Sunday, May 1, 2022

Spring Fling  Spring Fling takes place Saturday, May , from 9am-4pm. We’ll be making crafts with children! Come by the tent. Its a great opportunity for ALL ages.
 Ladies Retreat!! September 16-18 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! “How is your prayer life? Have you ever asked the Lord to teach you to pray?” We would love for you to join us at Ladies Retreat this year as we study Jesus’ example to the disciples, the Lord’s Prayer! Sign-up at Retreat Table in the main foyer
Baccalaureate will be taking place at the Danville High School auditorium next Sunday at 7pm. Both Pastor Dawes and Pastor Luke will be speaking at the event. All are welcome!
Fishnet Meeting This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please call Donna Outt.
Special Business Meeting.  Next Sunday, May 15 @ 12pm. We’ll be starting the meeting by voting on new member candidates recommended by our Board of Deacons. The Children’s Ministry Director Search Committee, along with the Board of Deacons and the Board of Elders are presenting Katie Yarger as the candidate for this position. Please join us for this special meeting to get to know Katie and place your vote. Lunch will be provided! Please sign up at the Info Desk or the Welcome Table. Note: Due to the significance of this position in the life and ministry of this church, all voting members are encouraged to attend.
Spring Business Meeting Wednesday, May 25 @ 7pm. Join us as we catch up on what going on at FBC! We’ll be talking about the parsonage and organ, discussing finances and more.
Ladies Open Door Summer Bible Study! Beginning Wednesday, May 18th @ 6:30pm. In-person & Zoom Sessions – More info to come. This 5 week study will cover the book The Red Sea Rules by Robert J. Morgan. Life is hard. It is certain that we will face difficulties, and that God will allow them, as He allowed the Israelites to become trapped between Pharaoh’s rushing armies and the uncrossable Red Sea. But just as certain is the fact that the same God who led us in will lead us out. As The Red Sea Rules makes clear, He is in control. Books available at the Sign up table in the main lobby for a suggested donation of $8. Sign up today! Childcare available upon request at sign up.
VBS is Coming! July 11-15 | 6-8:30PM
VBS Team Sign Ups  Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at We revamped our Safe Church Class!! Unit 7 can now be completed online by watching 3 videos and filling out a form. This needs to be completed annually. Kiddo Registration begins June 1st!
Welcome to Bloomsburg  Dwell Orphan Care! From adoption assistance grants, to children’s clothing & supplies, to night-out opportunities for parents and much more, Dwell’s goal is to support families in the journey of fostering and adoption. We’d like to welcome them by collecting baby and children’s clothing in excellent condition (no rips, stains & freshly laundered) and new socks, undies and diapers. Collection bins are available in the main foyer and the gym. |
Missionary Reception Join us on Sunday, May 22 at 7PM for this opportunity to catch up with Keith and Beverly Sellers who serve with World Venture in Hungary! Encourage them with your presence and you will be encouraged by the work God is doing through them! Dessert Donations Welcome!
Grad Info Needed  We want to celebrate your grad on Sunday, May 15th! Please email the church your high school or college…
  • Student’s Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
– INFO DUE BY Sunday, May 8!!
Comedy Night @ FBC w inspirational comedian Dan Kulp. FRIDAY, MAY 13 @ 7PM. Dan Kulp is a Comedian, Actor, Author, and Pastor. Dan has a huge heart for those with special needs and has spent his life loving them. Three of his five children are adopted and have special needs (Down syndrome and Autism, Alfi’s syndrome, spina bifida). He also has four siblings with Down syndrome (three were adopted). Dan has twice appeared on Good Morning America and is the author of Confounding the Wise: A Celebration of Life, Love, Laughter, Adoption and the Joy of Children with Special Needs. He shares his humor at banquets, conferences, churches, camps, colleges, special needs organizations, schools and comedy clubs all around the U.S. Dan loves sharing his heart, his experiences, and his life with audiences. There will be the opportunity to donate toward his ministry. No childcare available. We look forward to seeing you there! To  register, call the office (570) 275-1511!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Home Group Info Session Sunday 4/24 after the 10:30 service. What is a Home Group? Why do I need one? Is it biblical? Where are they? This info session will answer these questions and more! Join us for a sandwich lunch as we break open this topic.
Sign up today for: Ladies Retreat! September 16-18 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! “How is your prayer life? Have you ever asked the Lord to teach you to pray?” We would love for you to join us at Ladies Retreat this year as we study Jesus’ example to the disciples, the Lord’s Prayer! Sign-up at Retreat Table in the main foyer
Online Giving Overhaul Vanco, our service company, has updated the look of their online giving site. The site is now visually easier to navigate and allows you the option to incur service fees. Hot Tip! Check out the Vanco Mobile app in the Apple App Store or Google Play! Just type in Danville First Baptist Church in the search field and you’ll see our logo.
