Sunday, June 26, 2016

A warm welcome to each of you  today as we come together for this  service of thanksgiving & praise to God for the ministry of the Wonderlands at First Baptist Church and in our community. Welcome  to our guest speakers  who will be sharing today regarding Pastor Harry’s ministry in places   outside our church.  Thanks to each  of you for coming and sharing  this special day with us. We also welcome the Wonderland children/grandchildren and other family members & friends who were able to join us today.  We are so glad you could come!


Special Projects happening this week: Tuesday, June 28 ~ the Luo Pad project continues, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM in the BFLC.  Please bring tracers, cutters (bring your fabric cutting scissors), turners & sewers (bring your machine).  If you have questions, please contact the office. 

Wednesday, June 29th ~ deep cleaning of our church kitchen beginning at 10:00 AM.  Please call the office if you have questions. 


Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday.  This is an opportunity to help our Area Food Bank.  Please place your donations of Jello & Pudding in the basket in the foyer.  If making a monetary donation, please make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank. 

Next Week ~ July 3, 2016

8:00 AM & 10:30 AM
“Our FREEDOM has been Paid in Full & it is a Personal Decision”
Pastor Dawes Dunham

9:15 AM ~ Sunday School for all ages



Greeting Ministry Opportunity:  Greeters are needed to extend a warm welcome (about twice a quarter) to our visitors and regular attendees
before the Morning Worship Services and Sunday School.  If you are interested in showing God’s love through this ministry, contact the office

Check out the ramp bulletin board  for information regarding some events that are in our area this summer. 

A River Baptism Service  is planned for July 24.  Please let Pastor Dawes know as soon as possible if you are interested in being baptized at this service.

Faith & Family Night #2  ~ please check out the poster on the bulletin board to see all that is planned at the RailRiders game on Friday, August 5. Pastor John’s band “Saline” is one of the featured events.  If you need additional information, please contact the office. 


Sunday, June 26, 2016

The choir will be singing for the special combined service on June 26th (10:30 AM).  They will be rehearsing on Thursday, June 23 at 7:00 PM and again on Sunday, June 26th at 8:00 AM.  For more information, please contact Bob Davies, Pastor John, or call the office.

Next Week ~ Special Celebration Sunday ~ June 26, 2016

No 8:00 AM Service 
9:15 – 10:00 ~ Sunday Bible School Classes
10:30 AM ~ Celebration Service for the ministry of the Wonderlands
 ~ A basket will be available for cards ~
5:00 PM ~ FBC Family Dinner at Silver Moon  ~  Banquet Hall in Lewisburg (tickets required)

Special Prayer Meetings  are happening each Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM in the Chapel.  Please plan on joining in this special time of prayer for our nation and church on the last 2 Wednesday nights in June.

Please pick up a VBS Prayer Guide  at the Information Desk this morning which will give you a specific request for each day leading up to VBS.

Red Cross Blood Drive:  Please stop by the BFLC tomorrow, June 20, from 1:00-6:00 PM, to donate blood. 

Kitchen Housecleaning ~ :  Please circle K on your connect card if you could come help clean our church kitchen on June 29th at 10:00 AM.    Talk to Maryann Puccio if you have questions.

Greeting Ministry Opportunity:  Greeters are needed to extend a warm welcome (about twice a quarter) to our visitors and regular attendees before the Morning Worship Services and Sunday School.  If you are interested in showing God’s love through this ministry, please circle “G” on your Connect Card. 

GAiN Warehouse Trip  ~ you can still sign up to go along on the GAiN Warehouse trip.  The church van will leave the parking lot at 7 AM, returning about 8 PM.  Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board even if you are driving your own car.  Wear closed toe shoes and bring a sack lunch.  We will stop for dinner on the way home. 
Check out the ramp bulletin board  for information regarding some events that are in our area this summer. 

