Sunday, January 29, 2017

“Thank You Temples”-Dessert Reception – Join us as we honor the Temples’ many years of service in keeping FBC looking great. Please bring a dessert to share on Sunday, February 5 in the BFLC at 6pm.

Upcoming Blood Drive: Red Cross Blood Drive will be here tomorrow, January 30th in the BFLC, 1-6 pm.

The Bells of Joy resume rehearsals this week. They meet Monday evenings at 6:30 PM. For more information, please see Pastor John.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, February 1. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken Devan with Broccoli & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, January 30 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

He Said Yes! We are excited to inform you that Pastor Paul Fink has accepted the call to be the next Associate Pastor here at FBC! We are looking for a few happy hosts to take in our new associate pastor and his family while they are in town looking for their new home. Dates are still to be confirmed, but can possibly be as soon as the weekend of February 4th. If you are interested, please call the office.

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving

The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information or circle “L” on your Connect Card.


Numerous lost items have been found throughout the building. Please check the BFLC coatroom Lost & Found area to see if any of them belong to you! Items remaining after February 12 will be donated to charity.

The Pastors’ Picture Board has returned! Check it out on the wall near the library (lower level). Many thanks to Craig Roberts for all of his efforts.

Offering Envelopes help ensure recording accuracies and makes it easier for the Financial Secretary to keep records of giving. If you
are giving regularly to First Baptist Church and would like Offering Envelopes please circle “E”on your Information Card. If you already have Offering Envelopes but need more, you may also circle “E”. If you have requested offering envelopes recently, you may pick them up at the ushers table in the back of the sanctuary. 

Wednesday evening Ladies Bible Study will begin a new study, this week. Ladies are invited to join them for I Peter – A Living Hope In Christ, by Jen Wilkin. They meet at 6 PM in Room 230 (3rd floor).

The Yaddah Pearls have started a new study Mondays at 9am in the library. They are studying Max Lucado’s “Cast of Characters/Common People in the hands of an Uncommon God.” Biblical people who were “messed up” like us; God comes alongside of them, passing out moral compasses to all comers and takers. Join us! (NO homework to be done.)

Attention Ladies: For those interested in getting more information about our retreat, we will have our first meeting Sunday, February 12 in the BFLC, immediately following the 10:30 service. Lunch will be provided. Registration will begin March 5. Mark your calendars for September 15-17 for our retreat at Linck Hill Inn!

VBS 2017 – July 10-14, 6:00pm-8:30pm. – Discover the incredible mysteries of the final frontier! You’ll encounter amazing and wonderful things designed by a Creator who is even bigger than the vastness of His creation. But the most amazing wonder to be discovered truly boggles the mind. The God who created everything there is—the knowable and the unknowable, the visible and the invisible—wants a relationship with you! And from the very beginning, God had a plan to restore the relationship He knew we would break.

   Registration: Online Registration: May 1-June 30; Paper Registration: May 1-July 11

Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 16 • 10:15am-2:30pm.


Sunday, January 22, 2017

 FBC will be hosting the Silver Ring Thing New Standard Tour, a radical response to culture’s view of love and relationships will challenge today’s youth “to live bold and set apart.” The event takes place Sunday, March 19 6-8pm. Doors open at 5:30. Ticket Prices are $6 online or $8 at the door and $5 online for groups of 25 or more. SRT rings are available for just $20 at event. For more Info go to

VBS 2017 will happen July 10-14 6:00pm-8:30pm each night! Visit for more info. Discover the incredible mysteries of the final frontier! You’ll encounter amazing and wonderful things designed by a Creator who is even bigger than the vastness of His creation. But the most amazing wonder to be discovered truly boggles the mind. The God who created everything there is—the knowable and the unknowable, the visible and the invisible—wants a relationship with you! And from the very beginning, God had a plan to restore the relationship He knew we would break. Registration: Online Registration: May 1-June 30 or Paper Registration: May 1-July 11. Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 16 • 10:15am-2:30pm. 

READY FOR PICK-UP! Annual Reports available in the foyer and downstairs in the Chapel hallway. One copy per family.

