November 20, 2016
Posted on Nov 19, 2016 in Newsletter |
Feed A Friend of Montour County says thank you for your generous donations to assist needy families at Thanksgiving.
Haiti Team letters that were not picked up in the last 2 weeks will be available in Adult SBS classes this week. Please pick up your letter there. For anyone not involved in a class, letters will be available at the
Thanksgiving Offering ~ At our Fall Business meeting we voted to split our Thanksgiving Offering between monetary Christmas gifts for our missionaries and hurricane relief in Haiti. Envelopes will be available in the pew racks today and next Sunday.
A baptism service is being planned for the evening of Sunday, December 4. If you are interested in being baptized please circle “B” on your Connect Card or speak with Pastor Dawes.
Remember! No Midweek Family Meal, Awana or Midweek Ministries this week. They will resume Wednesday November 30.
Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving: The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information or circle “L” on your Connect Card.
Lost? A variety of dishes and pans have accumulated in the kitchen. Please check the kitchen for items that you may have left behind! After November 27 remaining items will removed for donation.
Reading Glasses & Cases will be distributed by our Haiti 11 team on their upcoming trip. Non-prescription glasses only & cases may be dropped off in the church office.
Sewing Only Luo Pad Session: Thursday, December 1, 10 AM-12 noon in the BFLC. Due to some changes to the pattern we will be sewing the supply already cut out, so for this session if you sew please join us. Bring your machine if possible.
Missionary Prayer Letters are available in the rack outside Springer Chapel. Please check the rack for new letters, placed there weekly, to stay up to date with what’s happening in the lives of our missionaries.
December 4 ~ Baptism Service ~ 6 PM
December 5 ~ Red Cross Blood Drive ~ 1-6 PM
December 11 ~ Choir & Praise Team Program ~ 8 & 10:30 AM
December 18 ~ Bells of Joy & Choir Program ~ 8 & 10:30 AM
December 24 ~ Family Christmas Eve Service ~ 5:30 PM
December 25 ~ Birthday Party for Jesus ~ 9 AM
Christmas Worship Service ~ 10:30
December 31 ~ New Year’s Eve Dinner & Celebration
Sunday, November 16, 2016
Posted on Nov 12, 2016 in Newsletter |
Our Barnabas Basket donations this month will go to the Feed A Friend Project. Please place donations in the basket in the foyer on Sunday. Suggested items are: canned vegetables, canned tuna, boxed stuffing, canned cranberry sauce, canned fruit, pasta, and mac & cheese.
Midweek Meal – Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed., Nov. 16. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Oven Baked Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Vegetable & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, Nov. 14 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
Please pick up your Haiti Team letter on SUNDAY at the tables in the sanctuary foyer or chapel foyer. Help us save postage cost by checking your name off the list. Thanks!
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen this Saturday, November 19. Monetary donations and desserts are needed for this meal. Please contact Diane Gelbaugh if you are interested in making a donation.
Night of Worship: Plan to join us next Sunday evening, November 20 at 6:00 PM for a special Night of Worship in the sanctuary, presented by the FBC Praise Team.
Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving – The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information.
Our Youth Group is doing World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine Friday & Saturday 11/18-19. Please pray for them! They desire to grow closer to God and each other as they serve our community and raise funds to help hungry children around the world. If you would like to assist them, contact Pastor Luke or visit their fundraising page at
Thanksgiving Offering ~ At our Fall Business meeting we voted to split our Thanksgiving Offering between monetary Christmas gifts for our missionaries and hurricane relief in Haiti. Envelopes will be available in the pew racks next Sunday.
A baptism service is being planned for Sunday, December 4. If you are interested in being baptized please speak with Pastor Dawes.
Missionary Prayer Letters are available in the rack outside Springer Chapel. Please check the rack for new letters placed there weekly to stay up to date with what’s happening in the lives of our missionaries.
Sunday, October 30, 2016
Posted on Oct 29, 2016 in Newsletter |
Don’t forget to turn your clocks back Saturday night!
It’s College Care Package Time. Parents, please provide us with your student’s contact information no later than Sunday (October 30). Everyone, please assist us with monetary gifts or by donating items for the packages. Contact info forms & needs lists are available at the Information Desk. Last day to make a donation is November 6.
Our Barnabas Basket donations this month will go to the Feed A Friend Project. The basket will be in the Foyer November 6 & November 13. Suggested items are: canned vegetables, canned tuna, boxed stuffing, canned cranberry sauce, canned fruit, pasta, mac & cheese.