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the books buzzing around in there!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Fishnet Meeting This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Wednesday Meal
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Cheese pizza, applesauce & veggie trays & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Grad Info Needed We want to celebrate your high school and college grads! Please email the church your:
  • Student’s Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
Comedy Night @ FBC with inspirational comedian, Dan Kulp – FRIDAY, MAY 13 @ 7PM – Dan Kulp is a Comedian, Actor, Author, and Pastor. Dan has a huge heart for those with special needs and has spent his life loving them. Three of his five children are adopted and have special needs (Down syndrome and Autism, Alfi’s syndrome, spina bifida). He also has four siblings with Down syndrome (three were adopted). Dan has twice appeared on Good Morning America and is the author of Confounding the Wise: A Celebration of Life, Love, Laughter, Adoption and the Joy of Children with Special Needs. He shares his humor at banquets, conferences, churches, camps, colleges, special needs organizations, schools and comedy clubs all around the U.S. Dan loves sharing his heart, his experiences, and his life with audiences. There will be the opportunity to donate toward his ministry. Sign up today by noting you’d like to go on your connect card and how many will be coming with you. No childcare available. We look forward to seeing you there!
The FBC Spring Fling Tent Needs YOU! “We are a community in Christ, reaching our community for Christ.” Spring Fling takes place on Saturday, May 7th from 9am-5pm. We’ll be making crafts with children! Sign up today at the Info Desk or Welcome Table to help during a time slot at the FBC tent. Great opportunity for ALL ages!
Awana Clubs Closing Celebration – Wednesday, April 27 – Pizza @ 5pm, Program 6pm – The Awana children have been hard at work all year learning verses and completing assignments as they hide God’s word in their hearts. Come and encourage them on as they receive their book awards! Please sign up for the meal in your Sunday School class or on the ramp bulletin board by 4/26. All are welcome!
Special Business Meeting – Sunday, May 15 @ 12pm – We’ll be starting the meeting by voting on the following new member candidates recommended by our Board of Deacons. The Children’s Ministry Director Search Committee, along with the Board of Deacons and the Board of Elders are presenting Katie Yarger as the candidate for this position. Please join us for this special meeting to get to know Katie and place your vote. Lunch will be provided! Please sign up at the Info Desk or the Welcome Table. Note: Due to the significance of this position in the life and ministry of this church, all voting members are encouraged to attend.
Spring Business Meeting – Wednesday, May 25 @ 7pm – Join us as we catch up on what going on at FBC! We’ll be talking about the parsonage and organ, discussing finances and more.
Church Picnic – May 1st | Rain or Shine | Montour Preserve – We are looking forward to hanging out together OUTSIDE! Grilled chicken and chips will be provided. Side dishes and desserts will be welcome. Sign-up Sunday at the Info Desk or Welcome Table!
Scholarship Funds Available The Mission Board will be accepting applications for post-high school education from applicants planning to attend post-graduate training at an academic facility with the intent to pursue ministry or missionary work upon graduation. Applications can be picked up in the Church Office. Deadline to submit your application is April 30th. For more information regarding the scholarship please contact Jeanie Wesner or Gary Lewis.
Happening Next Sunday The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in main foyer. May’s Need: Spaghetti & Sauce

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Church Picnic May 1st | Rain or Shine | Montour Preserve – We are looking forward to hanging out together OUTSIDE! Grilled chicken and chips will be provided. Side dishes and desserts will be welcome. Sign-up today at the Info Desk or Welcome Table!
Free Easter Resources for Adults and Children Easter Stories: Author, Kevin DeYoung, goal in this booklet is to share the good news of the Easter season with children. The Case for Easter: Strobel’s award-winning skills as a legal journalist will persuade even the most hard-boiled skeptics to reconsider Jesus’ death and resurrection. Grab your copy at the Tract Rack (main foyer) or Welcome Table (gym)
Special Easter Offering This year, our special Easter offering will be split between support for Ukraine and support for marriages (Weekend to Remember scholarships). Please note “Easter Offering” on your donations. Easter giving envelopes can be found in the pews.
College Care Packages are Off!! A team of 10 packed a total of 33 care packages to our college students! Thank you so much for your donations. Please keep college kids in your prayers as they head into final exams and the spiritual warfare that they face. Special thanks to Lynn for coordinating! Boxes marked for pickup are available today in the main foyer.
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the books buzzing around in there!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Fishnet Meeting This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Tomorrow: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Beef Vegetable Soup, Sliders & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Sign up for Ladies Retreat September 16-18 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! “How is your prayer life? Have you ever asked the Lord to teach you to pray?” We would love for you to join us at Ladies Retreat this year as we study Jesus’ example to the disciples, the Lord’s Prayer!
Sign-up at Retreat Table in the main foyer
National Day of Prayer Thursday, May 5 @ Noon – Join us and other local churches on the steps of the Montour County Courthouse to pray for our Nation, its leaders, teachers and service personal, and more. Rain or shine! Bring a camp chair if you like.
Don Beebe: Running on Faith – Never Give Up! #82 Overall Draft Pick in 1989, #1 Pick by the Buffalo Bills, 6 Super Bowl Appearances – Don Beebe’s story of reaching and excelling in the NFL is considered to be one of the greatest inspirational stories in professional sports. After high school, Don worked for three years in the construction industry prior to a two-year college football career. Noticed for his world-class speed at the NFL combine, Don was drafted to the NFL in 1989 and played in six Super Bowls with the Bills and Packers. FREE event.