There are open spots that need to be filled for both Jr. High & Sr. High Harvey Cedars Youth Camp.  If you are
interested, please talk to Pastor Luke.
            Sr. High ~ July 25-30
            Jr. High ~ August 1-5






Sunday, June 12, 2016


 – Back-yard Tours start tonight for all Jr. & Sr. High.   Meet at the Puccio home from 6:00-8:30 PM.   
               Van leaves church at 5:30 PM & returns at 9:00 PM.

  – Final balances for Harvey Cedars are due TODAY.    Please contact the office with questions. 

 – 24/7 Jr. High Missions ~ let Pastor Luke know by next Sunday if you plan on being part of this ministry July 13-16.



This morning we are offering a special training session that will focus on integrating children with special needs, “God’s Champions”, into our First Baptist family.  All are welcome to come today at 9:15 AM in the Music Room for this informational session.
Special Prayer Meetings are happening each Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM in the Chapel.  Please plan on joining in this special time of prayer for our nation and church on the last three Wed. nights in June.  

Mandatory VBS Training Meeting ~ all VBS workers and helpers are required to attend this meeting (if you didn’t go to meeting #1).  Please meet in the Springer Chapel at 6:30 PM on Thursday, June 16.



Praise Band Auditions:  :  Anyone interested in using their music gifts with the Praise Band will need to complete an application and then go through an audition process.  Email Pastor John at to receive the application, the songs for your instrument, and a time slot for your audition on June 16th from 5:00-6:45 pm (20 minute time slots).  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor John.

Prayer Helps Available:
  ~ “30 Days of Prayer for the Muslin World” for June 6-July 5 ~ pick up at the Information Desk.
  ~ VBS Calendar – starts today ~ Pick up at the Information Desk
  ~ New Missionary Prayer Letters ~ Pick up in the Chapel Hallway
Kitchen Housecleaning:  It’s time to do a deep cleaning in our church kitchen.  A date will be announced soon.  Please contact the office if you would like to be contacted to help.  
GAiN Warehouse Trip:   ~ don’t forget to sign up on the ramp bulletin board or call the office if you would like to go on this trip on Tuesday,
June 21.  The church van will leave the parking lot at 7 AM, returning about 8 PM. 
Due to several special events, holidays, and this summer of pastoral transition, we will not be having regular Sunday evening services at 6 PM at the church in June and July.  Below are listed some of the special events that are planned.  More details will be available later for some of the special ministries we have planned for August. 

June 26: Pastor Harry & Lynn Retirement Celebrations

July10: Youth Backyard Tour

July 17: Family Fun Day

July 24: River Baptisms & Youth Backyard Tour

August 7: “Home Happenings”

August 14: Montour-DeLong Fair Vespers

August 21: Movie Night at FBC

August 28: Hymn Sing






Sunday, June 5, 2016

You are invited to a free night of worship tonight, June 5, from 5:30 to 9:00 PM.  Pastor John’s band, Saline, will be featured, with special guest Freedom Calls.  The evening will also have food, spoken word, and fun!  Bring a lawn chair and enjoy a night out at the Bloomsburg Town Park!

Today  is Barnabas Sunday.  Donations of canned fruit may be placed in the basket in the foyer to be delivered to our area food bank.  For monetary donations, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank. 
Special Training offered:   We invite Sunday School teachers, parents, grand-parents or anyone who works with children to attend our special training on June 12th, 9:15 AM, in the Music Room.   This session will focus on integrating children with special needs, God’s Champions, into our First Baptist family.  We will show excerpts from a DVD called “Surviving to Thriving: Successfully Including the Child with Special Needs”.  This will help us learn successful strategies so we all can feel able and comfortable showing God’s love to His children. 
Praise Band Auditions:  :  Anyone interested in using their music gifts with the Praise Band will need to complete an application and then go through an audition process.  Email Pastor John at to receive the application, the songs for your instrument, and a time slot for your audition on June 16th from 5:00-6:45 pm (20 minute time slots).  If you have any questions, please contact Pastor John.
Please pick up a copy today of the “30 Days of Prayer for the Muslin World” at the Information Desk.  This plan specifically covers June 6-July 5


              ~ Tuesday, June 7, 6:30 PM in the Springer Chapel

              ~ Thursday, June 16, 6:30 pm in the Springer Chapel 

This is open to all who are helping with VBS.  You only need to attend one of these sessions. 

