Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Barnabas Basket – During the first weekend of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer today. The need for November is Noodles & Macaroni.

Lost & Found will be located in the BFLC (gym) today through next weekend. Please pick up your lost treasures ASAP! Any items leftover will be donated to the Salvation Army on November 12th.

FBC Representative Needed for the Danville Food Bank Thank you, Red Swank, for your many years of service on the board! Meetings are held at 9AM on the 4th Tuesday of every month. Food distributions are held the 2nd Saturday of each month. If you are interested, circle “F” on your connect card and we’ll get more information to you!

Midweek Meal: Wednesday, November 8: Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Corn & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, November 6 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Haiti Team Meeting will be at 3:00pm in the Chapel on Sunday, November 5. You don’t want to miss this final meeting before the trip!

30 Hour Famine is Coming! Our Youth will be taking part of the 30 Hour Famine on November 17-18 to help raise awareness and funds. Would you stand with us in praying for and/or donating to help us fight hunger? Donations can be made online by going to our youth events page at or checks can be made out to World Vision and placed in the offering box on the wall by the office.

Teachers and Mentors Needed  Sunday Bible School is looking for teachers (primarily for our 2nd grade class), assistants, and substitutes to provide our children with a firm spiritual foundation.  If you are willing to make this one year commitment, or would like to know more about it, please contact the office or call Lisa Houser, Superintendent.

“Come & Help in The Kitchen!” With the crowds we’ve been getting, we are looking for more big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours). If you are interested, please call the office! 

Fishnet Partners! Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. This Thursday, they will be working on processing eye glasses in the BFLC from 9-12pm. All are welcome!

Church Administrator Position Opening With Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is a
full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.

Pictures of Veterans Needed: Last Call! During our Veterans Day Sunday services, FBC would like to honor any veteran who has served. Please send in a picture of your veteran in military dress, if possible, to the church office by November 9th. Please also include their name and which branch of the military they served in.

Because of your Love In Action…

  • 107 Bibles were collected for WGRC’s 2017 Bible Drive
  • 147.6 pounds of Pet Food was given to Awana for the Danville SPCA
  • Mountains of candy were collected for Trunk-or-Treat
  • The “largest amount of items” were given towards the College Care Packages in the program’s 10 year existence!


Feed-A-Friend of Montour County – Collection basket is in the Main Foyer until November 9th!Top Suggestions: Canned items such as vegetables, tuna, cranberry sauce, fruit – Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Boxed Stuffing, etc. No refrigerated or frozen items, please.

FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 18! Monetary donations and desserts would be greatly appreciated for this meal. Please contact Diane Gelbaugh if you are interested in making a dessert and/or if you would like to help out. CORRECTION: monetary donations can be made out to FBC with Jubilee Kitchen in the memo.

The Jubilee Kitchen is also looking for Drivers! Volunteers are needed to pick up donuts and bread goods each Saturday morning at 8:00am from Dunkin Donuts, Weis and Giant, and deliver them to the Jubilee Kitchen at Trinity Lutheran Church. If interested, please call the church office for more information.

Disaster Relief Suggestions:

¨ Samaritan’s Purse: or call 828-262-1980.
¨ AGAPEPlease mark checks “Harvey Flood Relief” or “Houston Relief”. Mail to: AGAPE Extended Services P.O. Box 424 Bloomsburg, PA 17815.
¨ Global Aid Network (GAiN):

Sunday, October 29, 2017

New Addresses: Keep ‘em Coming! If you have received notice that your address has changed, please let the church office know. An updated address directory will be printed in December to include the changes. The new FBC address is 12 Brookside Drive, Danville, PA 17821.
Football Chapel: The next football chapel is on Friday, 11/3 at 6:30am. Big hearts are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders. If you are interested in helping, let the office know!
Church Administrator Position Opening With Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is a
full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.

Midweek Meal: Wednesday, 11/1 Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Broasted Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Veggie & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, October 30 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert.

October is Pastor Appreciation MonthCard boxes have been setup on a table in the main foyer if you would like to bless the pastors & their families with a card. You can also leave a little love on the bulletin board downstairs by the Sunday Bible School Office!

FBC is Hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 18! Monetary donations and desserts would be greatly appreciated for this meal. Please contact Diane Gelbaugh if you are interested in making a dessert and/or if you would like to help out. See for info on making monetary donations.

Greeters WantedAre you a friendly person? Join the Greeter Team! Help us welcome everyone to worship services (Saturday and Sunday), special services and/or events. Approximate time commitment is 30min! If you are interested please contact Linda Sue Davies.

30 Hour Famine is Coming! Our Youth will be taking part of the 30 Hour Famine on November 17-18 to help raise awareness and funds. Would you stand with us in praying for and/or donating to help us fight hunger? Donations can be made online by going to our youth events page at or checks can be made out to World Vision and placed in the offering box on the wall by the office.

Teachers and Mentors Needed  Sunday Bible School is looking for teachers (primarily for our 2nd grade class), assistants, and substitutes to provide our children with a firm spiritual foundation.  If you are willing to make this one year commitment, or would like to know more about it, please contact the office or call Lisa Houser, Superintendent.

Online Giving is a GO! If you would prefer to tithe or donate online, then head over to, click Give Now, make a profile and you’re all set! Check out the tutorial video for additional help.