Sensory-Friendly Worship Area! “A shush-free, judgment-free zone where ALL can safely learn about God!” Our chapel has been fitted with wiggle seats, fidget toys, dimmable lights, noise-canceling headphones, a calming special-effect light and more! We welcome all who have unique needs to enjoy this area during both of our Sunday services!
The FBC Spring Fling Tent Needs YOU! “We are a community in Christ, reaching our community for Christ.” Spring Fling take place on Saturday, May 7th from 9am-5pm. We’ll be making crafts with children! Sign up today at the Info Desk or Welcome Table to help during a time slot at the FBC tent. Great opportunity for ALL ages!
Stay in Step with FBC Sign up today to receive our e-newsletters! Tuesday: Pastors Corner will encourage your heart and “equip you for works of service” (Eph 4:12). Friday: FBC Friday News will keep you informed with what’s going on and how you can get plugged in! All we need is your name and email!
Calling All Medical Professionals Solid Rock International is putting together a missions trip to the Dominican Republic from September 24 through October 1. All types of medical professionals are welcome! Contact Gary Lewis ASAP if you have questions or you would like to go. Contact Gary.
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen Diane Gelbaugh will be mixing things up for the Jubilee Kitchen on April 21st. Monetary donations would be greatly appreciated to cover the cost of the meal. Please make checks out to FBC with “Jubilee Kitchen” in the memo. Any excess donations will go to benefit the Youth Scholarship fund.
Online Giving Overhaul Vanco, our service company, has updated the look of their online giving site. The site is now visually easier to
navigate and allows you the option to incur service fees. Hot Tip! Check out the Vanco Mobile app in the Apple App Store or Google Play! Just type in Danville First Baptist Church in the search field and you’ll see our logo.
Scholarship Funds Available The Mission Board will be accepting applications for post-high school education from applicants planning to attend post-graduate training at an academic facility with the intent to pursue ministry or missionary work upon graduation. Applications can be picked up in the Church Office. Deadline to submit your application is April 30th. For more information regarding the scholarship please contact Jeanie Wesner or Gary Lewis.
Home Group Info Session Sunday, April 24 after the 10:30 service What is a Home Group? Why do I need one? Is it biblical? Where are they? This info session will answer these questions and more! Join us for a sandwich lunch as we break open this topic. Sign up on your connect card and let us know how many will be attending with you.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Easter Schedule
Good Friday – Service at 7PM
Easter: SonRise Service – 7AM (indoor)
Easter Breakfast – 8:15AM (must sign up)
Egg Hunt – 9:15AM (must sign up)
Easter Service – 10:30AM
Special Easter Offering This year, our special Easter offering will be split between support for Ukraine and support for marriages (Weekend to Remember scholarships). Please note “Easter Offering” on your donations. Easter giving envelopes can be found in the pews.
Red Cross Blood Drive will be here Monday, in the BFLC (gym) from 1:00-6:00pm. The Red Cross is in need of blood and is taking every precaution to keep everyone safe during their collections.
Free Booklet The Case for Easter Strobel’s award-winning skills as a legal journalist will persuade even the most hard-boiled skeptics to reconsider Jesus’ death and resurrection. Grab your copy at the Tract Rack or Welcome Table! Easter themed tracts also available at the Tract Rack!
Fishnet Meeting This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Tomorrow: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Meatball Hoagies, Macaroni Salad, Chips & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Baptism Sundays Coming! April 24th | June 19 (Father’s Day). If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your
by 4/10 for the April date!
Easter Egg Hunt Welcome Egg Hunters Ages 3 to 6th grade!! This is not only a time of fun but also centered on the gospel! Bring a friend! Must pre-register. The egg hunt will start at 9:15am in the gym. Sign-up TODAY so we have eggs & goodie bags for everyone! Help Needed in setup/decorating, check-in & clean up. Please note on your connect card!
Easter Breakfast Following the Easter SonRise service, we’ll head to the gym to enjoy a hearty breakfast together! Please sign up by Sunday 4/10. Help Needed! If you would like to help with the breakfast, please also note this when you sign up!
Memorial Easter Flowers  Potted Easter flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $10. They will be available to take home on Easter Sunday after the services. Please contact the church office by TODAY to participate.
Heartfelt Thanks! Many thanks to those who helped at Spring Clean Up as well to those who delivered Easter gifts to the homebound. “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10 ESV)
Calling All Medical Professionals  Solid Rock International is putting together a missions trip to the Dominican Republic from September 24 through October 1. All types of medical professionals are welcome! Contact Gary Lewis ASAP if you have questions or you would like to go. Contact Gary Lewis.
Church Picnic  May 1st | Rain or Shine | Montour Preserve – We are looking forward to hanging out together OUTSIDE! Grilled chicken and chips will be provided. Side dishes and desserts will be welcome. Sign-up at the Info Desk or Welcome Table!