Church Business Meeting: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY  25, 2017 6:30 PM

We will meet to:

  • Vote on the call to Pastor Paul Fink for
    the position of Associate Pastor
  • Review 2016
  • Look ahead to the new year
  • Vote on board & committee members
  • Vote on budgets for 2017
Members are urged to attend. All others are welcome, but may not vote. Child care is available – pre-registration is required at the Info Desk by January 22nd.
Welcome to our special guests, the Finks. Please join us in prayer for God’s direction for Pastor Paul, Ruth and Peter as well as FBC.

There will be no Midweek Meal due to Annual Church Business Meeting.

Upcoming Blood Drive: Red Cross Blood Drive will be here on Monday,  January 30th in the BFLC, 1-6 pm. Volunteers are needed to serve food. Contact the church office if you are interested in volunteering!

Yaddah Pearls will begin a new study this Monday at 9am in the library. They will be studying Max Lucado’s “Cast of Characters/Common People in the hands of an Uncommon God.” Biblical people who were “messed up” like us; God comes alongside of them, passing out moral compasses to all comers and takers. Join us! (NO homework to be done.)

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving

The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information or circle “L” on your Connect Card.


Sunday, January 15, 2017

Welcome to our special guest Susan Roehs representing the Pregnancy Care Center of Shamokin, PA. Please visit with Susan at her table in the foyer after the services Sunday morning.


Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, January 18. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Spaghetti, Meatballs, Garlic Bread, Green Beans & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, January 16 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Awana News! Crazy sock night is still happening Wednesday, January 18! Be sure to wear your craziest socks! Parents – Derby Kits go on sale this week. Regular kits are $3.00 and pre-carved kits are $5.00.

A Child Safe Church Class will be held Sunday in the BFLC at 9:15 AM. This class is required for anyone working with Children/Youth so if you haven’t taken this class in the last 12 months, please plan to attend.

Exploring FBC, a class for anyone who would like to know more about First Baptist or is interested in membership, starts January 15 and continues through January 29 in the Conference Room during the SBS hour. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the office.

SAVE THE DATE for the Silver Ring Thing “New Standard Tour”. A radical response to culture’s view of love and relationships will challenge today’s youth “to live bold and set apart.” Sunday, March 19 here at FBC. Stay tuned for more details.

Please check the ramp bulletin board for a variety of opportunities for community involvement. Also, outside of Springer Chapel, informative prayer letters have arrived from several of our missionary families.

Bible Study Opportunities

Ladies Open Door Bible Study will resume this week, Tuesday, January 17 at 9AM in the Chapel. They are studying “1 Peter” by Jen Wilkin. “Peter a man of faith & flaws, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to our future inheritance.” Sign up in the Foyer on Sunday.

Wednesday PM Bible Study with Pastor Dawes resumes this week. “God knew before the world began that his people would face hardship, so He gave us His Word.  The book of Ephesians is a survival manual – it equips believers to thrive in a world that hates the message of Jesus Christ. Paul writes to encourage believers to live well.” Join us!

Ladies Grief Group starts a new study Wed. at 6 PM. They will be studying The Faces of Grief,  “Understanding the phases & aspects of grief can turn crippling sorrow into beautiful remembrances and hope for the years ahead.” All ladies welcome. Sign up table with books in the Foyer today.

Authentic Manhood! All men are invited to our “Fella’s Fellowship” on Wed. nights at 6:00 PM meeting in the Conference Room across from the church office. We have studied, “A Man & His Design”, “A Man & His Traps”, “A Man & His Work” and “A Man & His Marriage” previously. We will dig into “A Man & His Family” in our next study starting this Wed., Jan. 18. Come, learn, grow, share and pray with us!


Sunday – January 8, 2017

The Barnabas basket, for the collection of food items for needy families in Danville will be in the Foyer this week. The need for January is Macaroni & Cheese Dinners. Donations are taken to the Danville Food Bank.

Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, January 11. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken Divan with Broccoli, Herbed Potatoes & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, January 9 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be
willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Awana This Week: Crazy sock night is happening! Be sure to wear your craziest socks! Parents—Derby Kits go on sale this week. Regular kits are $3.00 and pre-carved kits are $5.00.

A Child Safe Church Class will be held next Sunday, January 15 in the BFLC at 9:15 AM. This class is required for anyone working with
Children/Youth so if you if haven’t taken this class in the last 12 months, please plan to attend. Remember that anyone working with children/youth must complete the Child Safe Church requirements. For more information contact the office or visit & go to Resources/Safe Church.