Pictures of Veterans Needed – During our Veterans Day Sunday services, FBC would like to honor any veteran who has served. Please send in a picture of your veteran in military dress, if possible, to the church office by November 9th. Please also include their name and which branch of the military they served in.

Power for Living & Weekly Prayer Sheets – These great resources are available each week at the Info Desk & on the wall beside the SBS Office (lower level).  Get yours today and be encouraged!

Check Out the Tract Rack! Halloween Tracts and 2018 calendars are now available at the Tract Rack located in the main lobby. You’ll find many other resources there like Our Daily Bread and much more!

Missionary Prayer Letters – Take a moment to pick one up outside of the chapel to see what our missionary families have been up to! You’ll not only gain a new appreciation for all they do but also have the ability to pray more specifically for their needs.

Fall Back – Remember to turn Your Clock Back next Sunday!

“Come & Help in The Kitchen!” With the crowds we’ve been getting, we are looking for more big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours). If you are interested, please call the office! 

2017 WGRC’s Bible Drive – Collection bin is in the Main Foyer until November 1stWGRC is collecting gently used Bibles to be sent over to an English speaking area in Ghana, Africa!

Pet Food Collection – Collection bin is in the Chapel Foyer until October 31stThis is the Awana kiddos response to the verse, “the righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.

Feed-A-Friend of Montour County – Collection basket is in the Main Foyer until November 9thTop Suggestions: Canned items such as vegetables, tuna, cranberry sauce, fruit – Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Boxed Stuffing, etc. No refrigerated or frozen items, please.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Check Out the Tract Rack! Halloween Tracts and 2018 calendars are now available at the Tract Rack located in the main lobby. You’ll find many other resources there like Our Daily Bread and much more!
Football Chapel: The next football chapel is on Friday, 10/27 at 6:30am. Big hearts are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders. If you are interested in helping, let the office know!
Online Giving is a GO! If you would prefer to tithe or donate online, then head over to, click Give Now, make a profile and you’re all set! Check out the helpful tutorial video for additional help.
Business Meeting Update: Reports from the Boards & Staff were presented and reviewed at the Fall Business Meeting. Many thanks to all who attended! If you would like a copy of the meeting agenda and reports, please contact the office.
Church Administrator Position Opening With Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is a
full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.
NO Midweek Meal:Trunk-R-Treat
TRUNK-OR-TREAT – Wednesday, October 25, 5:30-7:30PM. Live Music & Entertainment, Loads of Candy, Free Food! Rain or Shine! Invite your friends! Trunk-or-Treat is a safe Halloween alternative.
2017 Trunk-or-Treat Challenge – Sign-up today in the main foyer to lock in your group’s theme!

Additional Ways to Help!

  • Donate bags of candy (Bin downstairs by Kitchen)
  • Help make & serve food that evening
  • Sit at tables and hand out candy
  • Pray for opportunities to share the gospel!


October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes have been setup on a table in the main foyer if you would like to bless the pastors & their families with a card. You can also leave a little love on the bulletin board downstairs by the Sunday Bible School Office!

Safe Church Class on Sunday 10/29: Anyone interested in working with children/youth at FBC must take this course as part of their Safe Church requirements. This class will be held at 9:15am in the BFLC. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

Fishnet Partners! Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. This Thursday, they will be working on processing eye glasses in the BFLC from 9am-12pm. All are welcome!

Greeters Wanted! Are you a friendly person? Join the Greeter Team! Help us welcome everyone to worship services (Saturday and Sunday), special services and/or events. Approximate time commitment is 30min! If you are interested please contact Linda Sue Davies.

New! Foundations of Faith Class This 6 week course began on 10/15 and is led by Pastor Paul at 9:15am during the Sunday Bible School hour in the Conference Room (across from the church office).

Blood Drive OrganizerFBC is looking for someone to coordinate blood drives in the BFLC 4 times per year. If you would like more information, please circle “B” on your connect card or call the church office.

“Come & Help in The Kitchen!” With the crowds we’ve been getting, we are looking for more big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours). Contact the church office if you are interested in helping. 

New Addresses: Keep ‘em Coming! If you have received notice that your address has changed, please let the church office know. An updated address directory will be printed in a few months to include the updates. The new FBC address is 12 Brookside Drive, Danville, PA 17821.

Feed-A-Friend of Montour County – Collection basket is in the Main Foyer until November 9th!Top Suggestions: Canned items such as vegetables, tuna, cranberry sauce, fruit – Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Boxed Stuffing, etc. No refrigerated or frozen items, please.

Pet Food Collection – Collection bin is in the Chapel Foyer until October 31stThis is the Awana kiddos response to the verse, “the righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.

2017 WGRC’s Bible Drive – Collection bin is in the Main Foyer until November 1stWGRC is collecting gently used Bibles to be sent over to an English speaking area in Ghana, Africa!

Youth 30 Hour Famine – November 17-18 Would you stand with our Youth in praying for and/or donating to help us fight hunger? Donations can be made online by going to our youth events page at or checks can be made out to World Vision.

Disaster Relief Suggestions:

¨ Samaritan’s Purse: or call 828-262-1980.
¨ AGAPEPlease mark checks “Harvey Flood Relief” or “Houston Relief”. Mail to: AGAPE Extended Services P.O. Box 424 Bloomsburg, PA 17815.
¨ Global Aid Network (GAiN):


College Care Ministry – Mid-terms will be here before you know it!! The donation box is in the kitchen foyer until October 29.

