Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Barnabas Basket is in the foyer today for those who would like to make a food donation to our local Food Bank. The specific need this month is canned vegetables.

Moppet Volunteers needed! Mothers of Preschoolers will soon be starting their new year. Volunteers are needed the 2nd Wednesday of each month September through May from 8:45 – 11:15 AM. Music, a craft & Bible lesson are already provided. All that is needed are caring individuals to play with the children & assist the leaders. Please call the Church Office at 570-275-1511 if you are interested or have questions.

Starting next Sunday – 6 PM – “Putting feet” to the Sunday AM message! Life application Bible study time in the Chapel with Pastor Dawes.

Fall Call to Prayer: If you are not attending the Awana orientation, please join Pastor Dawes for a time of prayer for our church and our local and national needs Wed., September 7 at 6 PM/Conf. Room.

The Adult Choir will begin again on Sunday evening, September 11th, from 7:15 – 8:30 PM. If you are interested in joining the choir, come to a
rehearsal! Our only requirement is that you love the Lord, attend rehearsals, and can match pitch! “Sing to the Lord a new song!”

Bells of Joy: For those who can read music, the Bells of Joy handbell choir is a great opportunity to minister through music! Our first rehearsal is
Monday, September 12th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm. Come join us! We have great ringers who would be happy to show you what to do!

Orchestra: If you play an orchestra instrument, please let Pastor John know! We’re hoping to use our orchestra instruments in both traditional and contemporary music in the near future.

Praise Band: Finally, the praise band will be holding auditions for new members on Thursday, September 8th, 5:30 – 7:00 PM. If you are interested in beginning the audition process, please email Pastor John as soon as possible at Songs will be sent out ahead of time (via email) for you to rehearse, questions will be sent for you to answer, and time slots will need to be reserved for you to audition. If you are interested in participating or have any other questions regarding auditions, please email Pastor John or call the office.

The Secret Keeper Girl Purple Party Tour is coming to FBC this week!! Designed for girls ages 7-12 & their moms, the evening includes  interactive games, mom & daughter time, Biblical teaching & a modesty fashion show. Flyers are available at the Info Desk. This event is sponsored by WGRC – reservations & more info are at Helpers are needed: girl & mom models, girl actresses, stage crew, ticket personnel, set up, etc. Contact the Church Office with any questions. 

Prayer Rally at the PA capitol in Harrisburg, September 15 at 12 noon. FBC will be taking vans. If you would like a ride or wish to caravan please sign the sheet at the Info Desk. More details coming soon. Tentative departure time is 9 AM.

Danville World Hunger Project/GAiN, September 24, 9-11 AM, packing rice/lentil meals for refugees in the FBC Beveridge Family Life Center. Sign up at or contact the office.

An Exploring FBC class will be offered in October. This 3 session class is for anyone who would like to find out more about our church, ways to be involved and/or membership. Class dates are October 2, 9 & 16. If you have questions or would like to attend please circle “E” on your Connect Card or speak with Pastor Dawes.

The GAiN Lancaster Warehouse Packing Project is Oct. 19-22. Your help is needed to pack new & used clothing, sew & pack blankets and luo pads. There are sit-down & stand up jobs. Lunch & snacks are provided at no charge! A church van will leave FBC at 7 AM Wed., Oct. 19 and return around 7 PM . For details/to sign up see the sheet on the ramp bulletin board.

The Iron Mill Church is hosting a Prayer Service September 10 at 6 PM to prepare for the opening of the church. You are invited to attend to encourage & support them in their endeavor. The church is located on Rt. 54 just beyond the 642 East exit.

Help Yourself to any books and coffee cups remaining on the shelves in Pastor Harry’s former office. These items that are left are FREE for the taking.

Ladies Retreat, September 16 – 18 – It’s not too late to sign up! Please contact the Church Office if you have questions or would like to attend.