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen Diane Gelbaugh will be mixing things up for the Jubilee Kitchen on April 21st. Monetary donations would be greatly appreciated to cover the cost of the meal. Please make checks out to FBC with “Jubilee Kitchen” in the memo. Any excess donations will go to benefit the Youth Scholarship fund.
Free Easter Book for Kiddos Author, Kevin DeYoung, took five stories from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook and consolidated them in this booklet to share the good news of the Easter season with children. Grab your copy at the Tract Rack or Welcome Table!
Online Giving Overhaul  Vanco, our service company, has updated the look of their online giving site. The site is now visually easier to navigate and allows you the option to incur service fees. Hot Tip! Check out the Vanco Mobile app in the Apple App Store or Google Play! Just type in Danville First Baptist Church in the search field and you’ll see our logo.
Scholarship Funds Available The Mission Board will be accepting applications for post-high school education from applicants planning to attend post-graduate training at an academic facility with the intent to pursue ministry or missionary work upon graduation. Applications can be picked up in the Church Office. Deadline to submit your application is April 30th. For more information regarding the scholarship please contact Jeanie Wesner or Gary Lewis.
Home Group Info Session Sunday, April 24 after the 10:30 service What is a Home Group? Why do I need one? Is it biblical? Where are they? This info session will answer these questions and more! Join us for a sandwich lunch as we break open this topic. Sign up on your connect card and let us know how many will be attending with you.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Holy Week & Easter
  • Palm Sunday 4/10 – Regular service times
  • Good Friday 4/15 – Service at 7PM
  • Easter SonRise Service – 7AM (indoor)
  • Easter Breakfast – 8:15AM (must sign up)
  • Egg Hunt – 9:15AM (must sign up)
  • Easter Service – 10:30AM
Special Easter Offering  This year, our special Easter offering will be split between support for Ukraine and support for marriages (Weekend to Remember scholarships). Please note “Easter Offering” on your donations. Easter giving envelopes can be found in the pews.
Welcome Egg Hunters Ages 3 to 6th grade! This is not only a time of fun but also centered on the gospel! Bring a friend! Pre-register kiddos for our egg hunt HERE. The egg hunt will start at 9:15am in the gym. Sign-up by NEXT SUNDAY so we have eggs & goodie bags for everyone! Help Needed in setup/decorating, check-in & clean up. Please note on your connect card!
Easter Breakfast Following the Easter SonRise service, we’ll head to the gym to enjoy a hearty breakfast together! Please sign up by Next Sunday. Help Needed! If you would like to help with the breakfast, please also note this in your sign up!
Memorial Easter Flowers  Potted Easter flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $10. They will be available to take home on Easter Sunday after the services. Please contact the church office by NEXT SUNDAY to participate.
Delivery Drivers Needed! We are looking for drivers to assist us in dropping off Easter gifts to our sweet home-bound church family members!! Gift pick-up will be Friday (4/8) from 9am-3pm in the main foyer. Drivers will be provided with addresses and phone numbers. Want to rev your engines for a sweet cause? Call the office at (570) 275-1511. First come, first serve!
New! Cups of Juice Available with the Gluten Free Communion Wafers will be available in the back of the sanctuary and Welcome Table in the gym on communion Sundays.
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen Diane Gelbaugh will be mixing things up for the Jubilee Kitchen on April 21st. Monetary donations would be greatly appreciated to cover the cost of the meal. Please make checks out to FBC with “Jubilee Kitchen” in the memo. Any excess donations will go to benefit the Youth Scholarship fund. Want to help? Contact the church office.
Wifi Update  Buddy & Jack have been working hard on our network for the past 2 weeks to update it and make it more efficient. You will now want to use “DFBC Guest” to access the internet. No password needed.
Free Booklet: The Case for Easter Strobel’s award-winning skills as a legal journalist will persuade even the most hard-boiled skeptics to reconsider Jesus’ death and resurrection. Grab your copy at the Tract Rack or Welcome Table! Easter themed tracts also available at the Tract Rack!
Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Tomorrow: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Ben’s Favorite: Creamy Sausage Pasta & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Spring Clean Up THIS Saturday | 8A-1P  Join us in taking care of the building and property God has given us! Then stick around for a pizza lunch! Great for all ages and abilities! Sign up TODAY.
College Care Ministry  Student Info is due Sunday  * * Submit student info even if info hasn’t changed * *  Help us pack and pray over the boxes on 4/12 @ 6pm!
Prayer Guides Available  The Muslim holiday of Ramadan has begun. Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for them. Let us pray for our Muslim neighbors around the world during this time that they would come to know the One True God! Prayer Guides available for pick up at the Info Desk & Welcome Table. Children’s edition available!
Save the Date: Church-Wide Picnic! Sunday, May 1st! More info to come.
Ladies Retreat will be happening September 16-18 at the beautiful Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! More information to come.
Baptism Sundays Coming!  April 24th | June 19 (Father’s Day)  If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by NEXT Sunday for the April date!
Scholarship Funds Available from the Mission Board – The Mission Board will be accepting applications for post-high school education from applicants planning to attend post-graduate training at an academic facility with the intent to pursue ministry or missionary work upon graduation.