Suggested items to donate:

  Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes)   Hot Chocolate

  Microwave Popcorn                     Ramen noodles (not cups)

  Indiv. Packages of crackers         Breakfast/Cereal Bars

  Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats             Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts

  Post-It Notes                                Individual Boxes of Raisins

  Glue Sticks                                   Highlighters 

  Treat-sized choc. Candy              Hard Candy

  Tic-Tacs/Mints                             Gum

  Lifesavers                                    Chapstick

  Pencils                                         Black or Blue Pens

  Tissue Packets                            Stamps

Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage costs as well as buying supplemental items. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Fall Business Meeting is on Wednesday, October 18 at 6:30PM in the chapel. We will receive reports from our boards and get updates on upcoming events and business.  Everyone is invited to attend, members only may vote.
Flag Caretaker Needed – We are looking for someone who would like to take up the care of our flags! This includes lowering and raising them as needed for holidays or presidential request as well as basic maintenance. If you are interested, please call the church office.
Greeters Wanted! Are you a friendly person? Join the Greeter Team! Help us welcome everyone to worship services (Saturday and Sunday), special services and/or events. Approximate time commitment is 20min! If you are interested please circle “G” on your connect card or call the church office.
Online Giving is a GO! If you would prefer to tithe or donate online, then head over to, click Give Now, make a profile and you’re all set! Check out the helpful tutorial video for additional help.
Blood Drive OrganizerFBC is looking for someone to coordinate blood drives in the BFLC 4 times per year. If you would like more information, please circle “B” on your connect card or call the church office.
NO Midweek MealFBC Business Meeting is this Wednesday.
Youth 30 Hour FamineWe’re getting ready for Nov. 17-18! World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine is a worldwide movement of students who are serious about loving God and fighting hunger – all on an empty stomach. For 30 hours, participants get a taste of hunger by not eating, something more than a billion people around the world experience every day. Through various planned activities throughout the weekend, students are changed in amazing ways as they learn and help others. Would you stand with us by praying and/or donating to help us fight hunger? Donations can be made online by going to our youth events page on or checks can be made out to World Vision and placed in the offering box on the wall by the office.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes have been setup on a table in the main foyer if you would like to bless the pastors & their families with a card. You can also leave a little love on the bulletin board downstairs by the Sunday Bible School Office!

A Health & Wellness Fair will be held in the BFLC this Thursday, October 19 from 9AM-2PM. This is a free event that is open to the public. Health and wellness vendors will provide information on a variety of subjects.

GAiN October Packing Project! Donna & her team would like to extend an open invitation to anyone who would like to join them at the GAiN Warehouse in Lancaster October 18-21. Must provide own transportation. Warehouse is located at 1506 Quarry Road, Mt. Joy, PA 17552. Lunch & snacks are available for a free-will love offering.

MOSAIC (55yrs+) Outing – Our cruise down the Susquehanna on the Hiawatha is set for Monday 10/16. we’ll leave from the FBC parking lot at 5:00PM sharp! For those driving separately, the dock is located at 1500 West Third St, Williamsport. The Hiawatha leaves at 6:00pm rain or shine. Please bring “finger foods” to share during our time of fellowship under the pavilion afterwards. Bottled water will be provided. If you haven’t signed up and still want to come, there’s still room! Please contact Pastor Harry or Lynn asap to join the fun!

New! Foundations of Faith Class – This 6 week course began on 10/15 and is led by Pastor Paul at 9:15am during the Sunday Bible School hour in the Conference Room (across from the church office).

“Come & Help in The Kitchen!” With the crowds we’ve been getting, we are looking for more big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours). 

Upcoming Safe Church Classes: Anyone interested in working with children/youth at FBC must take this course as part of their Safe Church requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

  • 10/15 at 9:15am in the BFLC for FBC Security Personnel
  • 10/29 at 9:15am in the BFLC open to everyone!

Teachers and Mentors Needed Sunday Bible School is looking for teachers (primarily for our 2nd grade class), assistants, and substitutes to provide our children with a firm spiritual foundation.  If you are willing to make this one year commitment, or would like to know more about it, please contact the office or call Lisa Houser, Superintendent.

TRUNK OR TREAT Wednesday, October 25, 5:30-7:30PM

2017 Trunk-or-Treat Challenge – Adult Sunday Bible School Classes & Ministries are encouraged to get together and decorate a table (inside) or a car trunk (outside)!! Sign-up today in the main foyer to lock in your group’s theme! *For Guidelines & Judging Criteria, go to*

Additional Ways to Help!

  • Donate bags of candy (Bin downstairs by Kitchen)
  • Help make & serve food that evening
  • Sit at tables and hand out candy
  • Pray for opportunities to share the gospel!


Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Fall Business Meeting will be on Wednesday, October 18 at 6:30PM in the chapel. We will receive reports from our boards and get updates on upcoming events and business.  Everyone is invited to attend, members only may vote. Board chairmen, please submit your reports no later than Friday 10/13.
Foundations of Faith Class Begins Sunday 10/8! This is a 6 week course led by Pastor Paul at 9:15am during the Sunday Bible School hour in the Conference Room (across from the church office).

