August 23, 2015
Posted on Aug 21, 2015 in Newsletter |
YOUTH KICK-OFF ~ TODAY ~ Meet right after morning service. Vans will leave at 12:15 for the Marina (Shikellamy State Park). Lunch is
provided. Multi-event Permission Form is required. We will be back to parking lot by 5:30 PM. All Jr. High and Sr. High are invited to go along.
Ladies Bible Study will be doing a Jennifer Rothschild study this Fall, “Hosea, Unfailing Love Changes Everything”. The Tuesday morning group will begin on Sept. 8 at 9:00 AM and the Wed. night group will begin on Sept. 23rd at 6:00 PM. There is a table in the foyer this morning where you may sign up and pick up your book (suggested donation is $15.00).
Awana needs you! Enjoy working with children? Passionate about sharing the gospel? Come join our Awana team in impacting young lives for Christ! We meet each Wed. from 6:00-7:30 PM, beginning Sept. 16! A Training Session will be offered Wed., Sept. 2 at 6:30 PM. If you are interested or have questions, please call the church office to volunteer.
Haiti Applications are available at the Information Desk. The next trip is scheduled for 12/28/15 to 1/5/16. Please let Donna Outt or Gary Lewis know right away if you are interested in going.
Football Chapel Time! Volunteers are needed to help with the first Football Breakfast/Chapel, to be held here at First Baptist on Friday, August 28th. Please sign up on the Ramp Bulletin Board. Those who can help need to be at the church by 6:00 AM.
September 6 ~ Choir Rehearsal (8:00 AM)
September 8 ~ Tues. AM Ladies Bible Study
September 9 ~ MOPS
September 14 ~ Bells of Joy
September 16 ~ Awana Parent Meeting
~ Jr. High Youth
September 23 ~ First Midweek Meal
~ Awana Clubs
~ Ladies Bible Study
~ Fellas’ Fellowship
~ Prayer Meeting
August 16, 2015
Posted on Aug 14, 2015 in Newsletter |
A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held in the BFLC tomorrow, August 17th, from 1:00-6:00. Stop by to donate blood or to help out.
Choir: If you are interested in joining the adult choir for this season of ministry, see Bob Davies or call 275-3497. The first rehearsal is September 6th at 8 AM. Regular rehearsal schedule is Sunday evening at 7:15 PM in the Sanctuary. The choir ministers the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month and on special occasions.
Awana needs you! Enjoy working with children? Passionate about sharing the gospel? Come join our Awana team in impacting young lives for Christ! We meet each Wed. from 6:00-7:30 PM, beginning Sept. 16! A Training Session will be offered Wed., Sept. 2 at 6:30 PM. If you are interested or have questions, please call the office.
Haiti Applications are available at the Information Desk. The next trip is scheduled for 12/28/15 to 1/5/16. Please let Donna Outt or Gary Lewis know right away if you are interested in going.
The ramp bulletin board has new information regarding community events and ministries, including Beth Moore Simulcast, War Room movie,
Divorce/Separation Group, and Good Samaritan’s new hours.
August 23 ~ Youth Kick Off
September 26 ~ Movie Night
October 23 – 25 ~ Men’s Retreat
Announcements August 9, 2015
Posted on Aug 7, 2015 in Newsletter |
Please join us on August 23rd at 9:00 AM, in the sanctuary for Promotion Sunday. First Graders will receive their new Bibles, children will be promoted to their new classes, and adults will learn about Sunday Bible Class opportunities for the coming year. There will also be a time for teacher dedication. A combined worship service will be held at 10:30 AM.
Attention Young Adults/Millennials: Backyard Bar-B-Que Bash Sunday, August 16, 3 PM. Bring a side dish to share. Meat, dessert , and paper products will be provided. Grab a friend or two and make plans to join us for an afternoon of FUN, food, and fellowship! Please call the office for location or to RSVP. If you have just graduated from HS, are in college, in the workforce, single, dating, or millennial, please check out the THRIVE Sunday School class, which meets each Sunday at 9 AM. Their current format is topical discussion. All are welcome!
Please check out the movie WAR ROOM (, playing at Lycoming Mall Theatre and at Digiplex Center/Selingsgrove, beginning August 28. The Lewisburg Alliance Church is sponsoring this movie on August 31. Pre-purchase tickets at their website.
