Adult Trip – Saturday, June 29th!
When: Leaving the church parking lot at 9am and returning by 4pm
What: Hiking the Falls trail that has some amazing waterfalls! We will pack food to make sandwiches for lunch by Lake Jean as well. Bring your swim suit and a towel if you’d like to swim! Please feel free to invite your friends!
Contact: Jillian Schaeffer by June 26
Bonus: Our group will also go out to lunch at a local restaurant after church on June 23rd
River Baptism – Sunday, July 21 | 4:30pm – If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office. Deadline is July 7!
24/7 Mission Week – July 7-13 – Have yardwork? Odd Jobs? Sr. & Jr. High will be doing various service projects during the week, have Bible sessions and help out at VBS. Please call the church office if you or someone you know could use some assistance with any odd jobs.
Sunday, June 9, 2019
Posted on Jun 8, 2019 in Newsletter |
Gluten Free Communion Wafers available Communion Sundays. Located on the ushers’ table in the back of the sanctuary. Feel free to pick one up prior the service starting!
Building Project Update – Thank you for the prayers!! Valley Township approved the plans. Pending the approval of the Commissioners at next week’s meeting, the plans could go to the courthouse and we could possibly have all the approvals we need by next Thursday. Schedules are being coordinated to see if we can start construction by June 19 or 20 and have the pole building up by July 4. If this happens it will be a total “God Hug” as my sister says. In construction, you never want to get too down or too excited, so keep praying that no issues arise. In His service, Doug Wesner – Building Committee Chairman * If you would like to donate towards Forever Being Changed, project envelopes are located in the pews!
Barnabas Sunday During the communion Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket is in the Foyer today. June’s need is for Canned Fruit.
Blood Drive Tomorrow: Red Cross Blood Drive will be in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00pm. Stop and see Jack and Brenda who will be serving food in the kitchen to all donors!
Security Notice: Starting next Sunday, the Springer Chapel exterior entrance (door 2) will be locked at 10:50am for the contemporary worship time. Security staff will be at the door until 11am to let people in for the service. Anyone arriving after 11am will need to use the main entrance (door 1). Thank you for your understanding as we work to keep FBC a safe place.
Special Prayer Meeting Today after the 10:30 service for the DeRemer family.
Updated Directories Available to all for pick-up at the Info Desk.
Shine Summer Sunday School – Begins TODAY for all kiddos going into 2nd through 5th grade! Meet us in the gym each Sunday at 9:15 am to sign in.
God’s Girls – BIBLE STUDY | MUSIC | CRAFTS | GAMES | LIFE SKILLS – Mondays | JUNE 10, 24 JULY 15, 29 | 9am-2pm
For Girls going into 3rd – 6th grade! This is a day camp style format with worship in song, large group devotional time, small group breakout sessions, journal time, team building activities, crafts, skill building and good ol’ summertime fun! Sunday is the last day to sign up!
Jr Children’s Church – Begins Next Sunday! For potty-trained 3 to 5 year olds – Jr. Children’s Church will be dismissed during the 10:30 service, where parents can then bring kiddos down to the 1st grade class room in Noah’s Ark Hallway. Nursery sign-in procedure will apply. Pre-register today by filling out a form at the Info Desk! God’s Champions also welcomes kiddos with special needs to join!
VBS TRAINING CLASSES – JUNE 10, 11, 20, 21 | 6:30pm – (Monday & Tuesday of this week!) You only need to attend one class. Sign-ups still available in the main lobby! PRAYER GUIDES AVAILABLE! We ask for your prayer as the power of prayer is a vital part of VBS. Prayer Calendars are available at the Info Desk for pick up.
Heartfelt Thanks! Many thanks to our Sunday Bible School teachers, helpers, clerks and Superintendent, Lisa Houser, for another wonderful year! “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4
River Baptism – Sunday, July 21 | 4:30pm – If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office.
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Sign up today for the June 18th packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Sign up is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk. (M&M Tube donations are due Sunday!)
Community Opportunities – Wondering how you can reach our community for Christ? Here are some opportunities! If interested, contact the church office.
- Ferry Street Market – FBC has the opportunity to host a kid’s table at the market on June 15 from 8am-12pm. An easy craft will be provided and time commitments can be 8-10am or 10-12pm.
- Danville Little League is looking for volunteers to help out with concession stand, field maintenance, scorekeeping & book keeping for dates between June 16 to July 6. Interested?
- Thomas Beaver Library is looking for a representative from FBC to become a board member! The time commitment is one meeting per month. Interested?
Summer Office Hours – June 10 to August 16 / Monday – Friday / 9AM-3PM
Have yard work/odd jobs to be done? Youth 24/7 Mission Week is July 8-12. Sr. & Jr. High will be doing various service projects during the week, have Bible sessions and help out at VBS. Please call the church office if you or someone you know could use some assistance with any odd jobs.
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