The Collingsworth Family will be in concert Sunday, November 13 6PM at FBC. Tickets are $15. Please see Pastor John or Jim Zimmerman.
The Watoto Children’s Choir concert is Friday, November 18 at 7PM at FBC. A Love Offering will be taken. Host homes are needed. Please stop by the table in the Foyer or contact Pastor John.
Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, Oct. 12. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Spaghetti, Green Beans, Garlic Bread & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, Oct. 10 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
College boxes will be packed on November 7 at 6:30 PM in the BFLC coatroom. Please talk to Lynn Wintersteen to find out how you can help.
Luo Pad Work Session – We will meet this Thursday, November 3, 10:00 AM to 12 noon in the BLFC. Sewers & non-sewers are welcome. Plan to come to help trace, cut (bring your fabric cutting scissors), sew & turn. Bring your sewing machine if possible. Questions? Contact Patty Miller or Brenda Dunham.
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 19. Monetary donations and desserts are needed for this meal. Please contact Diane Gelbaugh if you are interested in making a donation.
PRAY for our country!
- Would you devote yourself to pray every day from now until November 2 for our country, elected officials, or our electoral process?
- Would you participate in the FBC 24 Hour Prayer Vigil November 7-8? A sign up sheet is at the Info. Desk
EDUCATE yourself on the issues.
- Non Partisan prayer Guides are at the Info. Desk
- Know what the candidates stand for & weigh their values against your own. . Don’t just vote… vote your values!
- The deadline to request an Absentee Ballot application is November 1. After the application is returned you will receive a ballot which must be returned by November 4.
- If you need a ride to the polls, please call the church by November 4.
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Posted on Oct 22, 2016 in Newsletter |
IRON YOUTH OPEN HOUSE: Anyone wishing to know more about the Youth Ministry of First Baptist and how to be involved in encouraging this ministry is invited to attend the Open House Sunday, in the Youth Room, immediately following the 10:30 service.
Please plan to be involved in Trunk or Treat! We need your prayers: We want to have a fun & safe time while representing God to our community as well as our own children. We need your time: Family friendly themed Trunks & Tables are needed. (Helpers in a variety of jobs – kitchen, registration, clean-up, etc.) We need your contributions: Individually wrapped candy (Donation tubs are in the foyer & kitchen). We need you to invite your friends & family: Invitations are available at the sign up table in the Foyer.
It’s College Care Package Time. Parents of college students, please provide us with your student’s contact information. Everyone, please assist us with monetary gifts & by donating items for the packages. Contact info forms & needs lists are available at the Information Desk.
No Midweek Ministries: Due to Trunk or Treat this Wednesday, we will not have the Midweek Meal or Ministries. Both will resume next week, Wednesday, November 2.
Donations for Haiti Hurricane Relief may be made by using the Love Offering envelope. Please write “Hurricane” on the envelope. All donations will be sent to our partners in Haiti through Missions Door.
Revive Us Simulcast Encore Event Monday, October 24 at the Bloomsburg & Selinsgrove Cinema Centers at 7 PM. Guests include Miss Clara from War Room, Francis Chan, Dr. Ben Carson, Pastor James MacDonald, Eric Metaxas & Jennifer Rothschild. Visit for details.
The Watoto Children’s Choir will be at FBC Friday, November 18. We will be responsible for providing lodging for the choir for one night following the concert. Hosts will also provide breakfast and a bag lunch. If you are interested in hosting 1-2 adults and 2-3 children please contact Pastor John for more details.
Summer Change Cans: If you have not returned your Summer Change Can you may still do so! Please drop it off in the office. Thanks!
Luo Pad Work Session will meet Thursday, November 3, 10:00 AM to 12 noon in the BLFC. Sewers & non-sewers are welcome. Plan to come to help trace, cut (bring your fabric cutting scissors), sew & turn. Bring your sewing machine if possible. Questions? Contact the church office at (570) 275-1511.
Please stop by the Tract Rack. There are new 2017 calendar cards as well as a variety of Halloween tracts that you can hand out with your candy.
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 19. Monetary donations and desserts are needed for this meal. Please contact the church office if you are interested in making a donation.
Awana is collecting pet food during the month of October! The collection location is by Springer Chapel. “The righteous care for the needs of
their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.
Church Directory Updates: Thanks to all who filled out Connect Cards . If you haven’t already given us an update, please call the church office with any new contact info. Information is being updated in order to prepare a new church directory. We hope to publish the new directory in November.