Saturday, September 12 FBC will host the 45 member Mission Music Kiev Orchestra. They will present a classical concert which will be open to the public and free to attend. Host homes will be needed for the members, as well as a meal served to them on Saturday evening and lunches prepared for Sunday. A sign up sheet is available this morning near the Information Desk if you could help by providing overnight lodging. Additional sign ups are available for helping with the meal and making the lunches.
The next Haiti Mission Trip is scheduled for 12/28/15 – 1/5/16. Applications are available at the Info. Desk. Please let Donna Outt or Gary Lewis know right away if you have any interest in going along on this trip as we need to make sure we have enough plane tickets.
During August, the Haiti team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We will take these supplies with us and distribute them while we are there in December/January. Please leave the following items in the Mission Barrel outside of Springer Chapel: wooden pencils, ball point pens, boxes of crayons, spiral notebooks, large size with 70 pages, notebooks of graph paper (primary grades use these in Haiti), erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser), small individual pencil sharpeners, toothbrushes, small tubes of toothpaste.
Soup Cans to fill with change are still available at the Information Desk in the sanctuary foyer. This money will be used for glasses and fluoride treatments in Haiti. Cans are due back to the church by Sept. 13.
Good Samaritan, a ministry assisting local families, is sponsoring their annual Back to School Socks & Underwear Drive. If you wish to participate please place your donation of new socks and/or underwear for boys or girls, size 6-14. The collection container in the chapel hallway will be there until Thursday, August 13th.
Gently used Books & Bibles for countries where Christian literature is needed may be placed in the designated container near the Chapel. The used Bibles and Christian books will be sent on August 25, so the last date to donate is August 23rd.
New Prayer letters from several missionaries are available in the racks outside of Springer Chapel. Staying informed helps us pray for the needs of the missionaries we support.
Please be praying for our Fall Ministries that will be starting soon.
September 6 ~ Choir Rehearsal (8:00 AM)
September 16 ~ Midweek Ministries ~ Awana Parent Meeting ~ Jr. High Youth ~ Adult Bible Studies
September 23 ~ Awana Clubs
Announcements Sunday, August 2, 2015
Posted on Jul 31, 2015 in Newsletter |
This is the week! The long anticipated Jason Gray/Saline concert is this Wednesday at FBC. If you have not gotten your free ticket, stop today at the Information Desk. Volunteers are needed for a variety of jobs from greeting/ushering to parking attendants and others. Sign up sheets are next to the information Desk. Please sign up today.
Saturday, September 12 FBC will host the 45 member Mission Music Kiev Orchestra. They will present a classical concert which will be open to the public and free to attend. MMK is committed to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to and through Ukrainian musicians to the world. and to members of the emerging Christian church in Ukraine through
evangelism, discipleship and humanitarian outreach to widows and orphans. Host homes will be needed…more information coming soon. To find out more about the group go to
Kitchen clean-up. If you donated food to VBS or any other event recently, please check the kitchen counter to pick up your container.
Attn Ladies: Ladies Retreat ~ There is still room for you! Be sure to reserve October 2-4 & join us for a great weekend. We will be staying at The Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA. Check out their website. Total cost is $150 & includes transportation, lodging & 5 meals. For more info contact the church office at 570-275-1511.
The next Haiti Mission Trip is scheduled for 12/28/15 – 1/5/16. Applications are available at the Info. Desk. Please contact the office know right away if you have any interest in going along on this trip as we need to make sure we have enough plane tickets.
During August, the Haiti team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We will take these supplies with us and distribute them while we are there in December/January. Please leave the following items in the Mission Barrel outside of Springer Chapel.Wooden Pencils, Ball Point Pens, Boxes of Crayons, Spiral notebooks, large size with 70 pages, Notebooks of Graph Paper (primary grades use these in Haiti), Erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser), Small individual pencil sharpeners, Toothbrushes, Small tubes of toothpaste.
Soup Cans to fill with change are still available at the Information Desk in the sanctuary foyer. This money will be used for glasses and fluoride
treatments in Haiti. Cans are due back to the church by September 13.
Good Samaritan, a ministry assisting local families, is sponsoring their annual Back to School Socks & Underwear Drive. If you wish to
participate please place your donation of new socks and/or underwear for boys or girls, size 6-14 in the container near Springer Chapel today.
Gently used books & Bibles for countries where Christian literature is needed may be placed in the designated container near the Chapel. (Donations accepted through the summer)
New Prayer letters from several missionaries are available in the racks outside of Springer Chapel. Staying informed helps us pray for the
needs of the missionaries we support.