If you have not yet completed your Volunteer Clearances, this class is one of the requirements.  You are welcome to attend also. 

Call to Prayer  ~ “Call to Me, and I will answer you.”  Jeremiah 33:3Please join us every Wednesday in June at 6:30 PM
in the chapel to pray specifically for our church & our nation.


GAiN Warehouse Trip  Plan on going along to the GAiN Warehouse on Tuesday, June 21.  There are a variety of projects you can choose to help with.  The bus will leave FBC parking lot at 7 AM and return about 8 PM.  Wear closed toe shoes and bring a sack lunch.  We will stop for dinner on the way home.  Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board so plans can be made.  Even if you prefer to drive on your own, please put your name on the sign-up sheet and indicate you will be taking your own car.  This is a great outing for families; children and parents can work side by side. 







Sunday, May 29, 2016

Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday. This is an opportunity to help our Area Food Bank. Please place your donations of canned fruit in the basket in the foyer. If making a monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank.


God hears our prayer, He knows our needs. There’s great power in uniting together, turning our hearts towards our Lord,
and praying on behalf of our church and our nation during this time of great need.


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.”
Philippians 4:6
Ladies Open Door Summer Bible Study, Wednesday nights in June , begins this week. Stop by the table in the foyer to sign up and
pick up a book.

Fellas’ Fellowship will continue through the month of June on Wed. nights at 6:30 PM. Pastor Harry will be leading the series of Authentic Manhood: A Man & His Work. Any guys are welcome to jump in when you can whether you’ve been part of the group before or not.

 VBS On-Line Registration is available on our web-site until July 9. VBS dates are July 11-15, with Family Fun Day on Sunday, July 17. Please pick up flyers at the Information Desk to invite friends or neighbor children. All helpers/workers should plan to attend a VBS Training Meeting on June 7 or June 16 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel.

Greeting Ministry Opportunity: Greeters are needed to extend a warm welcome (about twice a quarter) to our visitors and regular attendees before the Morning Worship Services and Sunday School. If you are interested in showing God’s love through this ministry, please circle “G” on your Connect Card.

Music in the Park ~ A free night of worship is planned for Sunday, June 5, from 5:30 to 9:00 PM. Pastor John’s band, Saline, will be featured, with special guest Freedom Calls. The evening will also have food, spoken word, and fun! Bring a lawn chair and enjoy a night out at the Bloomsburg Town Park!

Retirement celebration for Pastor Harry & Lynn.

10:30 AM. ~ Combined service of thanksgiving

5:00 PM ~ First Baptist Family Celebration“An Evening with The Wonderland’s
Silver Moon Banquet Hall

(*Tickets required.)

If you have not picked up your invitation with all of the details, please pick one up at the Information Desk.*Tickets available in the office through June 12.


New materials are available at the Tract Rack. Please help yourself to new Summer devotional books, Father’s Day tracts, and a 30-day Prayer Guide for the Muslin World to use June 6 – July 5.

Looking Ahead
June 5 ~ New Time Schedule
June 7 ~ 6:30 PM ~ VBS Training/Chapel
June 12 ~ Special Needs Training during SBS Hour
June 12 ~ Youth Backyard Tour
June 16 ~ 6:30 PM ~ VBS Training/Chapel
June 19 ~ Haiti Trip Mission Report during SBS Hour
June 20-25 ~ Sr. High Mission Trip/Rochester, NY
June 21 ~ GAiN Warehouse Trip
June 26 ~ Pastor Harry & Lynn Retirement Celebrations
July 10 ~ Youth Backyard Tour
July11-15 ~ Vacation Bible School
July 13-16 ~ Jr. High Missions
July 17 ~ Family Fun Day
July 24 ~ Youth Backyard Tour
July 25-30 ~ Sr. High Harvey Cedars
August 1-5 ~ Jr. High Harvey Cedars