Attention Board & Ministry Leaders: Please have your report to the office as soon as possible. E-mail submission is preferred. Please call the office with any questions.

Choir rehearsal resumes Sunday, January 8 at 7:15 PM. The choir will sing for the January 15 worship services.

Exploring FBC, a class for anyone who would like to know more about First Baptist or is interested in membership, will meet January 15, 22,
and 29 in the Conference Room during the SBS hour. If you are interested or have questions, please contact the office

Ladies Open Door Bible Studies will resume in January. Tuesday mornings: starting January 17 at 9AM in the Chapel studying “1 Peter” by Jen Wilkin. “Peter a man of faith & flaws, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to our future inheritance.” Books & sign up sheets are in the Foyer.

Wednesday PM Bible Study with Pastor Dawes resumes January 11. “Has it ever dawned on you that nothing has ever dawned on God? He knew before the world began that his people would face hardship, so He gave us His Word.  The book of Ephesians is a survival manual – it equips
believers to thrive in a world that hates the message of Jesus Christ. Paul, the Apostle, writes to encourage believers to live well.” Join us as we explore this life changing book through discussion, video and teaching.

Ladies Grief Group will be starting a new study on Wednesday evenings, starting January 18 at 6 PM. They will be studying “The Faces of Grief”,  “Comfort through sorrow – peace from God. Understanding the phases & aspects of grief can turn crippling sorrow into beautiful remembrances and hope for the years ahead.” Any lady is welcome to attend. There is a sign up table with books in the Foyer today.

Weather Alert! In the event of inclement weather, please listen to WPGM (96.7 FM) or WGRC (91.3 & 107.7 Bloomsburg) for church service
changes. Also, if DASD cancels school, all Mid-week Ministries are canceled as well. All scheduling changes will also be posted on our website at (on the main page).

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner (Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving) The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information or circle “L” on your Connect Card.



Sunday, January 1, 2017

Special Thanks to all of our musicians for leading us in worship throughout December. We have been blessed by your ministry!

The Haiti 11 Team is underway. Please pray for them this week. 

The Barnabas Basket, for the collection of food items for needy families in Danville, will be in the foyer next Sunday. The need for January is Macaroni & Cheese Dinners. Donations are taken to the Food Bank.

Midweek Meal: Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed., January 4. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Meat Loaf, Mac & Cheese, Stewed Tomatoes, Green Beans & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Tues., January 3 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

The Midweek Ministries resuming this week are: Awana, Nursery, Jr. High Youth, Prayer Group and Ladies Bible Study.

Attention Board & Ministry Leaders: The target date for publication of the 2016 Annual Report is January 22. Please have your report to the office no later that January 8. Digital format is preferred. Please call the office with any questions.

Choir rehearsal resumes next week, January 8 at 7:15 PM. The choir will sing for the January 15 worship services.

Luo Pad Session – There will be a Luo Pad work session January 5 from 10 AM – 12 noon in the BFLC.

Exploring FBC, a class for anyone who would like to know more about First Baptist or is interested in membership, will be meeting January 15, 22,
and 29 in the Conference Room during the SBS hour. If you are interested or have questions, please speak to Pastor Dawes. 

Ladies Open Door Bible Studies will resume in January. Tuesday mornings: starting January 17 at 9AM in the Chapel studying “1 Peter” by Jen Wilkin. “Peter a man of faith & flaws, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to our future inheritance.” Books & sign up sheets are in the Foyer. Wednesday evenings: resumes January 4.

Wednesday PM Bible Study with Pastor Dawes resumes January 11. “Has it ever dawned on you that nothing has ever dawned on God? He knew before the world began that his people would face hardship, so He gave us His Word.  The book of Ephesians is a survival manual – it equips
believers to thrive in a world that hates the message of Jesus Christ. Paul, the Apostle, writes to encourage believers to live well.” Join us as we explore this life changing book through discussion, video and teaching.

Ladies Grief Group will be starting a new study Wednesday evenings, on January 18 at 6 PM. They will be studying “The Faces of Grief”, “Comfort through sorrow – peace from God. Understanding the phases & aspects of grief can turn crippling sorrow into beautiful remembrances and hope for the years ahead.” Any lady is welcome to attend. There is a sign up table with books in the Foyer today.