Ladies! Bible studies will begin Wednesday, September 28 (note date change!) at 6 PM, and Tuesday, October 4 at 9 AM. We are studying Beth Moore’s latest & greatest study, “Entrusted”, a study of 2 Timothy. Sign up & pick up your book in the Foyer.

Ladies Grief Group ~ “Grief, God’s Help in Times of Sorrow”. Cancer takes a loved one. Your Marriage ends. Your Spouse dies. You’re left feeling lost and hopeless, wondering, How can I go on? Nine studies in Psalms will lead you to the arms of our compassionate God. This small group will meet during MidWeek Ministries. Please call the Church Office with questions. A sign up sheet is in the Foyer.

Yaddah Pearls meets Mondays in the Library at 9 AM for a relaxed study of the Bible as they walk through life together. They will be starting “You’re Made for a God Sized Dream” by Holley Gerth in October (No meeting 9/4 and 9/26.)


Sunday, August 28, 2016

Today – River Baptisms ~ 3:00 PM: Come celebrate with those who are being baptized today. East side of the Danville – Riverside bridge.  (Turn right off Water Street.) Bring your lawn chairs. There will be space to sit near the river or near the sidewalk.

MUSIC MINISTRIES Get Involved!The Adult Choir will begin again on Sunday evening, September 11th, from  7:15 – 8:30 PM. If you are interested in joining the choir, come to a
rehearsal! Our only requirement is that you love the Lord, attend rehearsals, and can match pitch! “Sing to the Lord a new song!”
For those who can read music, the
Bells of Joy handbell choir is a great opportunity to minister through music! Our first rehearsal is Monday, September 12th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm. Come join us! We have  great ringers who would be happy to show you what to do!
If you play an orchestra instrument, please let Pastor John know! We’re hoping to use our orchestra instruments in both traditional and
contemporary music in the near future.
Finally, the praise band will be holding auditions for new members on Thursday night, September 8th, 5:30 – 7:00 PM. If you are interested in beginning the audition process, please email Pastor John at Songs will be sent out ahead of time (via email) for you to rehearse, questions will be sent for you to answer, and time slots will need to be reserved for you to Audition. If you are
Interested in participating, or have any other questions regarding auditions, please email Pastor John or call the office.
New & Returning Awana workers ’ training meeting August 31, 6 PM in the chapel. Interested in helping? Please join us or call the office.
Moppet Volunteers neededMothers of Preschoolers will soon be starting their new year. Volunteers are needed the 2nd Wednesday of each month September through May from 8:45 – 11:15 AM. Music, a craft & Bible lesson are already provided. All that is needed are caring individuals to play with the children & assist the leaders. Please call the office if you are interested or have questions.

Awana registration  is now available online at our website. Ages 3 through 6th grade are invited to join the fun Wednesdays at 6 PM starting September 14. There will be a Parent Night Orientation on Wednesday, September 7 in the chapel with games for the children in the BFLC.

Fall Call to Prayer : If you are not attending the Awana orientation, please join Pastor Dawes for a time of prayer for our church and our local and national needs Wednesday, September 7 at 6 PM.

Ladies! Bible studies will begin Wednesday, September 28 (note date change!) at 6 PM, and Tuesday, October 4 at 9 AM. We are studying Beth Moore’s latest & greatest study, “Entrusted”, a study of 2 Timothy. Watch for sign ups in the Foyer soon.

The Secret Keeper Girl Purple Party Tour  is coming to FBC! Designed for girls ages 7-12 & their moms, the evening includes  interactive games, mom & daughter time, Biblical teaching & a modesty fashion show. Flyers are available at the Info Desk. This event is sponsored by WGRC – reservations & more info are at Helpers are needed: girl & mom models, girl actresses, stage crew, ticket personnel, set up, etc. Please contact the office if you would like to help.

Prayer Rally  at the PA capitol in Harrisburg, September 15 at 12 noon. FBC will be taking vans. If you would like a ride or wish to caravan please sign the sheet at the Info Desk. More details coming soon. Tentative departure time is 9 AM. 30 day prayer sheets are available on the Ushers’ table.

 Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday, our opportunity to support the local food bank. The item needed for September is canned vegetables. Please place your donation in the basket in the foyer.

A reception  will follow tonight’s baptism. The Deaconesses would appreciate your help with cookies & other non melting finger foods which you may bring with you when you come. Thanks!

Women of all ages are invited. Don’t miss this weekend of: Worship, Scripture, Relaxation, Laughter, Great Food! Cost of $160* includes lodging, most meals, transportation & study guides.Contact the office to register.


Danville World Hunger Project/GAiN :

Saturday, September 24 from 9-11 AM, FBC Beveridge Family Life Center,

We will be packing 36,000 rice-lentil meals for refugees. We need 250 volunteers and $12,000 for this project.

For more information about the refugee crisis, to sign up and/or donate, please go to




Sunday August 21, 2016

– Invite your friends, co-workers or neighbors to see a great movie (free). Popcorn & soda on the house! There will be seating available or bring your own favorite chair. Invitations on the Information desk.

Awana registration  is now available online at our website or stop by the table in the foyer this morning. Ages 3 through 6th grade are invited to join the fun Wednesdays at 6 PM starting September 14. There will be a Parent Night Orientation on Wednesday, September 7 in the chapel and games for the children in the BFLC.

New & Returning Awana workers ’ training meeting August 31, 6 PM in the chapel. Interested in helping? Please join us or call the office for questions..

Fall Call to Prayer : If you are not attending the Awana orientation, please join Pastor Dawes for a time of prayer for our church and our local and national needs. Wednesday, September 7 at 6 PM.

Stay tuned for the details! We are gearing up for Midweek Ministries, starting September 14 with a family meal at 4:45 PM. There will be  activities for all ages including Nursery, Jr. High Youth Group & a variety of Bible Studies.

The first football Chapel is at FBC this Friday, August 26 at 6:30 AM. Men are needed to make and serve breakfast to the football team & cheerleaders. Contact the office if you can help or with questions.

River Baptism  next Sunday, 3 PM at the east side of the Danville Riverside bridge. Finger foods appreciated. They may be brought to the kitchen in the morning or to the service that afternoon.

SUPER SUNDAY! We are inviting local students to the 10:30 AM service next week. That service will be designed to encourage them to discover the real meaning of SUCCESS as they begin a new school year. Invitations to share with the students you know are available at the Information Desk.

Submerged VBS music  CD’s are available  at the Information Desk in the foyer for yourself or to share. Please help yourself.

Prayer Rally  at the PA capitol in Harrisburg, September 15 at 12 noon. FBC will be taking vans. If you would like a ride or wish to caravan please sign the sheet at the Info Desk.

 Summer Change Project: Each Summer, the Mission Board hands out  Summer Change Cans to FBC families. The money collected is used by the FBC Haiti Teams to purchase glasses which the teams then distribute while there. Glasses for each trip usually cost about $1400 and include 900 pairs of UV sunglasses & 250 pairs of reading & distance glasses. Collection cans are available in the Foyer. 

SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR HAITI – During the month of August, the Haiti Team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We will take these supplies with us & distribute on our December/January trip. Please leave your donations of the following items in the barrel outside Springer Chapel. Supplies needed are: Wooden Pencils, Ball Point Pens, Boxes of Crayons, Spiral notebooks, large size with 70 pages, Notebooks of graph paper, Erasers* (not a slip-on pencil eraser), Small individual pencil sharpeners, Toothbrushes,  Small tubes of toothpaste.

Danville World Hunger Project/GAiN: Saturday, September 24, from 9-11 AM, FBC Beveridge Family Life Center, we will be packing 36,000 rice-lentil meals for refugees. We need 250 volunteers and $12,000 for this project. For more information about the refugee crisis, to sign up and/or donate, please go to

LADIES OF ALL AGES: Bible studies will begin: Wednesday, September 14  at 6 PM; Tuesday, October 4 at 9 AM We are studying Beth Moore’s latest & greatest study “Entrusted” A study of Timothy II. Watch for sign ups in the Foyer soon.