Sunday, May 22, 2016

Our evening services are being relocated to the Danville Middle School Auditorium this evening, where we will support our graduates at Baccalaureate. A slide show will be shown at 6:30 PM, with the service to start at 7:00 PM. Pastor Dawes has a part in the service and our church is providing refreshments. If you want to help by providing cookies/brownies, please leave them in the kitchen or bring to the service.
NEXT SUNDAY ~ May 29: Pastor Luke & the youth will be leading our services, with our Veterans being recognized in both services and our graduates at the 10:30 service. An insert will be in the bulletin with all graduates listed. Parents: this is the last Sunday to get information to us about your High School or College Graduate. Please stop by the Information Desk to complete a form. Parents of High School Graduates need to let us know today if they plan to attend the Graduation Lunch following the Morning Service next week. Sign up at the Information Desk.   We also need pictures of our High School graduates to include in the Graduation Power Point. Please talk to Pastor Luke for more information.
LADIES: 1.) Summer Bible Study begins June 1 at 6:30 PM with a study by Priscilla Shirer, Breathe.Stop by the table in the foyer to sign  up and pick up a book.  2.)It’s time for another Luo pad work session. We will meet Tuesday, May 24 , 9 AM – noon, in the BFLC. Please bring tracers, cutters (bring your fabric cutting scissors), turners & sewers (bring your machine). If you have any questions, please contact the office.
3.) Mark your calendar for Women’s Retreat, September 16-18. Contact the office for details.


New materials are available at the Tract Rack. Please help yourself to new Summer devotional books, Father’s Day tracts, and a 30-day Prayer Guide for the Muslin World to use June 6 – July 5.

CALL TO PRAYErGod hears our prayer, He knows our needs. There’s great power in uniting together, turning our hearts towards our Lord, and praying on behalf of our church and our nation during this time of great need.
JOIN US EVERY WEDNESDAY IN JUNE AT 6:30 PM IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.I Thessalonians 5:16-18



VBS On-Line Registration is available on our web-site until July 9. VBS dates are July 11-15, with Family Fun Day on Sunday, July 17.

Greeting Ministry Opportunity : Greeters are needed to extend a warm welcome (about twice a quarter) to our visitors and regular attendees before the Morning Worship Services and Sunday School. If you are interested in showing God’s love through this ministry, please circle “G” on your Connect Card.

All volunteer schedules are being placed on an online program called “Planning Center Online”. If you serve in a volunteer capacity you may be receiving an email welcoming you to Planning Center, and email reminders for when you are scheduled to serve. If you have questions, please talk to Pastor John.

JUNE 26, 2016Retirement celebration for Pastor Harry & Lynn.
10:30 AM. ~ Combined service of thanksgiving
5:00 PM ~ First Baptist Family Celebration
“An Evening with The Wonderland’s”Silver Moon Banquet Hall(*Tickets required.)

If you have not picked up your invitation with all of the details, please pick one up at the Information Desk.

*Tickets available in the office through June 12.





Sunday, May 15, 2016

Special Worship Services next Sunday, May 22 2016, May 22, 9:00 & 10:30 – Adult Choir Cantata – El Shaddai

Next Sunday – DHS Baccalaureate Service ~ 7 PM in the DMS Auditorium 
     Baccalaureate is a student-planned, but voluntary event to celebrate the spiritual aspects of Graduation.  You are encouraged to attend Baccalaureate next Sunday to support the students who attend.  Pastor Dawes will have a part in the service and our church will be providing refreshments.  Please bring cookies/brownies to donate for the refreshment table.   You may leave them in the kitchen on Sunday morning (leave on back counter) or bring them directly to service.