Weather Alert! In the event of inclement weather, please listen to WPGM (96.7 FM) or WGRC (91.3 & 107.7 Bloomsburg) for church service
changes. Also, if DASD cancels school, all Mid-week Ministries are canceled as well. All scheduling changes will also be posted on our website at (on the main page).

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving

The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information.


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Thanks to those who donated poinsettias in honor or memory of a loved one. Please feel free to take your flower home. Cellophane wrappers will be available in the coatroom.

Christmas offering envelopes will be in the pew racks through December. The Christmas offering will be divided between the Youth Costa Rica mission trip and FBC’s General Fund.

Missionary prayer letters arrive weekly! Please stop by the rack outside of the chapel to pick up your copies. You will be encouraged & challenged by the news they share.

THE HAITI 11 TEAM: FBC sends it’s team to Haiti this week! The team will be leaving December 31 and return January 7. Please be in prayer for the group as they minister to the people of Haiti through medical clinics, vision testing, construction and children’s ministries. Please be praying for the team & the people to whom they will be ministering.

Attention Board & Ministry Leaders: The target date for publication of the 2016 Annual report is January 15. Please have your report to the office no later that January 8. Digital format is preferred. Please call the office with any questions.

Save the date: Pastor Paul Fink, wife Ruth and son Peter will be at FBC to candidate for the position of Associate Pastor January 20-22. They will be meeting with boards & committees. An all church covered dish get acquainted dinner is planned for Saturday, January 21 and Pastor Paul will preach at both services January 23. More details will be coming in the near future. A vote will be taken at the Annual Meeting, January 25.

Mark your calendar – There will be a Luo Pad work session January 5 from 10 AM – 12 noon in the BFLC.

The Nominating Committee has been meeting. A list of nominees for FBC Boards & Officers is posted on the ramp bulletin board. Please direct any concerns or questions to a member of the committee.

Exploring FBC, a class for anyone who would like to know more about First Baptist or is interested in membership, will be meeting January 15, 22,
and 29 in the Conference Room during the SBS hour. If you are interested or have questions, please speak to Pastor Dawes. 

Ladies Bible Studies will resume in January. Tuesday mornings: starting January 10 at 9AM in the Chapel studying “1 Peter” by Jen Wilkin. “Peter a man of faith & flaws, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to our future inheritance.” Books & sign up sheets are in the Foyer. Wednesday evenings: resumes January 4 and will continue their study “Entrusted”. They will begin “1 Peter” at the end of that study.

Weather Alert! In the event of inclement weather, please listen to WPGM (96.7 FM) or WGRC (91.3 & 107.7 Bloomsburg) for church service
changes. Also, if DASD cancels school, all Mid-week Ministries are canceled as well. All scheduling changes will also be posted on our website at (on the main page).

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving

The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information.


Sunday, December 18, 2016

Thanks to those who donated poinsettias in honor or memory of a loved one. Please feel free to take them home after the Christmas Eve Service. Cellophane wrappers will be available in the coatroom.

Join us tonight for Christmas caroling to our shut in friends. Meet here at 4:30 if you would like to help pack the cookies we will deliver as we
carol. We will split into several groups & leave the church at 5 PM. Everyone is welcome! Cookies needed! Please have them here by 4:30 PM.

Christmas offering will be in the pew racks through December. The Christmas offering will be divided between the Youth Costa Rica mission trip and FBC’s General Fund.

Missionary Christmas prayer letters arrive weekly! Please stop by the rack outside of the chapel to pick up your copy. You will be encouraged & challenged by the news they share.

The Nominating Committee has been meeting. A list of nominees for FBC Boards & Officers is posted on the ramp bulletin board. Please direct any concerns or questions to a member of the committee.

Exploring FBC, a class for anyone who would like to know more about First Baptist or is interested in membership, will be meeting January 15, 22,
and 29 in the Conference Room during the SBS hour. If you are interested or have questions, please speak to Pastor Dawes. 

Haiti Team Update – See the display board outside of the Chapel for supplies needed for the team’s ministry to the Haitian children.

Reading Glasses & Cases will be distributed by our Haiti 11 team on their upcoming trip. Non-prescription glasses only & cases may be dropped off in the church office.