Midweek Meal: Wednesday, 10/11 – Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken & Broccoli Foil Packs with Stuffing & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, October 9 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes have been setup on a table in the main foyer if you would like to bless the pastors & their families with a card. You can also leave a little love on the bulletin board downstairs by the Sunday Bible School Office!

“Come & Help in The Kitchen!” With the crowds we’ve been getting, we are looking for more big hearts to help us out in the kitchen on Wednesday evenings. Here’s how you can help & the estimated time needed; Food Prep (3 hours), Setup (1 hour), Serving (1.5 hours) & Clean-up (1.5 hours). 

Upcoming Safe Church Classes: Anyone interested in working with children/youth at FBC must take this course as part of their Safe Church requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.

  • 10/15 at 9:15am in the BFLC for FBC Security Personnel
  • 10/29 at 9:15am in the BFLC open to everyone!

Church Administrator Position Opening With Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is a full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.

Online Giving is a GO! If you would prefer to tithe or donate online, then head over to, click Give Now, make a profile and you’re all set! Check out the helpful tutorial video for additional help.

Football Chapel is on Friday, 10/13 at 6:30am. Big hearts are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders. If you are interested in helping, let the office know!

Teachers and Mentors Needed  Sunday Bible School is looking for teachers (primarily for our 2nd grade class), assistants, and substitutes to provide our children with a firm spiritual foundation.  If you are willing to make this one year commitment, or would like to know more about it, please contact the office or call Lisa Houser, Superintendent.

Pictorial Directories – If you had your picture taken by Lifetouch here at FBC this spring then stop by our table in the main foyer to pick up your copy! If you missed out on this opportunity, but would still like to have a copy, please sign up at the table to have one ordered! Suggested donation of $3 would be appreciated.

Feed-A-Friend of Montour County Collection basket is in the Main Foyer until November 9th!Top Suggestions: Canned items such as vegetables, tuna, cranberry sauce, fruit – Pasta, Mac & Cheese, Soup, Boxed Stuffing, etc. No refrigerated or frozen items, please.

College Care Package Collection – Collection bin is in the Kitchen Foyer until October 29th!Top Suggestions:  Easy Mac & Cheese Envelopes, Post-It Notes, Pencils, Black or Blue Pens, Tissue Packs, Hard Candy, Chapstick, Ramen Noodles packages, Trail Mix Packs, Gum, Cracker Packs. * *  Student Information is due by October 22nd!! * *

Pet Food Collection – Collection bin is in the Chapel Foyer until October 31stThis is the Awana kiddos response to the verse, “the righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.

2017 WGRC’s Bible Drive – Collection bin is in the Main Foyer until November 1stWGRC is collecting gently used Bibles to be sent over to an English speaking area in Ghana, Africa!

Disaster Relief Suggestions:

¨ Samaritan’s Purse: or call 828-262-1980.
¨ AGAPEPlease mark checks “Harvey Flood Relief” or “Houston Relief”. Mail to: AGAPE Extended Services P.O. Box 424 Bloomsburg, PA 17815.
¨ Global Aid Network (GAiN):
¨ Red Cross: Donate blood this Monday in the BFLC (gym) from 1-6pm; Wednesday, October 25, 2017, 5:30-7:30PM


2017 Trunk-or-Treat Challenge – Adult Sunday Bible School Classes & Ministries are encouraged to get together and decorate a table (inside) or a car trunk (outside)!! Sign-up today in the main foyer to lock in your group’s theme! Our community LOVES this event!! *For Guidelines & Judging Criteria, go to*

Additional Ways to Help!

  • Donate bags of candy (Bin downstairs by Kitchen)
  • Help make & serve food that evening
  • Sit at tables and hand out candy
  • Pray for opportunities to share the gospel!


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Saturday Services are here!Beginning October 7th @ 6:00pm. Unable to make it to church on Sunday mornings? No problem! “Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving…For the Lord is a great God…” Psalm 95:2-3.  Sermons will stay in-step with Sundays so you won’t miss a beat. Sunday goers, come out and worship with us this Saturday at the kick-off service!

The October Barnabas Basket During the month of October, FBC will be collecting Thanksgiving non-perishable food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer. Thank you in advance!

Upcoming Blood Drive: Red Cross Blood Drive will be here on Monday, October 9th in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00pm.

Blood Drive Organizer: FBC is looking for someone to coordinate blood drives in the BFLC 4 times per year. If you would like more information, please circle “B” on your connect card or call the church office.

Midweek Meal: Wednesday, October 4: Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken Potpie & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, October 2 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! Card boxes have been setup on a table in the main foyer if you would like to bless the pastors & their families with a card. You can also leave a little love on the bulletin board downstairs by the Sunday Bible School Office!

Church Administrator Position Opening With Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is a full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.

Haiti Team Meeting Next Sunday in the Chapel at 3:00pm. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming training meetings on 10/8 and 11/5. You don’t want to miss these!

Online Giving is a GO! If you would prefer to tithe or donate online, then head over to, click Give Now, make a profile and you’re all set! Check out the helpful tutorial video for additional help.

Awana Kiddos are Collecting Pet Food During October! If you would like to help us, bins are located in the Springer Chapel lobby as well as the BFLC (gym) foyer. “The righteous care for the needs of their animals…” Proverbs 12:10a. All donations will be given to the Danville SPCA.