The Collingsworth Family will be in concert at FBC on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 6:00 PM in the BFLC. The cost is $15 per ticket. All tickets are general admission (with handicapped seating available). Please contact Pastor John or Jim Zimmerman with questions and to purchase tickets..
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Posted on Oct 15, 2016 in Newsletter |
The Fall Business Meeting is this week, Wednesday, October 19 at 6:30 PM in the chapel. We will receive reports from our boards and get updates on upcoming events and business. Everyone is invited to attend, members only may vote. Board chairmen, please submit your reports no later than tomorrow.
No Midweek Ministries: Due to the Business meeting this Wednesday & Trunk or Treat next Wednesday, we will not have Midweek Meals
or Ministries on October 19 and 26. These activities will resume Wednesday, November 2.
It’s College Care Package time! Please see the insert for information about donations and to submit your student’s contact information.
A Health & Wellness Fair will be held in the BFLC this Thursday, October 20 from 9 AM – 2 PM. This is a free event that is open to the public. Health and wellness vendors will provide information on a variety of subjects.
IRON YOUTH OPEN HOUSE: Anyone wishing to know more about the Youth Ministry of First Baptist is invited to attend on Sunday, October 23 at 4 PM in the Youth Room. RSVP to Pastor Luke.
The GAiN Lancaster Warehouse Packing Project is Oct. 19-22. Your help is needed to pack new & used clothing, sew & pack blankets and luo pads. There are sit-down & stand up jobs. Lunch & snacks are provided atno charge! A church van will leave FBC at 7 AM Wed., Oct. 19 and return around 7 PM. For details/to sign up see the sheet on the ramp bulletin board.
Please stop by the Tract Rack. There are new 2017 calendar cards as well as a variety of Halloween tracts that you can hand out with your candy.
Church Directory Updates: Thanks to all who filled out Connect Cards last week. If you haven’t already given us an update, please contact the church office with any changes. Information is being updated in order to prepare a new church directory.
Please check the ramp bulletin board for information on a collection of gently used shoes.
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 19. Monetary donations and desserts are needed for this meal. Please contact the church office if you are interested in making a donation.
Awana is collecting pet food during the month of October! The collection location is by Springer Chapel. “The righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.
New Missionary Prayer letters arrive each week! Take a moment to pick one up outside of the chapel & you will be rewarded with a new appreciation for our missionary families and the ability to pray more specifically for their needs.
The Collingsworth Family will be in concert at FBC on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 6:00 PM in the BFLC. The cost is $15 per ticket. All tickets are general admission (with handicapped seating available). Please contact Pastor John or Jim Zimmerman with questions and to purchase tickets.
Power for Living and Weekly Prayer Sheets are available every Sunday. Power for Living are available at the Information Desk and in the rack outside of the SBS office (lower level). Prayer sheets can be found on the Usher’s Table at the back of the sanctuary, on the Information Desk and in the rack outside of the SBS office.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
Posted on Oct 8, 2016 in Newsletter |
A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held tomorrow, Monday, October 10 in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00 PM.
Midweek Meal: Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, Oct. 12. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Pork & Sauerkraut, Applesauce & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, Oct. 10 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
Are You Registered To Vote? October 11 is the last day to register to vote or change your information. November 1 is the last day to request an Absentee Ballot. Registration Forms & Absentee Ballot requests are available at the Information Desk or at
Church Directory Updates: Information is being updated in order to prepare a new church directory. Please contact the church office at (570) 275-1511 with any changes to your contact information.
A Breakfast Will Be Held for the Danville Girls’ and Boys’ Soccer Teams on Thursday, October 13 in the BFLC. Help is needed preparing and serving food. Anyone interested, please arrive at 6:00 AM.
FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 19. Monetary donations and desserts are needed for this meal. Please contact the church office if you are interested in helping.
L.I.F.T. Prayer Ministry Kick-Off will be Wednesday, October 12 at 7:30 PM in room 104. They will be discussing the ins and outs of intercessory prayer and having some fun doing it, too! Anyone interested in participating in this ministry is welcome to attend.
Single Cowgirls! Grab your boots and get ready for a good old-fashioned luncheon hoedown to take place Saturday, October 15 11:00 AM-1:00 PM in the BFLC. This event is for those single, widowed or divorced women and is hosted by the Daughters of the Divine. If interested in attending, please contact the church office.
Awana is collecting pet food during the month of October! The collection location is by Springer Chapel. “The righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.