Announcements July 26, 2015
Posted on Jul 25, 2015 in Newsletter |
Come celebrate with those who are being baptized this afternoon at 3:00 PM. This will be a river baptism held on the east side of the Danville/Riverside Bridge (right off Water Street). Bring lawn chairs. Cookies and other finger foods are needed for the reception following the service. Leave these items in the kitchen this morning or bring them directly to the service.
The next Haiti Mission Trip is scheduled for 12/28/15 – 1/5/16. Applications are available at the Info. Desk. Please contact the church office right away if you have any interest in going along on this trip as we need to make sure we have enough plane tickets.
500 tickets have been claimed for the Jason Gray Concert on Aug. 5. We are quickly approaching the cut off number for tickets, so if you are
interested in attending this concert, please stop by the Information Desk today to make sure you get tickets. Since this is a large event we will need many volunteers. Please sign up to help at the table in the foyer.
Kitchen clean-up. If you donated food to VBS or any other event recently, please check the kitchen counter. There are many dishes there that need to be claimed.
THANKS to our great team of leaders and helpers at VBS last week. 101 explorers attended at least one night, and 98 leaders/helpers were here to encourage them in their Journey off the Map. Thanks for coming, thanks for helping, and thanks for praying.
During August, the Haiti team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We will take these supplies with us and distribute them while we are there in December/January. Please leave the following items in the Mission Barrel outside of Springer Chapel:Wooden Pencils, Ball Point Pens, Boxes of Crayons, Spiral notebooks, large size with 70 pages, Notebooks of Graph Paper (primary grades use these in Haiti), Erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser), Small individual pencil sharpeners, Toothbrushes, Small tubes of toothpaste,
Soup Cans to fill with change are still available at the Information Desk in the sanctuary foyer. This money will be used for glasses and fluoride treatments in Haiti. Cans are due back to the church by September 13.
Good Samaritan, a ministry assisting local families, is sponsoring their annual Back to School Socks & Underwear Drive. If you wish to
participate please place your donation of new socks and/or underwear for boys or girls, size 6-14 in the container near Springer Chapel today & next Sunday.
Gently used books & Bibles for countries where Christian literature is needed may be placed in the designated container near the Chapel. (Donations accepted through the summer)
needs of the missionaries we support.
August 30: What ABout Grace? (Your Questions About Grace).
Thank you so much for your responses to the Facebook posts about God’s grace. There will be more posts as we continue on the journey. (Facebook name: dawes dunham).Pastor Dawes will also be sharing quotes about grace on Twitter (@dawesdunham).
Announcements ~ Sunday, July 26, 2015
Posted on Jul 24, 2015 in Newsletter |
Come celebrate with those who are being baptized this afternoon at 3:00 PM. This will be a river baptism held on the east side of the Danville/Riverside Bridge (right off Water Street). Bring lawn chairs. Cookies and other finger foods are needed for the reception following the service. Leave these items in the kitchen this morning or bring them directly to the service.
The next Haiti Mission Trip is scheduled for 12/28/15 – 1/5/16. Applications are available at the Info. Desk. Please let Donna Outt or Gary Lewis know right away if you have any interest in going along on this trip as we need to make sure we have enough plane tickets.
500 tickets have been claimed for the Jason Gray Concert on Aug. 5. We are quickly approaching the cut off number for tickets, so if you are interested in attending this concert, please stop by the Information Desk today to make sure you get tickets. Since this is a large event we will need many volunteers. Please sign up to help at the table in the foyer.
Kitchen clean-up. If you donated food to VBS or any other event recently, please check the kitchen counter. There are many dishes there that need to be claimed.
Beginning next Sunday morning we will embark on a five week journey on the overwhelming grace of God. The series will be as follows: August 2: Scandalous; August 9: Grace in the Home; August 16: Grace in the Church; August 30: What About Grace? (Your Questins About Grace)
Ways you can be involved in supporting missions…During August, the Haiti team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We will take these supplies with us and distribute them while we are there in December/January. Please leave the following items in the Mission Barrel outside of Springer Chapel.
- Wooden Pencils
- Ball Point Pens
- Boxes of Crayons
- Spiral notebooks, large size with 70 pages
- Notebooks of Graph Paper (primary grades use these in Haiti)
- Erasers (not a slip-on pencil eraser)
- Small individual pencil sharpeners
- Toothbrushes
- Small tubes of toothpaste
- Small tubes of toothpaste
Soup Cans to fill with change are still available at the Information Desk in the sanctuary foyer. This money will be used for glasses and fluoride treatments in Haiti. Cans are due back to the church by September 13.