Eternity Impactors Needed! Sunday Bible School is looking for teachers (primarily for our 2nd grade class) and helpers to continue providing our kiddos with a firm spiritual foundation. If God is tugging on your heart, please call Lisa Houser, Superintendent.

Pictorial Directories are Here!! If you had your picture taken by Lifetouch here at FBC this spring then stop by our table in the main foyer to pick up your copy! If you missed out on this opportunity, but would still like to have a copy, please sign up at the table to have one ordered! Suggested donation of $3 would be appreciated.

Calling All Computer Techies! With the launch of the Saturday night service, we will need 2 or 3 computer savvy people to serve 1 Saturday a month to run our computers that project the lyrics, sermon slides, and
videos. You will be provided a training session with ProPresenter, and you will be given a “coach” to help you through the first couple weeks.  Interested? Email Pastor John at: and say, “I am your techie!”   

Football Chapel: The next football chapel is on Friday, 10/13 at 6:30am. Big hearts are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders. If you are interested in helping, let the office know!

Trunk or Treat – Wednesday, October 25, 2017, 5:30-7:30PM
2017 Trunk-or-Treat Challenge – Adult Sunday Bible School Classes & Ministries are encouraged to get together and decorate a table (inside) or a car trunk (outside)!! Sign-up today in the main foyer to lock in your group’s theme! Our community LOVES this event!!
**For Guidelines & Judging Criteria, see the ramp bulletin board **

Additional Ways to Help!

  • Donate bags of candy! (Bin downstairs by Kitchen)
  • Help make & serve food that evening
  • Sit at tables and hand out candy
  • Pray for opportunities to share the gospel!

College Care Ministry – Mid-terms will be here before you know it!! The donation box is in the kitchen foyer until October 29.

Suggested items to donate:

  Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes)              Hot Chocolate

  Microwave Popcorn                 Ramen noodles (not cups)

  Indiv. Packages of crackers            Breakfast/Cereal Bars

  Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats             Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts

  Post-It Notes Stamps

  Glue Sticks Highlighters

  Treat-sized choc. Candy Hard Candy

  Tic-Tacs/Mints Gum

  Lifesavers Chapstick

  Pencils Black or Blue Pens

  Tissue Packets Individual boxes of Raisins

Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage costs as well as buying supplemental items. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

New Here? You do not want to miss our FBC Connect Class!! This 3 session class is TODAY at 9:15am in the Conference Room and will wrap up next Sunday, October 1st. Come on in!

Pictorial Directories are Here!! If you had your picture taken by Lifetouch here at FBC this spring then stop by our table in the main lobby to pick up your copy! If you missed out on this opportunity, but would still like to have a copy, please sign up at the table to have one ordered! Suggested donation of $3 would be appreciated.

Midweek Meal: Wednesday, 9/27 – Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Meatloaf, Scalloped Potatoes, Veggie & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, September 25 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert.

Church Administrator Position Opening With Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is a full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger at (570) 764-3889.

Eternity Impactors Needed! Sunday Bible School is looking for teachers (primarily for our 2nd grade class) and helpers to continue providing our kiddos with a firm spiritual foundation. If God is tugging on your heart, please contact Lisa Houser, Superintendent.

Calling All Computer Techies! With the launch of the Saturday night service, we will need 2 or 3 computer savvy people to serve 1 Saturday a month to run our computers that project the lyrics, sermon slides, and videos. You will be provided a training session with ProPresenter, and you will be given a “coach” to help you through the first couple weeks.  Interested? Email Pastor John at: and say, “I am your techie!”   

Fishnet Partners! Fishnet Ministries processes large quantities of goods that will be sent to the mission field. This Thursday, they will be working on processing eye glasses in the BFLC from 9am-12pm. All are welcome!

Ministry and Outreach for Senior Adults In Christ (MOSAIC) is a new ministry for those 55 and older that meet periodically for fellowship, service and encouragement.  Our first outing will be on Monday, Oct. 16 at 6:00PM as we cruise the Susquehanna on the Hiawatha Riverboat departing from Williamsport. We will leave FBC at 5:00pm using church vehicles. Bring snacks and desserts to share as we gather at the pavilion at the dock after the one hour cruise. The cost is $10 per person. Sign up on the bulletin board or in your SBS class. Contact Pastor Harry & Lynn if you have any questions.  

New Ministry! Moms In Prayer Intl. has local chapters in Bloomsburg, Berwick, Central, Northumberland and now Danville!! The group meets in the conference room at 8:20AM Friday mornings. “We believe God changes lives and whole communities forever when moms gather together to pray”. If you are a mom, aunt, grandmother, guardian, woman of prayer, come join us!

College Care Ministry Mid-terms will be here before you know it!! Our college students will soon be hard at work preparing for mid-terms.
We have an opportunity to show God’s love, show our support and encourage these students. We will be mailing care packages to our students attempting to time them around the same time as mid-terms. Donations can be placed in the box located in the kitchen foyer next Sunday through October 29Contact Lynn Wintersteen if you would like to help pack boxes on October 30th at 4:45pm.