The Collingsworth Family will be in concert at FBC on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 6:00 PM in the BFLC. The cost is $15 per ticket. All tickets are general admission (with handicapped seating available). Please contact Pastor John or Jim Zimmerman with questions and to purchase tickets.
A Health & Wellness Fair will be held in the BFLC on October 20 from 9:00 AM—2:00 PM. This is a free event that is open to the public. Health and wellness vendors will provide information on a variety of subjects.
The Fall Business Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 19 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel. Board Chairmen should have their reports submitted to the church office no later than Monday, October 17.
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Posted on Oct 1, 2016 in Newsletter |
THANK YOU! Thanks to all involved in the GAiN World Hunger Project last Saturday and to those who participated in the Ministry Fair on Sunday.
Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, Oct. 5. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Haddock, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Stewed Tomatoes & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, Oct. 3 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
Trunk or Treat this year is Wednesday, October 26. Needed: Decorated Trunks or Tables & Candy Donations. Stay tuned for more information! All ministry heads or their representatives and any interested individuals are encouraged to attend a planning mtg. 10/5 in the BFLC during the mid week meal.
Midweek Ministries are held Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 PM following family meal time and available to anyone interested in joining men’s, women’s or other adult Bible studies. Junior High Youth Group is available for students in grades 6-8, Awana is available for children age 3 – 6th grade, and nursery is provided for children under age 3.
Luo Pad Work Session: We will meet in the BLFC on Thursday, Oct. 6 from 10 AM – 12 PM. Sewers & non-sewers welcome. Plan to come to help trace, cut (bring your fabric cutting scissors), sew & turn. Bring your sewing machine if possible.
Safe Church Process: As we gear up for fall/winter ministries, it is imperative that all Volunteers helping with children and youth ministries make sure they have their clearances completed. Because of state mandated laws, NO ADULT can work with children/youth until this process is completed. You will need to complete the Volunteer Process, which is outlined on the church website. Under “Resources” you will find a “Safe Church” link. It describes the 7 units that need to be completed. If you have questions, please call the office and ask for Jen.
A Child Safe Church training session (Unit 7) is scheduled for Sunday, October 9 during the SBS hour. Please RSVP to the office if you plan to attend.
Single Cowgirls! Grab your boots and get ready for a good old-fashioned luncheon hoedown to take place Saturday, October 15 in the BFLC. This event is for those single, widowed or divorced women and is hosted by the Daughters of the Divine.
Awana is collecting pet food during the month of October! Collection points will be by Springer Chapel. “The righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.
Voter Registration Information: Absentee Ballot Requests & Voter Registration forms are available at the Information Desk or you can register to vote at October 11 is the deadline to register to vote and change your registration information. November 1 is the last day to request an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots must be returned by November 4.
The Collingsworth Family will be in concert at FBC on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 6:00 PM in the BFLC. The cost is $15 per ticket. All tickets are general admission (with handicapped seating available). Please contact Pastor John or Jim Zimmerman with questions and to purchase tickets.
Upward Volunteers Are Needed to be coaches, referees, kitchen, practice and game day workers, helpers with devotions, security, uniforms and the closing program, and to be prayer leaders. For questions please contact the church office.
Check it out! Right Now Media is an online video library which FBC provides for all FBC attendees. There are numerous titles for every member of the family. Contact the office with your email address and we will send you an “invitation” which will enable you personal access to the library.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Posted on Sep 24, 2016 in Newsletter |
An Exploring FBC class will begin next Sunday. This 3 session class is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, ways to be involved and/or membership. Class dates are October 2, 9 & 16. If you have questions or would like to attend please call the church office at (570) 275-1511.
Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday. Please place donations of noodles and macaroni in the basket in the foyer to be delivered to our local food bank. Monetary gifts should be made out to Danville Area Food Bank.
Upward Volunteers Are Needed to be coaches, referees, kitchen, practice and game day workers, helpers with devotions, security, uniforms and the closing program, and to be prayer leaders. For questions please contact the church office.
Ladies! Bible studies are beginning Wednesday, September 28 at 6 PM and Tuesday, October 4 at 9 AM. We are studying Beth Moore’s latest & greatest study, “Entrusted”, a study of 2 Timothy.
Single Cowgirls! Grab your boots and get ready for a good old-fashioned luncheon hoedown to take place Saturday, October 15 in the BFLC. This event is for those single, widowed or divorced women and is hosted by the Daughters of the Divine.