Ladies Bible Studies will resume in January. Tuesday mornings: starting January 10 at 9AM in the Chapel studying “1 Peter” by Jen Wilkin. “Peter a man of faith & flaws, challenges us to look beyond our current circumstances to our future inheritance.” Books & sign up sheets are in the Foyer. Wednesday evenings: resumes January 4 and will continue their study “Entrusted”. They will begin “1 Peter” at the end of that study.

Weather Alert! In the event of inclement weather, please listen to WPGM (96.7 FM) or WGRC (91.3 & 107.7 Bloomsburg) for church service
changes. Also, if DASD cancels school, all Mid-week Ministries are canceled as well. All scheduling changes will also be posted on our website at (on the main page).

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving

The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information.


Sunday, December 11, 2016

The Pastoral Search Committee is please to announce that we have invited Pastor Paul Fink, his wife Ruth and their son, Peter, to visit First Baptist Church as the candidate for the position of Associate Pastor. The weekend selected is Friday, January 20 through Sunday, January 22. A vote will be taken at the Annual Business meeting, January 25. More information about Pastor Fink and the schedule of events for the candidate  weekend will be in the bulletin in early January. In the meantime, please be praying for the Lord’s leading for FBC and the Finks.

Midweek Meal – Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed., Dec. 14. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is American Chow Mein (beef, pasta & sauce), Green Bean Casserole, & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, Dec. 12 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class today or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Missionary prayer letters arrive weekly! Please stop by the rack outside of the chapel to pick up your copy. You will be encouraged & challenged by the news they share.

Christmas offering envelopes will be available in the pew racks next week & through December.

The Nominating Committee has been meeting. A list of nominees for FBC Boards & Officers is posted on the ramp bulletin board. Please direct any concerns or questions to a member of the committee.

Thanks to all who have taken ornaments from the Tree of Love in the kitchen foyer. Please bring your ornament & the unwrapped gift to the church office by Wednesday, December 14 so that the gifts may be distributed soon! Thanks for caring & sharing!

Cookies for Truckers may be placed in the designated container in the kitchen this morning ~ thanks for your efforts!

Exploring FBC , a class for anyone who would like to know more about First Baptist or is interested in membership, will be meeting January 15, 22, and 29 in the Conference Room during the SBS hour. If you are interested or have questions, please speak to Pastor Dawes. 

Needed: Warm coats & clothing. Pastor Marv Robinson, our missionary to the Rochester area, has asked for coats and warm clothing. If you have any gently used items to donate they may be placed in the BFLC coatroom by this Wednesday, December 14.

Reading Glasses & Cases will be distributed by our Haiti 11 team on their upcoming trip. Non-prescription glasses only & cases may be dropped off in the church office.

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving 

The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information.

Art of Caring Conversationis a course  for those wishing to volunteer at GMC as a Chaplain Assistant. Information is on the ramp Bulletin Board.

Weather Alert! In the event of inclement weather, please listen to WPGM (96.7 FM) or WGRC (91.3 & 107.7 Bloomsburg) for church service changes. Also, if DASD cancels school, all Mid-week Ministries are canceled as well. All scheduling changes will also be posted on our website at (on the main page).


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Thank you to Rosann Koble & all of the Children’s Church workers. Children’s Church will not meet in December. (Children’s Bulletins and Busy Bags for Preschool & Elementary aged children are available near the Usher’s Table.) Interested in joining the team in 2017 or have questions. Please contact the office.

A Child Safe Church Class will be presented Sunday, December 4 during SBS. If you have not attended a class this year plan to attend.

Midweek Meal – Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, December 7. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Ham, green beans and potatoes & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, December 5 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Christmas Tracts, devotionals & 2017 calendar cards are available at the Tract Rack. Please stop by & take some for yourself & to share.

Right Now Media, an online video library, is ready for Christmas with many studies for adults & over 30 Christmas programs for children. If you are signed up, just go to the site and type Christmas in the search box. If you have not joined Right Now Media, it is available to you at no cost. Please contact the office or Circle “R” on your Connect Card and include your email address. You will receive an invitation in your email. Feel free to call the office with any questions.

Needed: Warm coats & clothing. Pastor Marv Robinson, our missionary to the Rochester area, has asked for coats and warm clothing. If you have any gently used items to donate they may be placed in the BFLC coatroom by December 14.