Suggested items to donate:

  Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes)              Hot Chocolate

  Microwave Popcorn                 Ramen noodles (not cups)

  Indiv. Packages of crackers            Breakfast/Cereal Bars

  Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats             Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts

  Post-It Notes Stamps

  Glue Sticks Highlighters

  Treat-sized choc. Candy Hard Candy

  Tic-Tacs/Mints Gum

  Lifesavers Chapstick

  Pencils Black or Blue Pens

  Tissue Packets Individual boxes of Raisins

Small lightweight items that would bring a smile & mail easy!

*Small bags of snacks DO NOT work well.*

Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage costs as well as buying supplemental items. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Lifetouch Pictorial Directories are Here! If you had your picture taken by Lifetouch here at FBC this spring then stop by our table in the main lobby to pick up your copy! If you missed out on this opportunity, but would still like to have a copy, please sign up to have one ordered! Suggested donation of $3 would be appreciated.
Heartfelt thanks for your many years of service, Kathie Nagle! May God continue to richly bless you!


New Here? You do not want to miss our FBC Connect Class!! This 3 session class begins today at 9:15am in the Conference Room and will continue next Sunday (9/24) and October 1st. Come on in!

Children’s Church Begins TODAY! Children ages 4 years to 4th grade are welcome to join! Children who’d like to attend are dismissed after the music portion of the 10:30am Sunday services. If you are interested in helping out, call the church office. We’d greatly appreciate your help!

Installation Service for Pastors Dawes & Paul: TONIGHT at 6pm! Join us for this encouraging event as we officially kickoff Pastor Paul joining FBC as the Associate Pastor and Pastor Dawes becoming our Lead Pastor! Bring a dessert to share and enjoy the evening’s program of guest speakers, singing and thanksgiving to God.

Midweek Meal: Wednesday, 9/20 Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Meatball Stroganoff over Noodles, Honey-glazed Carrots & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, September 18 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert.

Church Administrator Position Opening With Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is a full-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.

New Ministry at FBC!! Moms In Prayer International has local chapters in Bloomsburg, Berwick, Central, Northumberland and now Danville!! The group will be meeting in the conference room at 8:20AM Friday mornings. “We believe God changes lives and whole communities forever when moms gather together to pray”. If you are a mom, aunt, grandmother, guardian, woman of prayer, etc., come join us!

Haiti Team Meeting will be at 3:00pm in the Chapel TODAY. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming training meetings on 10/8 and 11/5. You don’t want to miss these!

Calling All Computer Techies! With the launch of the Saturday night service, we will need 2 or 3 computer savvy people to serve 1 Saturday a month to run our computers that project the lyrics, sermon slides, and videos.  We use a Mac computer and run a program called “ProPresenter.”  Most “techies” will be able to master the program within a few run throughs.  You will be provided a training session with
ProPresenter, and you will be given a “coach” to help you through the first couple weeks.  If you could give your time once a month to serve in this way on Saturday nights, email Pastor John at: pjohn@danvillefirstbaptist.organd say, “I am your techie!”   

Blood Drive OrganizerFBC is looking for someone to coordinate blood drives in the BFLC 4 times per year. If you would like more information, please circle “B” on your connect card or call the church office.

New Ministry: MOSAIC! Ministry and Outreach for Senior Adults In Christ is a new ministry for those 55 and older. We plan to meet periodically for fellowship, service and encouragement.  Our first outing will be on Monday, Oct. 16 at 6:00PM as we cruise the Susquehanna on the Hiawatha Riverboat departing from Williamsport. We will leave FBC at 5:00pm using church vehicles. Bring snacks and desserts to share as we gather at the pavilion at the dock after the one hour cruise. We’ll also discuss ideas for future events. The cost is $10 per person. Sign up on the bulletin board or in your SBS class. Contact Pastor Harry & Lynn if you have any questions.  

Feed a Friend: Thanksgiving will be here before you know it! Feed A Friend is designed to help provide a Thanksgiving meal to those that cannot afford one during the holiday season. Last year over 350 families were given a large box of food so they could have full stomachs for the holidays.
Here are some top suggestions of what you can donate:

Canned Vegetables


Canned Tuna

Mac & Cheese

Canned Cranberry Sauce


Canned Fruit

Boxed Stuffing

* Please, No Refrigerated or Frozen Items

Items will be collected in the Main Foyer until November 9th!


Hurricane Disaster Relief Ideas:
¨ Samaritan’s Purse: or call 828-262-1980. Samaritan’s Purse is currently in Texas helping victims at this time.
¨ AGAPEPlease mark checks “Harvey Flood Relief” or “Houston Relief”. This is a tax deductible donation and you will receive a letter acknowledging your gift in accordance with the IRS.  Mail to: AGAPE Extended Services P.O. Box 424 Bloomsburg, PA 17815. 100% of contributions marked for this project will go directly toward helping victims of this life changing disaster.
¨ Global Aid Network (GAiN): You can read their Hurricane Harvey Plan there. Aid will also go towards victims of hurricane Irma as well.


What will your family be doing Wednesday nights this fall?Here’s what we have going on!! Family Dinners! 4:45-5:45pm. Watch the bulletins & website for details.

Groups & Studies begin at 6pm

NurseryCare for children birth through 2 years

Awana: Bible learning, games & fun for children ages 3-6th grade

Iron Youth Jr. High: Pastor Luke provides fun & Bible learning for grades 6-8

Adult Bible Study: Pastor Paul will be leading a study on The Faith; What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It, and Why It Matters, by study authors Charles Colson & Gabe Lyons.