The GAiN Lancaster Warehouse Packing Project is Oct. 19-22. Your help is needed to pack new & used clothing, sew & pack blankets and luo pads. There are sit-down & stand up jobs. Lunch & snacks are provided at no charge! A church van will leave FBC at 7 AM Wed., Oct. 19 and return around 7 PM. For details/to sign up see the sheet on the ramp bulletin board.
Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, Sept. 28. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken Surprise Foil Packets, Garlic Bread, Fresh Green Salad & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, Sept 26 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
Midweek Ministries are held Wednesdays from 6:00-7:30 PM following family meal time and available to anyone interested in joining men’s, women’s or other adult Bible studies. Junior High Youth Group is available for students in grades 6-8, Awana is available for children age 3 – 6th grade, and nursery is provided for children under age 3.
Football Chapel this Friday at FBC! Men are needed September 30th to help make & serve breakfast to the football team & cheerleaders. Please come to the kitchen at 9 AM if you would like to help. Please note the time change from the regular schedule!
Luo Pad Work Session: We will meet in the BLFC on Thursday, Oct. 6 from 10 AM – 12 PM. Sewers & non-sewers welcome. Plan to come to help trace, cut (bring your fabric cutting scissors), sew & turn. Bring your sewing machine if possible. Contact the church office if you have any questions.
The Collingsworth Family will be in concert at FBC on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 6:00 PM in the BFLC. The cost is $15 per ticket. All tickets are general admission (with handicapped seating available). Please contact Pastor John or Jim Zimmerman with questions and to purchase tickets.
Safe Church Process: As we gear up for fall/winter ministries, it is imperative that all Volunteers helping with children and youth ministries make sure they have their clearances completed. Because of state mandated laws, NO ADULT can work with children/youth until this process is
completed. You will need to complete the Volunteer Process, which is outlined on the church website. Under “Resources” you will find a “Safe Church” link. It describes the 7 units that need to be completed. If you have questions, please call the office for help.
A Child Safe Church training session is scheduled for Sunday, October 9 during the SBS hour. Please RSVP to the office if you plan to attend.
National Minute of Prayer History tells us that during World War II, millions of people across Great Britain joined in 1 minute of silent prayer every night as Big Ben chimed the 9:00 PM hour. Set an alarm to ring at 9 PM daily – “join the growing corps of ‘Minute-men’ across our land who, like the Minutemen of the American Revolution, are committed to decisive action: one minute of daily, consistent, concerted prayer to change the course of history in our nation.” For more information, visit
Voter Registration Information: Absentee Ballot Requests & Voter Registration forms are available at the Information Desk or you can
register to vote at October 11 is the deadline to register to vote and change your registration information. November 1 is the last day to request an absentee ballot. Absentee ballots must be returned by November 4.
Check it out! Right Now Media is an online video library which FBC provides for all FBC attendees. There are numerous titles for every member of the family. Contact the office with your email address and we will send you an “invitation” which will enable you personal access to the library.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Posted on Sep 17, 2016 in Newsletter |
Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, Sept 21. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Baked Sausage Links, Scalloped Potatoes, Green Beans & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, Sept 19 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
Danville World Hunger Project/GAiN – Thanks for the great response with finances to cover the cost of rice/lentil meals to be shipped to refugees! Our greatest need NOW is for volunteers to pack 50,000 meals this Saturday, September 24 8:45-11 AM in the BFLC. Please visit the FBC website to register to participate: If possible, please sign up prior to the event.
A Ministry Fair is planned for Sunday, September 25 in the BFLC during SBS. This will be a fun, interesting time for Adult SBS and Sr. High Youth classes to meet and learn more about the many ministries of First Baptist Church. See where the gifts that God has given you can be used at FBC for His glory.
Children’s Church Starts TODAY! It takes place during the 10:30 service and is for kids ages 4 – 4th grade.
Upward volunteers are needed to be coaches, referees, kitchen, practice and game day workers, helpers with devotions, security, uniforms and the closing program, and to be prayer leaders. For questions please contact the church office.
Ladies! Bible studies will begin Wednesday, September 28 at 6 PM, and Tuesday, October 4 at 9 AM. We are studying Beth Moore’s latest & greatest study, “Entrusted”, a study of 2 Timothy. Sign ups are in the Foyer.
An Exploring FBC class will be offered in October. This 3 session class is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, ways to be involved and/or membership. Class dates are October 2, 9 & 16. If you have questions or would like to attend please circle “E” on your Connect Card or speak with Pastor Dawes.