You’re InvitedIf you have not yet picked up an invitation to  Pastor Harry and Lynn’s retirement celebration on June 26, please stop by the Information Desk to pick up your invitation with all of the details.


VBS On-Line Registration  is available on our web-site until July 9.  VBS dates are July 11-15, with Family Fun Day on Sunday, July 17.



Parents of High School & College Grads:  Please stop by the Info Desk and fill out a Graduation form by May 22nd so your child will be included on our list of Graduates.  Parents of High School Graduates:  Also at the Info Desk,  please sign up if you  plan on attending the Graduation Banquet on Sunday, May 29th at 12:00 noon in the BFLC.  Please submit photos of your graduate as soon as possible to ensure they are included in the annual High School Graduate Slide Show. 
Bells of Joy  will perform at a local concert at the Christ Memorial Episcopal Church of Danville this evening at 7:00 PM.  The concert is free of charge, however, please arrive in plenty of time as seating may be limited.

Thank you  to everyone who helped at our Spring Fling Booth by setting up, tearing down, handing out packets, singing, praying, or making crafts.  As always, it was a great opportunity to be visible to thousands of people who were present in downtown Danville. 


With the time change fast approaching, we are gearing up for many great ministry opportunities!  We need your help to make this happen.  To plan more effectively for both services, we are now scheduling many of our volunteers using an online program called “Planning Center Online.”  In the next few weeks, we will be adding many of our Sunday ministries into the scheduling system.  Even if you are not “tech-savvy,” don’t worry, this program runs mainly through email.  Details about this program can be found on our website, under the “serve” menu button.  In the meantime, you may receive an email welcoming you to Planning Center, and email reminders for when you are scheduled to serve.  If you’re feeling ambitious, please login to your account and block out dates you will be away!


All ladies are welcome  to join the Luo pad project. The next meeting has been moved to May 24. Call Brenda Dunham or Patty Miller for details.


Ladies Summer Bible Study begins Wednesday night, June 1, 6:30-8:00 PM. We will be studying “Breathe” by Priscilla Shirer who will lead us in
examining margins and boundaries that God enables us to put around things we enjoy so that we will never become slaves again to activities and busyness. These things swallow up our rest and peace.  Let’s focus on how we can breathe and build margins into our lives for God.  Please join us for this encouraging 5 week study during the month of June to build a closer relationship with God and with other like-minded women. See you then!!!   (It’s Summer ~ plug in when you can; don’t worry if you have to miss a few sessions).

Attention Ladies:  Come join us for a walk with God, September 16-18, at Women’s Retreat.  We will learn how to navigate through the various
seasons of life as we gather together for a weekend of worship, studying scripture, a canvas painting session, and delicious meals!  Stop by our
table in the foyer to pick up registration packets.  Cost is $160 which includes lodging, meals, transportation, and study guides.  Hope you can join us. 


GAIN WAREHOUSE TIME AGAIN:  Plan on going along to the GAIN Warehouse on Tuesday, June 21.  There you can help pack clothing, school supplies, seeds, rice & beans, make Gospel bead bracelets, and prepare other humanitarian aid for shipment to those in need around the world.  The bus will leave FBC parking lot at 7 AM and return around 8 PM.  Wear closed toe shoes and bring a sack lunch.  We will stop for dinner on the way home.  Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board so plans can be made.  Even if you prefer to drive on your own, please put your name on the sign-up sheet and indicate you will be taking your own car.  This is a great outing for families; children and parents can work side by side.


M & M Tubes  may be returned anytime before the GAiN Team goes to the Warehouse on June 21.  Drop off your M & M tube at the Info Desk. 




Sunday, May 8, 2016

VBS On-Line Registration  is available on our web-site until July 9.  VBS dates are July 11-15, with Family Fun Day on Sunday, July 17.