Good Samaritan, a ministry assisting local families, is sponsoring their annual Back to School Socks & Underwear Drive. If you wish to participate please place your donation of new socks and/or underwear for boys or girls, size 6-14 in the container near Springer Chapel today & next Sunday.
Gently used books & Bibles for countries where Christian literature is needed may be placed in the designated container near the Chapel. (Donations accepted through the summer)
Prayer letters from several missionaries are available in the racks outside of Springer Chapel. Staying informed helps us pray for the needs of the missionaries we support.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Posted on Jul 17, 2015 in Newsletter |
11:00 AM ~ Lunch (1st Seating for those not attending VBS Closing)
11:45 ~ Lunch (2nd Seating)
12:00 PM ~ Game Time Begins
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Posted on Jul 10, 2015 in Newsletter |
THIS WEEK: VBS ~ every evening from 6:00 – 8:30;
4 year olds ~ 6th grade
July 19 ~ Family Fun Day
July 20-25 ~ Sr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 27-31 ~ Jr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 26 ~ River Baptism ~ Talk to Pastor Dawes if interested
July 29 ~ 6:30 PM ~ Summer Business Meeting & Ice-cream Social
FREE Concert Tickets for the Jason Gray concert to be held here on August 5th, are available at the Information Desk this morning. Please also see the table for volunteer sign-up. Many volunteers are needed, so please stop by the table and see how you can help.
Ladies Retreat ~ stop by the table in the foyer this morning to register and learn more about the retreat planned on October 2-4.
Baptism classes ~ If you would like to be baptized at the river on July 26th, you need to attend one of the classes offered in the
conference room. There is one this morning at 9 AM. A repeat class will be next Sunday, July 19, at 9 AM.
Safe Church Class ~ last call for those helping with VBS. Along with the mandatory clearances required for working with children, you need to attend this class. It is being held this morning at 9 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center.
Good Samaritan “Back to School” Socks & Underwear Drive is being held this year from July 26 to August 2. If you would like to
participate, please bring in your donations of new socks and/or underwear for boys or girls, size 6-14. Collection boxes will be available outside of the chapel.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Posted on Jul 3, 2015 in Newsletter |
July 12-17 ~ 24/7 Jr. High Summer Missions
July 13-17 ~ VBS ~ on-line registration available
July 19 ~ VBS Closing & Family Fun Day
July 20-25 ~ Sr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 27-31 ~ Jr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 26 ~ River Baptism ~ talk to Pastor Dawes if interested
July 29 ~ 6:30 PM ~ Summer Business Meeting & Ice-cream Social
August 5 ~ Jason Gray Concert ~ pick up free tickets at Info. Desk
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Posted on Jun 26, 2015 in Newsletter |
Welcome to Joaquin Vargas, who will be sharing with us in both morning services, and giving a Mission’s Report tonight. Meet in the Beveridge Family Life Center at 6 PM. Bring a dessert to share.
Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday. This is an opportunity to help our Area Food Bank. Please place your donations of Jello-O & Pudding in the basket in the foyer. If making a monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank.
This week’s softball game is an away game in Millville. If you would like to ride with others, meet at the church parking lot at 5:45 PM.
WANTED ~ old maps: These will be used for a VBS craft, so will not be able to be returned. Please drop them off in the Sunday School Office.
JR HIGH YOUTH: Let Pastor Luke know if you plan to be a part of the 24/7 Missions Trip to be held July 12-17
ALL YOUTH going to Harvey Cedars ~ Registration and final payments are due NEXT SUNDAY, July 5th!
July 12-17 ~ 24/7 Jr. High Summer Missions
July 13-17 ~ VBS ~ on-line registration available
July 19 ~ Family Fun Day
July 20-25 ~ Sr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 27-31 ~ Jr. High Youth Camp/Harvey Cedars
July 26 ~ River Baptism ~ talk to Pastor Dawes if interested
July 29 ~ Summer Business Meeting/Chapel
August 5 ~ Jason Gray Concert ~ pick up free tickets at Info. Desk
Bring gently used Bibles & books to church, to be sent around the world where people need Christian literature.
If you see large suitcases with wheels at garage sales this summer, the Haiti team can use them.