Applications can be picked up in the Church Office. Deadline to submit your application is April 30th. For more information regarding the scholarship please contact Jeanie Wesner or Gary Lewis.
Home Group Info Session  Sunday, April 24 after the 10:30 service What is a Home Group? Why do I need one? Is it biblical? Where are they? This info session will answer these questions and more! Join us for a sandwich lunch as we break open this topic. Sign up on your connect card and let us know how many will be attending with you.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

College Care Ministry  Donation bin is located by the Kitchen. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering. * * Student Info is due by NEXT SUNDAY * * Submit student info even if info hasn’t changed. Help us pack and pray over the boxes on 4/12 @ 6pm! Suggested items to donate by NEXT SUNDAY:
  • Gum
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes)
  • Highlighters
  • Raisins (small boxes)
  • Ramen noodles (not cups)
  • Post-It Notes
  • Command Strips
  • Breakfast/Cereal/Protein Bars
  • Hard Candy
  • Tic-Tacs/Mints
  • Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts
  • Lifesavers
  • Pencils/Pens
  • Packages of crackers
  • Chapstick
  • Tissue Packets
  • Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats
  • Sticky Tac
  • Microwave Popcorn
  • Treat-sized choc. Candy
Prayer Guides  The Muslim holiday of Ramadan begins 4/2. Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for them. Let us pray for our Muslim neighbors around the world during this time that they would come to know the One True God! Prayer Guides available for pick up at the Info Desk & Welcome Table. Children’s edition now available!
Ladies Retreat Save the Date!  This will be happening September 16-18 at the beautiful Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! More information to come.
Barnabas Basket Next Sunday The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in main foyer. April’s Need: Canned Fruit
Wifi Update  Buddy & Jack have been working hard on our network for the past 2 weeks to update it and make it more efficient. You will now want to use “DFBC Guest” to access the internet. No password needed.
More Home Groups We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: BBQ Chicken, Macaroni Salad, Rolls & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Easter Choir  Practices are on Monday evenings from 7:15-8:30pm in the sanctuary. If you are interested in joining the choir, come to a rehearsal! Our only requirements are that you love the Lord, attend rehearsals and can match pitch!
Spring Clean Up  Saturday, April 9 | 8A-1P  Join us in taking care of the building and property God has given us! Then stick around for a pizza lunch! Great for all ages and abilities! Sign up by NEXT SUNDAY.
New Devotionals  Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your new Keys for Kids & Our Daily Bread LARGE Print for April | May | June!
Scholarship Funds Available from the Mission Board  The Mission Board will be accepting applications for post-high school education from applicants planning to attend post-graduate training at an academic facility with the intent to pursue ministry or missionary work upon graduation.
Applications can be picked up in the Church Office. Deadline to submit your application is April 30, 2022. For more information regarding the scholarship please contact Jeanie Wesner  or Gary Lewis.
Easter Week
Palm Sunday 4/10 – Regular service times
Good Friday 4/15 – Service at 7PM
Easter 4/17 – SonRise Service – 7AM (indoor)
Easter Breakfast – 8:15AM (must sign up)
Egg Hunt – 9:15AM (must sign up)
Easter Service – 10:30AM
Easter Breakfast  Following the Easter SonRise service, we’ll head to the gym to enjoy a hearty breakfast together! Please sign up by Sunday (4/10). Help Needed! If you would like to help with the breakfast, please also note this in your sign up!
Memorial Easter Flowers  Potted Easter flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $10. They will be available to take home on Easter Sunday after the services. Please contact the church office by SUNDAY (4/10) to participate.
Special Easter Offering  This year, our special Easter offering will be split between support for Ukraine and support for marriages (Weekend to Remember scholarships). Please note “Easter Offering” on your donations. Easter giving envelopes can be found in the pews.
Welcome Egg Hunters Ages 3 to 6th grade!! This is not only a time of fun but also centered on the gospel! Bring a friend! Register kiddos for our egg hunt by listing their names & ages on your connect card or use the QR code. The egg hunt will start at 9:15am in the gym. Sign-up by Sunday (4/10) so we have eggs & goodie bags for everyone! Help Needed in setup/decorating, check-in & clean up. Please note on your connect card!
Free Booklet The Case for Easter  Strobel’s award-winning skills as a legal journalist will persuade even the most hard-boiled skeptics to reconsider Jesus’ death and resurrection. Grab your copy at the Tract Rack or Welcome Table!Easter themed tracts also available at the Tract Rack!
Delivery Drivers Needed We are looking for drivers to assist us in dropping off Easter gifts to our sweet home-bound church family members!! Gift pick-up will be Friday (4/8) from 9am-3pm in the main foyer. Drivers will be provided with addresses and phone numbers. Want to rev your engines for a sweet cause? Call the office at (570) 275-1511. First come, first serve!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Dodgeball GUYS, SR. HIGH & UP, TIME FOR SOME FUN! Sunday @ 12pm. Lunch & gear provided.