Attention Ladies:  Come join us for a walk with God, September 16-18, at Women’s Retreat.  We will learn how to navigate through the various
seasons of life as we gather together for a weekend of worship, studying scripture, a canvas painting session, and delicious meals!  Stop by our
table in the foyer to pick up registration packets.  Cost is $160 which includes lodging, meals, transportation, and study guides.  Hope you can join us. 


The Community Play Group  is now meeting at Riverside Park on Mondays at 10:00 AM.  Moms, dads, and grandparents are invited to come join in the fellowship and fun. Spread the word to families with young children.


NO Sr. High Youth today

WEDNESDAY ~ 5:00 PM ~ J.A.M. ~ Sanctuary

WEDNESDAY ~ 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM ~ Final Jr. High for  the season/Youth Room

Camp Deposits due ~ May 15

            $60 is due next Sunday, with the balance being
            due on June 12th.


New Service Schedule:  On June 5 we will begin our new service schedule.
                             Traditional Service ~ 8:00 AM
                             Sunday Bible School ~ 9:15 AM

                             Contemporary Service ~ 10:30 AM


An “Exploring FBC” Class is being offered this month. This 3 session class is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, ways to be involved and/or membership. The class will be held on May 8, 15, & 22, at 9 AM in Conference Room.



Softball Season ~ :  It’s not too late to join us. Most of our games are played on our own field and begin at 6:30.  Players should arrive by 6:00 PM.


Parents of High School & College Grads ~ 
:  Please stop by the Info Desk and fill out a Graduate form  so your child will be included  on our Graduate list. 

Parents of HS Graduates ~ while you are at the Info Desk, please indicate if you plan on attending the Graduation Banquet on Sunday, May 29 at 12:00 noon in the BFLC.  ALSO please submit photos of your graduate as soon as possible to ensure they are included in the annual High School Graduate Slide Show.  Baccalaureate for Danville High School will be on Sunday, May 22.  Our Graduation Sunday is scheduled for May 29. 


J.A.M. will continue this week on Wednesday night for any young musician (youth) interested in learning or bettering their music skills and
knowledge of worship.  We’ll gather at 5:00 in the sanctuary, have a short lesson/message and then spend the rest of the time playing and singing worship songs and learning different music/instruments. Parents may pick up their student at 6:30 PM (or students may go straight to Jr. High youth group at 6 PM).  For more information, contact Pastor John at

All ladies are welcome  to join the Luo pad project. The next meeting has been moved to May 24. Call Brenda Dunham or Patty Miller for details.


GAIN WAREHOUSE TIME AGAIN:  Plan on going along to the GAIN Warehouse on Tuesday, June 21.  There you can help pack clothing, school
supplies, seeds, rice & beans, make Gospel bead bracelets, and prepare other humanitarian aid for shipment to those in need around the world.  The bus will leave FBC parking lot at 7 AM and return around 8 PM.  Wear closed toe shoes and bring a sack lunch.  We will stop for dinner on the way home.  Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board so plans can be made.  Even if you prefer to drive on your own, please put your name on the sign-up sheet and indicate you will be taking your own car.  This is a great outing for families; children and parents can work side by side.


Ladies: Our summer Bible Study begins Wednesday night, June 1.  We will be studying “Breathe” by Priscilla Shirer who will lead us in
examining margins and boundaries that God enables us to put around things we enjoy so that we will never become slaves again to activities and busyness. These things swallow up our rest and peace.  Let’s focus on how we can breathe and build margins into our lives for God.  Please join us for this encouraging 5 week study during the month of June to build a closer relationship with God and with other like-minded women. See you then!!!   (It’s Summer ~ plug in when you can; don’t worry if you have to miss a few sessions).






Sunday, May 1, 2016

Join Us This Wednesday – 5:00 PM – Pizza & Spring Fling Prep Workshop We’ll enjoy a pizza dinner & make preparations for our booth at Danville’s Spring Fling this Saturday. Sign up in SBS or on the Ramp Bulletin Board. 6:30 PM Spring Business Meeting in the Chapel We will receive reports from our pastors & boards. The Pastoral Search Committee will present the Associate Pastor job description to be voted upon.