Ladies Grief Group: Any woman who has experienced significant loss, whether a loved one or a relationship, is welcome. Tassy Swank &
Linda Beyer will be leading the journey through the book A Passage Through Grief by Barbara Baumgardner.

Couples Bible Study: Pastor Dawes will be leading couples through the Lifelong Love series by Gary Thomas

Bible Study & Prayer Group: Pastor Dave leads this group in prayer and Bible study through the book of John.

Ladies’ Open Door Bible Study: We’ll be studying The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. Each of the 7 weeks, you’ll learn how to dress for
battle. Tuesday morning sessions will begin on 9/26 at 9:00am. Wednesday evening sessions will begin on 9/20 at 6:00pm. Suggested book donation is $14. Childcare is available at both sessions! Sign up sheets are available in the main lobby!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Coming Soon: FBC Connect Class! Sundays: 9/17, 9/24 & 10/1 @ 9:15am. If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about and how/where you can join in, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office). If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office!

Yaddah Pearls Bible Study Begins Tomorrow! This wonderful group of God-seeking women meet in the conference room on Mondays at 9AM. If you have any questions, contact Sheri Croll.

Football Chapel: Football chapel is on Friday, 9/15 at 6:30am. Men are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team and cheerleaders. If you are interested in helping, let the office know!

Children’s Church Begins Next Sunday! Children ages 4 years to 4th grade are welcome to join! Children who’d like to attend are dismissed after the music portion of the 10:30am Sunday services. If you are interested in helping out, call the church office. We’d greatly appreciate your help!

Calling All Computer Techies! With the launch of the Saturday night service, we will need 2 or 3 computer savvy people to serve 1 Saturday a month to run our computers that project the lyrics, sermon slides, and videos.  We use a Mac computer and run a program called “ProPresenter.”  Most “techies” will be able to master the program within a few run throughs.  You will be provided a training session with
ProPresenter, and you will be given a “coach” to help you through the first couple weeks.  If you could give your time once a month to serve in this way on Saturday nights, email Pastor John at: and say, “I am your techie!”   

Church Administrator Position OpeningWith Fil retiring in January, FBC is beginning the search for our new Church Administrator! This is afull-time salaried position. If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Ardie Kissinger.

Haiti Team Meeting Next Sunday will be at 3:00pm in the Chapel. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for these upcoming training meetings on 10/8 and 11/5. You don’t want to miss these!

Fa La La Laaaaa  Calling all songbirds and those who can play an instrument! If you are interested in joining the Adult Choir, Bells of Joy, Orchestra and/or Praise Team, please let Pastor John know by emailing him at Choir & Bells of Joy begin this week!

Installation Service for Pastors Dawes & Paul: Sunday, September 17 at 6pm! Mark your calendars for this encouraging event as we officially kickoff Pastor Paul joining FBC as the Associate Pastor and Pastor Dawes becoming our Lead Pastor! Bring a dessert to share and enjoy the evening’s program of guest speakers, singing and thanksgiving to God.

Midweek Meal: Wednesday, September 13 Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken-n-Waffles & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, September 11 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Have You Read A Good Book Lately? Check out the FBC Library! With so many new titles to chose from, you’ll always find a literary treasure no matter what age you are. They also have a trove of DVDs too! The Library is located in the Nursery hallway.
Library Hours: Sunday Mornings 8:45-10:30am & Wednesday Evenings 5:45-7:30pm

Huge Thank You!! The Good Samaritan Mission was thrilled to see all of the socks & underwear that were collected in August!

Hurricane Harvey Disaster Relief: At this time, if you are interested in donating toward hurricane relief here are a few recommended organizations to donate through.

¨ Samaritan’s Purse: or call 828-262-1980. Samaritan’s Purse is currently in Texas helping victims at this time.
¨ AGAPEPlease mark checks “Harvey Flood Relief” or “Houston Relief”. This is a tax deductible donation and you will receive a letter acknowledging your gift in accordance with the IRS.  Mail to: AGAPE Extended Services P.O. Box 424 Bloomsburg, PA 17815. 100% of contributions marked for this project will go directly toward helping victims of this life changing disaster.
¨ Global Aid Network (GAiN): You can read their Hurricane Harvey Plan there. Aid will also go towards victims of hurricane Irma as well.

FBC will be looking into other ways to be involved with relief in the coming weeks and months.

The Summer Soup Can Project is wrapping up! Please return your Soup Can and change to FBC by today. The Haiti Team greatly appreciates any support you’re able to offer. With these funds, they will be able to hand out glasses for reading, distance and sunglasses!



What will your family be doing Wednesday nights this fall? Here’s what we have going on!!

     Family Dinners! 4:45-5:45pm
     Watch the bulletins & website for details

Groups & Studies begin at 6pm

NurseryCare for children birth through 2 years

Awana: Bible learning, games & fun for children ages 3-6th grade

Iron Youth Jr. High: Pastor Luke provides fun & Bible learning for grades 6-8

Adult Bible Study: Pastor Paul will be leading a study on The Faith; What Christians Believe, Why They Believe It, and Why It Matters, by study authors Charles Colson & Gabe Lyons.