MOVIE NIGHT @ FBC! | SATURDAY @ 6:30PM – Sabina: Tortured for Christ, the Nazi Years is the story of how God’s love transformed an ambitious, worldly atheist into one of the greatest Christian women of the 20th century. The heart of the gospel is forgiveness. PG-13 | 1hr 55min
Prayer Guides Available The Muslim holiday of Ramadan begins 4/2. Ramadan is the most sacred month of the year for them. Let us pray for our Muslim neighbors around the world during this time that they would come to know the One True God! Prayer Guides available for pick up at the Info Desk & Welcome Table. Children’s edition now available!
Wifi Update Buddy has been working hard on our network for the past 2 weeks to update it and make it more efficient. You will now want to use “DFBC Guest” to access the internet. No password needed.
More Home Groups! We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Fishnet This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
FBC Connect Starts Sunday If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or
becoming a member, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place today, 3/20 & 4/3 in the Conference Room (across from the church office) during the Sunday School hour.
Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Hamburger BBQ & Baked Beans & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Holy Week & Easter Happenings
  • Palm Sunday 4/10 – Regular service times
  • Good Friday 4/15 – Service at 7PM
  • Easter: SonRise Service – 7AM (indoor)
  • Easter Breakfast – 8:15AM (must sign up)
  • Egg Hunt – 9:15AM (must sign up)
  • Easter Service – 10:30AM
Welcome Egg Hunters Ages 3 to 6th grade! This is not only a time of fun but also centered on the gospel! Bring a friend! Register kiddos for our egg hunt by listing their names & ages on your connect card. The egg hunt will start at 9:15am in the gym. Sign-up by Sunday (4/10) so we have eggs & goodie bags for everyone!
Easter Breakfast It’s back!! Following the Easter SonRise service, we’ll head to the gym to enjoy a hearty breakfast together! Please sign up by Sunday (4/10) on your connect card. Help Needed! If you would like to help with the breakfast, please also note this in your sign up!
Memorial Easter Flowers Potted Easter flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $10. They will be available to take home on Easter Sunday after the services. Please contact the church office by SUNDAY (4/10) to participate.
Easter Choir Practices are on Monday evenings from 7:15-8:30pm in the sanctuary. If you are interested in joining the choir, come to a rehearsal. Our only requirements are that you love the Lord, attend rehearsals and can match pitch!
Free Booklet: The Case for Easter This “investigation” into Christ’s death answers three crucial questions seekers ask: Was Jesus’ death a sham? Was his tomb really empty? Was he seen alive after his death on the cross? Strobel’s award-winning skills as a legal journalist will persuade even the most hard-boiled skeptics to reconsider Jesus’ death and resurrection. Grab your copy at the Tract Rack or Welcome Table!
Easter themed tracts also available at the Tract Rack!
New Devotionals Check out the Tract Rack & Welcome Table to pick up your new Keys for Kids & Our Daily Bread LARGE Print for April | May | June!
Baptism Sundays Coming April 24th | June 19 (Father’s Day) – If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your
connect card by 4/10 (Palm Sunday)!
Spring Clean Up – Saturday, April 9 | 8A-1P – Join us in taking care of the building and property God has given us! Then stick around for a pizza lunch! Great for all ages and abilities! Contact the church office to sign up.
College Care Ministry Suggested items to donate by April 3rd:
  • Gum
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes)
  • Highlighters
  • Raisins (small boxes)
  • Ramen noodles (not cups)
  • Post-It Notes
  • Command Strips
  • Breakfast/Cereal/Protein Bars
  • Hard Candy
  • Tic-Tacs/Mints
  • Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts
  • Lifesavers
  • Pencils/Pens
  • Packages of crackers
  • Chapstick
  • Tissue Packets
  • Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats
  • Sticky Tac
  • Microwave Popcorn
  • Treat-sized choc. Candy
Donation bin is located by the Kitchen. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering. * * Student Info is due April 3rd – See Connect Card! * * Submit student info even if info hasn’t changed. Help us pack and pray over the boxes on 4/12 @ 6pm!
Connect Weekly on Zoom Contact office for meeting codes
  • SUNDAY 9:15AM – Adult Fellowship Class meets in-person AND on Zoom!
  • MONDAY 6AM – Men’s Prayer Group
  • WEDNESDAY 6AM – Men’s Prayer Group
  • WEDNESDAY 7PM – Ladies Open Door Bible Study
  • THURSDAY 7PM – Tae’s Home Group
  • FRIDAY 6AM – Men’s Prayer Group

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Kitchen Call!! Do you enjoy cooking? How about helping in the kitchen? Or setting up the dining area? Maybe even dishwashing! This well-loved ministry will be back in action soon and needs help! Contact the office!
Fishnet Meeting this Week This group of ladies meets Thursdays 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
Wednesday Family Meal
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Meatball Hoagies with Salad & Fruit & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Fall Festival What’s Happening?
  • Live Music | Hayrides | Obstacle Courses
  • Hot Dogs & Hamburgers | Cotton Cady
  • Hot Apple Cider & Hot Cocoa | Corn Hole
  • Apple Dumplings & Ice Cream | Pop Corn
  • Gospel Tent | Toddler Area ….AND MORE!!