Single Cowgirls! Grab your boots and get ready for a good old-fashioned luncheon hoedown to take place Saturday, October 15 in the BFLC. This event is for those single, widowed or divorced women and is hosted by the Daughters of the Divine.
The GAiN Lancaster Warehouse Packing Project is Oct. 19-22. Your help is needed to pack new & used clothing, sew & pack blankets and luo pads. There are sit-down & stand up jobs. Lunch & snacks are provided at no charge! A church van will leave FBC at 7 AM Wed., Oct. 19 and return around 7 PM . For details/to sign up see the sheet on the ramp bulletin board.
The Collingsworth Family will be in concert at FBC on Sunday, November 13 at 6:00pm in the BFLC. The cost is $15 per ticket. All tickets are general admission (with handicapped seating available). Please contact Pastor John or Jim Zimmerman with questions and to purchase tickets.
National Minute of Prayer – History tells us that during World War II, millions of people across Great Britain joined in 1 minute of silent prayer every night as Big Ben chimed the 9:00 PM hour. Set an alarm to ring at 9 PM daily – “join the growing corps of ‘Minute-men’ across our land who, like the Minutemen of the American Revolution, are committed to decisive action: one minute of daily, consistent, concerted prayer to change the course of history in our nation.” For more information, visit
DID YOU KNOW…..There are 60 million Christians in America and 30 million of them don’t vote or are not even registered to vote?! Imagine the impact that Christians could have on the future of our nation if we made our voices heard by exercising our right, duty & privilege to vote. Absentee Ballot Requests & Voter Registration forms are available at the Information Desk or to register go to Dates to be aware of: October 11 is the deadline to register and change your registration information. November 1 is the very last day to request an absentee ballot (they must be returned by November 4).
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Posted on Sep 10, 2016 in Newsletter |
The Adult Choir begins rehearsals tonight from 7:15 – 8:30 PM. If you are interested in joining the choir, come to a rehearsal! Our only requirement is that you love the Lord, attend rehearsals, and can match pitch!
The Bells of Joy handbell choir is a great opportunity to minister through music! Our first rehearsal is Monday, September 12th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. The ability to read music is required. Come join us!
Midweek Meals return this week! This week’s menu will be Roasted Chicken, Baked Potatoes, Corn & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday Sept. 12 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
It’s not too late to sign up to travel with us to Harrisburg Thursday for the Decision America Prayer Rally with Franklin Graham and other Christians from across the state of PA. The sign up sheet is at the Information Desk. We will leave at 9 AM. The rally begins at 12 noon.
Prayer Letters: Please see the Rack outside Springer Chapel for updates from several of our missionaries.
Football Chapel this Friday at FBC! Men are needed to help make & serve breakfast to the football team & cheerleaders. Please come to the kitchen at 6 AM if you would like to help.
Danville World Hunger Project/GAiN: September 24, 9-11 AM ~ First Baptist Church. Needed: 250 people to pack 36,000 rice-lentil meals for refugees and $12,000 to fund the project. To sign up or make a donation, visit or contact the office. PLEASE SIGN UP PRIOR TO THE EVENT!
An Exploring FBC class will be offered in October. This 3 session class is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, ways to be involved and/or membership. Class dates are October 2, 9 & 16. If you have questions or would like to attend please circle “E” on your Connect Card or speak with Pastor Dawes.
Ministry Fair is Sunday, September 25 in the BFLC during SBS. This will be a fun, interesting time for Adult SBS classes to meet and learn more about the many ministries of First Baptist Church.
A Special Encore Event – Tuesday, September 13, 7 PM at the Selinsgrove & Bloomsburg Cinema Centers. Discover the amazing stories of faith at work in some of the darkest places on earth. Due to popular demand, Fathom Events and LifeWay Films are excited to bring THE INSANITY OF GOD with DAVID PLATT back to cinemas nationwide for a special one-night encore event. “Missionaries Nik and Ruth Ripken journey into the depths of the persecuted church, asking the question – is Jesus worth it? How does faith survive, let alone flourish in the places of the world that are overcome with the darkness of sin, despair and hopelessness? Nik tells the story of being taught by believers in persecution how to follow Jesus, how to love Jesus, and how to walk with Him day by day even when it doesn’t make sense.”
On the Ramp Bulletin Board: Information about three new groups sponsored by the Bloomsburg Christian Church, starting this month. They are Grief Share, Divorce Care and Single & Parenting.