Today is Barnabas Sunday. Donations of spaghetti and sauce may be placed in the basket in the foyer to be delivered to our area food bank. If making a monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank.

Danville Spring Fling Saturday, May 7 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM We need YOUR help! Make plans to help for an hour (or more!). Sign up sheets on bulletin boards or in SBS classes.

Join us in prayer for our nation, our leaders, and our community. Thursday, May 5 ~ Montour County Courthouse Gather at 12 noon ~ Pray at 12:20 PM.  If you are not able to attend please take a few moments wherever you are to lift your heart to the Lord in prayer.

Midweek Meals have ended for the season! Many thanks to our wonderful chefs and their crews for your dedicated service and great meals!

Starting Today – Something new! Christianity Explored is an 8 week class for old & new believers. Using thought provoking videos and small group discussion we will explore faith issues. Join us in the Music Rm. at 9 AM.

Beginning this week on Wednesday, May 4th, the Praise Band will be hosting 6 weeks of “J.A.M. Nights” on Wednesday nights for any young musician (youth) interested in learning or bettering their music skills and knowledge of worship. We’ll gather at 5:00 in the sanctuary, have a short lesson/message and then spend the rest of the time playing and singing worship songs and learning different music/instruments. Parents may pick up their student at 6:30 PM (or students may go straight to Jr. High youth group at 6 PM). For more information, contact Pastor John at . If you are an elementary student or adult interested in participating/learning, please contact Pastor John.

You’re Invited! Please stop in the sanctuary or chapel foyer this morning and pick up your invitation with all of the details about Pastor Harry & Lynn’s retirement celebration. Be sure to cross your name off the list when you get your letter. Thanks!

An “Exploring FBC” Class is being offered this month. This 3 session class is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, ways to be involved and/or membership. The class will be held on May 8, 15, & 22, at 9 AM in Conference Room. Please circle “E”
on your Connect card or speak with Pastor Dawes if you are interested.

A Baptism Service will be held May 22 at 6 PM in the Sanctuary. Please circle “B” on your Connect Card or contact Pastor Dawes if you have questions about baptism or would like to be baptized.

We are looking for a few good people to join the FBC Security Team. If interested or for questions please circle “S” on your Connect card or contact Fil Martinez by calling the church office at 275-1511.

It’s time for the annual Walk/Run/Ride for Life sponsored by the Pregnancy Care Center of Shamokin. The event will take place on May 7 at Knoebel’s. Registration will be at 9 AM. For more information, please stop by the table right outside the Chapel or visit their web site at

Softball Season: It’s not too late to join us. We start the season with our first game this Monday evening, May 2 on our field at 6:30 PM. Players should arrive by 6:00 PM. You can still sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you would like to play on the church team.

All ladies are welcome to join the Luo pad project. The next meeting has been moved to May 24. Call the officeer for details.

If you haven’t taken an M & M tube yet , please make sure to get one this morning. Once you eat the candy, you can fill the tube with quarters. The money collected will be used to pay for the rice, beans, and seeds that our team will be packing at the GAiN Warehouse on June 21. Please return the tubes to the Information Desk by June 12.

MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY: GAIN :Four teams will travel to Greece to care for arriving refugees. We are partnering with EuroRelief which runs one of the transition camps. Work will include distributing aid such as blankets or food, processing paperwork, or doing manual labor and chores in the camp. As we serve, we show these refugees that they are loved and cared for. Everyone is welcome. A group from FBC is forming. If interested or for more information contact the office.





Sunday, April 24, 2016

Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday . Please leave your donations of spaghetti & sauce in the basket in the foyer to be donated to the local food bank. If you are making a monetary donation, make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank.

The flower on the organ is to welcome to Madden Michael Foust . He was born on April 16. Congratulations to parents Mike & Ashley, big sister Avery, and Grandma Sherry Foust.