Did we mention this was a free event? How Can I Help? Station sign-ups are in the newsletter and main foyer on Sundays. We are so excited to reach our community for Christ in this new capacity, so many thanks in advance! Questions? Call the office at (570) 275-1511. Info cards available soon for you to handout.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month Card boxes are available in the main foyer for card drop-offs.
Feed-A-Friend of Montour County  Collection basket will be in the Main Foyer for the month of October! Top Suggestions: Canned items such as vegetables, tuna, cranberry sauce, fruit – Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Boxed Stuffing, etc. No refrigerated or frozen items, please.
Candy Collection & Help for Trunk-or-Treat  The Danville Primary School will be hosting their Trunk-or-Treat on 10/27 from 5-7pm and FBC will have a trunk present! Here are a few ways you can help:
  • Pray for safety & that the gospel would reach searching hearts
  • Candy donations! Donation bins located in main foyer and gym
  • Help pack 900 goodie bags on Thursday 10/21 @ 9AM in the gym
  • Help with event! Call the office if you want to get in on the fun!
College Care Ministry Donation bin is located by the Kitchen.Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering.Student Info is due by Oct 24 – See Connect Card!Submit student info even if info hasn’t changed
Help us pack and pray over the boxes on 10/25 @ 6pm!Suggested items to donate by October 17:
  • Gum
  • Hot Chocolate
  • Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes)
  • Highlighters
  • Raisins (small boxes)
  • Ramen noodles (not cups)
  • Post-It Notes
  • Command Strips
  • Breakfast/Cereal/Protein Bars
  • Hard Candy
  • Tic-Tacs/Mints
  • Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts
  • Lifesavers
  • Pencils/Pens
  • Packages of crackers
  • Chapstick
  • Tissue Packets
  • Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats
  • Sticky Tac
  • Microwave Popcorn
  • Treat-sized choc. Candy
Church Family Reunion  Sunday, October 10 @ 12pm in the Gym. The members of the Courtney family Home Group cordially invites everyone to join them in the gym following the 10:30 service for a time of good food and fellowship! They’ll bring the pork, you bring a side dish or dessert to share! No sign up needed.
New Devos In Check out the Tract Rack to pick up your new Large Print Our Daily Bread and Keys for Kids devotionals for October | November | December
LuoPad Ministry This Thursday @ 9:30AM. This dynamic group of ladies will meet on the first Thursday of each month to assemble sanitary garments for women in third world countries. 1000’s have been made and sent around the world already!
Blood Drive Happening Monday, Oct. 11. Stop by the BFLC (gym) from 1-6pm. The Red Cross is in need of blood and is taking every precaution to keep everyone safe during their collections.
Bible Study Wednesdays Meeting in Room 226 (2nd floor) | 6PM – Join Pastor Paul Wednesdays on his journey through the book of John. All are welcome and only a Bible is needed.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
THURSDAYs  7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online: 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Missionary Reception Sunday – Mike & Debbie Bannon – Mike and Debbie have served Muslims in Kenya, Lithuanians in Lithuania, a motley crew in Galway, Ireland, and more! Now we have the privilege to catch up with them this Sunday night at 7PM to see what God has been doing through them recently! Dessert Donations Welcome!
Bible Study Wednesdays – Room 226 (2nd floor) | 6PM – Join Pastor Paul Wednesdays on his journey through the book of John. All are welcome and only a Bible is needed.
Fishnet Meeting this Week This group of ladies meets Thursdays 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
Family Meal Wednesday
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Monday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Chicken Divan & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Fall Festival We are so thankful for the many years we’ve been able to have our Trunk-or-Treat event and for Ruth Ann Hawkins’ organizing of it. The town of Danville has caught “Trunk-or-Treat” fever and now this fun event has many new homes (Danville Primary School – 10/27, The Pointe Drive-in – 10/16). So we decided to do 2 things:
  • Make a Trunk (or tent or trailer) and be a presence at the Danville Primary School’s event!
  • Still go BIG and have a Fall Festival on Saturday, October 30th from 1-4pm!!!! We have a lot of great ideas and will share them soon!!
So How Can I Help? We’ll be collecting LOTS of candy!! Donation Locations will be available next Sunday in the Main Foyer & Gym. Help us pack goodie bags to hand out! Date TBD.
Football Chapel THIS Friday! Games for the Danville High School Football team are upon us, as are football chapels! The guys meet at 6am on
Friday mornings prior to games for prayer and devotions…and breakfast!! We are looking for help in the kitchen to make breakfast sandwiches for these hungry guys. If you are interested, contact the church office.
Church Family Reunion!! Sunday, October 10 @ 12pm in the Gym – The members of the Courtney family Home Group cordially invites everyone to join them in the gym following the 10:30 service for a time of good food and fellowship! They’ll bring the pork, you bring a side dish or dessert to share! No sign up needed.
Help Needed in Following Areas:
  • Sunday Morning Coffee Hour
  • Wednesday Family Meal
  • Awana – help with Sparks group (K-2nd)
Call us for more info!