Ladies Grief Group: Any woman who has experienced significant loss, whether a loved one or a relationship, is welcome. Tassy Swank &
Linda Beyer will be leading the journey through the book A Passage Through Grief by Barbara Baumgardner.

Couples Bible Study: Pastor Dawes will be leading couples through the Lifelong Love series by Gary Thomas

Bible Study & Prayer Group: Beginning 9/13, Pastor Dave leads this group in prayer and Bible study through the book of John.

Ladies’ Open Door Bible Study: We’ll be studying The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. Each of the 7 weeks, you’ll learn how to dress for battle. Tuesday morning sessions will begin on 9/26 at 9:00am. Wednesday evening sessions will begin on 9/20 at 6:00pm. Suggested book donation is $14. Childcare is available at both sessions!

Sunday, September 3, 2017

The Barnabas Basket – During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer today. The need for September is Canned Vegetables.

Special Business Meeting has been scheduled for TODAY, September 3 at 9:10am in the sanctuary. It will be brief so you’ll have time for your Sunday Bible class. The items to be discussed will be the repair of the FBC parking lot and a vote regarding Malachi & Linsey Courtney becoming members. All are welcome to attend, however only members can vote.

Midweek Meal: Wednesday, September 6 Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Hamburger BBQ, Potato Salad & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, September 4 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.

Saturday Service!! Beginning October 7th @ 6:00pm. Unable to make it out to church on Sunday mornings? Join us for worship on Saturday evenings! Sermons will stay in-step with Sundays so you won’t miss a beat.

Sisters of Strength Retreat is happening September 15-17 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn and you can still sign up!! The cost is $160 and is due to FBC by TODAY. Checks can be made out to “FBC”. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sheri.

Instillation Service for Pastors Dawes & Paul: Sunday, September 17 at 6pm! Mark your calendars for this encouraging event as we officially kickoff Pastor Paul joining FBC as the Associate Pastor and Pastor Dawes becoming our Lead Pastor! Bring a dessert to share and enjoy the evening’s program of guest speakers, singing and thanksgiving to God.

Blood Drive OrganizerFBC is looking for someone to coordinate blood drives in the BFLC 4 times per year. If you would like more information, please circle “B” on your connect card or call the church office.

Hurricane Harvey Disaster ReliefAt this time, if you are interested in donating toward hurricane relief, Samaritan’s Purse is a recommended organization to donate through. You can give at or by calling 828-262-1980. FBC will be looking into other ways to be involved with relief in the coming weeks and months.

Care & Concern Ministry began in October ‘03 and is a group of some of the biggest hearts around. They make and take meals to those who have had babies, surgery, or are going through a tough time. If you have a big heart, here’s one of the ministries where your heart is needed!

  • Phone Group: Circle “P” if you would like to be on our call list & write the contact number you’d prefer on your connect card.
  • Email & Phone Group: Circle “D” if you would like to be on this list, write your preferred email and contact number on your connect card.

Mid-Week Meals Are Here! If you are savvy around the kitchen (or even if you’re not!) and would like to help the Kitchen Team, please circle “K” on your connect card or call the church office! The first meal will be on Wednesday, September 6th.

Awana Online Registration Wraps Up Tomorrow! Paper registrations will always be available to print from our website. We welcome all kiddos ages 3 to 6th grade to join us during the school year Wednesdays from 6-7:30pm. The first club meet is September 6th! Check out!

New Addresses: Keep ‘em Coming! If you have received notice that your address has changed, please let the church office know. An updated address directory will be printed in a few months to include the updates. The new FBC address is 12 Brookside Drive, Danville, PA 17821.

Coming Soon: FBC Connect Class!  Sundays: 9/17, 9/24 & 10/1 @ 9:15am – If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about and how/where you can join in, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office). If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office!


FBC Music ministries

Adult Choir will begin on Sunday evening, September 10th, from 7:15-8:30pm in the sanctuary. If you are interested in joining the choir, come to a rehearsal! Our only requirements are that you love the Lord, attend rehearsals and can match pitch!

Bells of Joy handbell choir is a great opportunity for those who can read music to make a joyful noise to the Lord! Our first rehearsal will be on Monday, September 11 from 6:30-8:30pm in the Bell Room.

Orchestra is a great place to toot your own horn! …or cello! If you are interested in sharing your talents, please talk to Pastor John. We’re hoping to use orchestra instruments in both services!

Praise Team This contemporary group worships during the 10:30am Sunday Service. If you are interested in auditioning, please email
Pastor John at He’ll email you songs to rehearse ahead of time, a questionnaire to fill out and setup an audition time with you.  Auditions will usually take place Thursday evenings.

The Summer Soup Can Project is wrapping up! Please return your Soup Can and change to FBC by Sunday, September 10th. The Haiti Team greatly appreciates any support you’re able to offer. With these funds, they will be able to hand out glasses for reading, distance and sunglasses!


World Hunger Project

Saturday, September 9

9AM-11AM  *Doors open at 8:30*

Sign Up Today! Join hundreds of people here at FBC to pack 60,000 meals of rice & lentils and 6,000 seed packs!

Our Goals: 350 Volunteers & $21,500  
Donate and/or Register at:
We are looking for Table & Station Captains!
Want to know more? Contact Gary Lewis.