The flowers in the sanctuary this morning are in memory of Dorothy Newman, mother of Norah Ranck. Thank you to the family for sharing them with us.

Midweek Meal: Please join us for our Final Midweek Family Meal of the season on Wednesday, April 27. The menu for this week is Kid Friendly BBQ & Hotdogs, Always a Favorite Mac & Cheese, “Good for You” Green Beans, and Celebration Cake. Please sign up by Mon, April 25 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge.

Awana Closing, April 27, 6 PM : The meal this week will be followed by our Awana Closing Program. There will not be other studies this week, so all may be free to attend this special program as an encouragement to our kids and their leaders.

Softball Season : Our first practice is Monday, April 25, 6:00 PM, on our own field, with the first game to follow on May 2 on our field at 6:30 PM. Players should arrive by 6:00 PM. You may still sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you would like to play on the church team.

The THRIVE Class is planning a game night In the BFLC this Friday night, April 29, 6:30-9:30 PM. Please talk to the Office if you need additional information.

Warmer weather means open windows. If you open a window please don’t leave it for someone else to close. Please make sure that you shut it before leaving the room.


With the arrival of Spring, plans are being made for the First Baptist booth at Spring Fling on May 7 in downtown Danville.  Volunteers are needed to help in many ways. Sign-up sheets will be passed around in Adult Sunday Bible Classes, you may sign up on the ramp bulletin board, or call the church office. A pizza training session will be held on May 4 at 5:00 (before Spring Business Meeting). Please also sign up for this, so pizza may be ordered. Please pray often for this outreach opportunity in our community.

On May 15th, the BELLS OF JOY will perform a local concert at the Christ Memorial Episcopal Church of Danville.  The concert will begin at 6:00 PM and is open for anyone to attend. The concert is free of charge, however, please arrive in plenty of time as seating may be limited.

If you haven’t taken an M & M tube yet , please make sure to get one this morning. Once you eat the candy, you can fill the tube with quarters. The money collected will be used to pay for the rice, beans, and seeds that our team will be packing at the GAiN Warehouse on June 21. Please return the tubes to the Information Desk by June 12.

Beginning May 4th, the Praise Band will be hosting 6 weeks of “J.A.M. Nights” on Wednesday nights for any young musician (youth) interested in learning or bettering their music skills and knowledge of worship. We’ll gather at 5:00 in the sanctuary, have a short lesson/message and then spend the rest of the time playing and singing worship songs and learning different music/instruments. Parents may pick up their student at 6:30 PM (or students may go straight to Jr. High youth group at 6 PM). For more information, contact Pastor John at . If you are an elementary student or adult interested in participating/learning, please contact Pastor John as well

An “Exploring FBC” Class & Baptism are being offered in May. This 3 session class is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, baptism, and/or membership. The class will be on May 8, 15, 22, at 9 AM in Conference Room. The Baptism Service will be May 22 at 6 PM in the Sanctuary. Please visit with Pastor Dawes if you are interested in either the class or baptism.

Meeting Reminders : Spring Fling Committee – April 27, 4:45 PM in BFLC; All Ministry Leaders – May 1, 10 AM in Conference Room

Come celebrate Pastor Harry & Lynn’s retirement with us on June 26. Please pick up your invitation with ALL the details next Sunday in either the Sanctuary or Chapel foyer

It’s time for the annual Walk/Run/Ride for Life sponsored by the Pregnancy Care Center of Shamokin. The event will take place on May 7 at Knobel’s. Registration will be at 9 AM. For more information, please stop by the table right outside the Chapel or visit their web site at

Beginning next Sunday—Something new ! What is Christianity all about? Who was Jesus and why did He come? What is the meaning of the gospel and grace? Christianity Explored is an 8 week class which will answer these questions through a thought provoking video series and small group discussion. This class is for old and new believers and is a great way to get a hold of the good news that Jesus came to bring. The class will begin on May 1st in the music room at 9:00 AM.