Ladies Open Door Bible Study – Tuesdays Starting 9/28 @ 9AM & Wednesdays Starting 9/29 @ 6PM – Over 8 sessions, Kelly Minter will lead you through the Letter of 2 Corinthians, exploring the anchoring truths of bearing treasures in jars of clay, meeting Christ through a pressing thorn, opening wide your heart in the midst of hurtful relationships, and what it means to embrace the lost and lonely as ministers of the new covenant. Each of us has a message to proclaim and live by: Because of Jesus the old has gone, the new has come. Sign up today in the main lobby or scan code! Grab your workbook also for a suggested donation of $18. Nursery care is available! Questions? Contact Heather Hess.
Church Business Meeting – THIS THURSDAY @ 7PM – Discussion & Vote on the new potential Elder position & Children’s Ministry Director Update. Grab Your Report at the Info Desk or Welcome Table!
Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference – Hershey, PA Feb. 11-13, 2021 – Marriage is a lifelong adventure of growing together through every age and stage of life. The happiest couples are those who commit to learning skills that help them weather difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship challenges. It’s your turn to make a great marriage happen. Interested in attending? Contact the church office.
  • Cost of Event: $175 per couple
  • Details:
Connect Weekly on Zoom
THURSDAYs  7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online: 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Midweek Meal
Served: 4:45-5:45PM | Suggested Donation is $3/person or $10/family
Sign Up by Sunday: Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS class or call the office
Menu: Pork BBQ Sandwich with Carrot & Raisin Salad & the desserts you bring. Desserts are on a donation basis; feel free to share a dessert any time.
Special Needs: If you know of a shut-in or elderly person you would like to deliver a meal to, please sign them up and indicate “Shut-In”. Meals for special needs are free of charge.
Missionary Reception Today at 7PM – Paul & Salwa Ameen – Born and raised as a Muslim in Egypt, firstborn of the imam of the mosque, trained to be a Muslim evangelist, Paul’s life was interrupted by the Lord in 1997 and he converted to Christianity. Salwa was born in Egypt into a traditional Christian family, and accepted the Lord as her Savior at a Christian conference while in the fourth grade. Join us in the gym as we catch up with the Ameens to hear what God has been doing through them as they strive to reach the Muslim world with the hope of the gospel. Dessert Donations Welcome! Next Sunday: Catch up with the Bannons!!
Fishnet Meeting this Week This group of ladies meets Thursdays 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, contact Donna Outt
Breakfast Sweets Needed Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. NOTE: items must be individually wrapped prior to drop off. Many heartfelt thanks!
Full Time Position Available at FBC If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
PLAY BALL! Our next softball game is happening Sunday (9/19) following the 10:30am service. Sr. High and older, men & women, are invited to play, weather pending. Let Pastor John know if you are interested in playing.
Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference  Marriage is a lifelong adventure of growing together through every age and stage of life. The happiest couples are those who commit to learning skills that help them weather difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship challenges. It’s your turn to make a great marriage happen. Interested in attending? Contact the church office.
  • Cost of Event: $175 per couple
  • Details:
Bible Study Wednesdays – Room 226 (2nd floor) | 6PM – Join Pastor Paul starting this Wednesday, on his journey through the book of John. All are welcome and only a Bible is needed.
Church Business Meeting – THURSDAY, Sept. 30 @ 7PM – Discussion on the new potential Elder position & Children’s Ministry Director Update. Reports will be available for next Sunday
Help Needed in Following Areas:
  • Sunday Morning Coffee Hour
  • Wednesday Family Meal
  • Awana – help with Sparks group (K-2nd)
Call us for more info!
Ladies Open Door Bible Study – Tuesdays @ 9AM beginning 9/28 & Wednesdays @ 6PM beginning 9/29 – Over 8 sessions, Kelly Minter will lead you through the Letter of 2 Corinthians, exploring the anchoring truths of bearing treasures in jars of clay, meeting Christ through a pressing thorn, opening wide your heart in the midst of hurtful relationships, and what it means to embrace the lost and lonely as ministers of the new covenant. Each of us has a message to proclaim and live by: Because of Jesus the old has gone, the new has come. Sign up in the main lobby! Grab your workbook also for a suggested donation of $18. Nursery care is available! Questions? Contact Heather Hess.
DivorceCare Divorced? Separated? Struggling in your marriage? Divorce Care is a special seminar and support group that will walk with you through topics like, What’s happening to me?, Facing My Anger, KidCare, Forgiveness, Financial Survival and more. Registration cost is $15. Begins Wednesday in Room 104/2nd Floor hallway that parallels the gym. Questions? Contact Dolly Smith.
Bells of Joy are Back Handbell choir has started up for the Fall. You still have time to check it out! Rehearsals are on Mondays, from 6-7:15pm in the Bell Room. Note: you need to be able to read music.
Home Groups – We are currently looking for facilitators and host homes! If you would like info or to sign up, call the office or check out
Connect Weekly on Zoom
THURSDAYs  7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online – 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260