Reading Glasses & Cases will be distributed by our Haiti 11 team on their upcoming trip. Non-prescription glasses only & cases may be dropped off in the church office.

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving 

The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information or circle “L” on your Connect Card.

Christmas is a time of giving! In that spirit, the Sunday School is sponsoring a Tree of Love in the kitchen foyer. The ornaments on the tree each represent a person & a gift. As God leads you, please take an ornament from the tree & return it with the designated unwrapped gift to the church office by December 14. Please keep the ornament with the gift so it goes to the right person. Thanks for caring & sharing!

Poinsettias may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $7.50. If interested, please contact the church office at 570-275-1511 by December 8. The poinsettias may be picked up after the Christmas Eve Service.

Cookies for Truckers! We have an opportunity to assist the Chapel at the Buckhorn Truck stop in their ministry to truckers. If you would like to participate, please bring your cookies, 4-5 in a zip lock baggie, to the collection box in the kitchen on December 11. That’s next week!

A movie for the Christmas season. “Believe” – “When everything seems lost hope can find you.” When Matthew considers selling the family business when the economy sours, he meets Clarence, a joyful boy who believes in miracles. Matthew must decide – do what’s best for himself or give faith a chance by opening his heart to help his community. Showing this week at the Selinsgrove & Bloomsburg Cinema Centers.

November 27, 2016

Children’s Church will not meet in December. Watch the bulletin for the January start date. A special thanks to all of our dedicated Children’s Church workers. Interested in joining the team in 2017 or have questions? Please contact the office.

Needed: Warm coats & clothing. Pastor Marv Robinson, our missionary to the Rochester area, has asked for coats and warm clothing. If you have any gently used items to donate they may be placed in the BFLC coatroom by December 14.

A Child Safe Church Class will be presented next Sunday, December 4 during SBS. If you have not attended a class this year plan to attend.

Thanksgiving Offering ~ At our Fall Business meeting we voted to split our Thanksgiving Offering between monetary Christmas gifts for our missionaries and hurricane relief in Haiti. Envelopes are available in the pew racks today.

Sewing Only Luo Pad Session Thursday, December 1, 10 AM-12 noon in the BFLC. Due to some changes to the pattern we will be sewing the supply already cut out, so for this session if you sew please join us. Bring your machine if possible.
Our music ministries are assembling a small ensemble/orchestra for a few of the Christmas services. If you play an orchestra instrument (brass, woodwind, strings or percussion), please contact Pastor John by emailing him at
Lost? A variety of dishes and pans have accumulated in the kitchen. Please check the kitchen for items that you may have left behind! After  TODAY remaining items will be removed for donation. Reading Glasses & Cases  will be distributed by our Haiti 11 team on their upcoming trip. Non-prescription glasses only & cases may be dropped off in the church office.

Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving: The L.I.F.T. prayer ministry is looking for people who are willing to pray for First Baptist, our services, pastors, and individuals as the Sunday morning worship services are taking place. Please see Peter Pandolfo for more information or circle “L” on your Connect Card.


Missionary Prayer Letters  are available in the rack outside Springer Chapel. Please check the rack for new letters, placed there weekly, to stay up to date with what’s happening in the lives of our missionaries.

Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday. We will be taking food items to the Danville Community Christmas Tree. Please see the suggested food items list as well as the address for monetary gifts on the ramp Bulletin Board.
Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed., Nov. 30. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chili and Corn Bread, & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, Nov. 28 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

A baptism service  is being planned for the evening of Sunday, December 4. If you are interested in being baptized please circle “B” on your Connect Card or speak with Pastor Dawes.



December 5 ~ Red Cross Blood Drive ~ 1-6 PM

 December 11 ~ Choir & Praise Team Program ~ 8 & 10:30 AM

December 18 ~ Bells of Joy & Choir Program ~ 8 & 10:30 AM

Christmas Caroling ~ 4:30 PM

 December 24 ~ Family Christmas Eve Service ~ 5:30 PM

Candle Light Christmas Eve Service ~ 7:30 PM

December 25 ~ Birthday Party for Jesus ~ 9 AM
Christmas Worship Service ~ 10:30

(No 8 AM service )

December 31 ~ New Year’s Eve Dinner & Celebration

Details soon!