LADIES RETREAT – September 16~ 18 A Walk with God . Women of all ages are invited. Don’t miss this weekend of: Worship, Scripture,Relaxation, Laughter, Great Food! Cost of $160* includes lodging, most meals, transportation & study guides. Contact the office 

UPWARD BASKETBALL & CHEERLEADING! January seems a long way off, but…dates are being set & plans are being made! August 30 at 6:30 PM in the chapela meeting for anyone who wants to be involved. We need: coaches, referees, registration day workers, practice devotions, kitchen help & many more.








Sunday, August 14, 2016

Thanks for the great response to the Good Samaritan Socks and  Underwear drive. Your generous response is much appreciated!

FBC Family Backyard Picnics  are TODAY at 4:00 PM. There are still several homes available to host guests tonight. Stop at the table in the Foyer to sign up.

Submerged VBS music  CD’s are available  at the Information Desk in the foyer for yourself or to share. Please help yourself.

Next Sunday is Promotion SundayEveryone from Kindergarten up will meet in the sanctuary to celebrate Promotion Sunday which will
include attendance awards, dedication of our teachers, Bible presentation to new First Graders & announcements of interest. Children’s classes will go with their teacher to their new room and adults will be excused to the BFLC. If your family has not found a class to attend yet this would be a great morning to find out more about Sunday Bible School.

American Red Cross Blood Drive : tomorrow, Monday, August 15 in the BFLC from 1-6 PM.

Missionary Prayer letters  are ready for pick up outside of the chapel. There are many new letters!

LADIES RETREAT, September 16~18,  A Walk with God, Linck Hill Inn,  (, Women of all ages are invited. Don’t miss this weekend of: Worship, Scripture, Relaxation, Laughter, Great Food! Cost of $160* includes lodging, most meals, transportation & study guides. Contact the office with questions or to register. (*Financial assistance available – see a pastor.)

Plans are underway  for a new season of UPWARD Basketball & Cheerleading. Is the LORD leading you to participate in this outstanding outreach opportunity in 2017? Please plan to attend  an organizational meeting for all workers & coaches Tuesday, August 30, at 6:30 PM in the chapel. Contact the office with questions.

The River Baptism service  is scheduled for August 28. If you would like to participate and had not previously spoken with Pastor Dawes, please speak with him about your interest.

The Ladies Bible Study Steering Team  will meet August 23, 9:30 AM at the Muffin Man.

Haiti Team XI  – Applications are available for our next trip to Haiti, December 31 – January 7. Please stop by the Information Desk to pick up additional information and an application if you are interested in participating in this ministry opportunity.

HAITI MISSION OPPORTUNITIES: School Supplies & Summer Change! The Haiti 11 team will be taking school supplies with them on their
December/January trip. Any of the following items may be placed in the barrel in the Chapel foyer. Wooden Pencils, Ball Point Pens, Boxes of Crayons, Spiral notebooks, large size with  70 pages, Notebooks of graph paper, Erasers* (not a slip-on pencil eraser), Small individual pencil  sharpeners, Small tubes of toothpaste, Toothbrushes.Cans for your change 

are available at the Information Desk. The money collected is used to purchase glasses which the teams then distribute while there.


Summer Wrap Up and Looking Ahead

 AUGUST 219:15 AM – Promotion Sunday – All classes meet in the sanctuary
6 PM – Movie Night “God’s Not Dead 2”, Invite a friend for popcorn & a movie. Invitations at the Info Desk.
AUGUST 2810:30 AM – Super Sunday- A service to encourage our local high school students
3:00 PM – River Baptisms
SEPTEMBER 7(Wednesday)6:00 PM – Awana Parents Meeting & Fall Call to Prayer
– Jr. High Youth Group begins

SEPTEMBER 11Sr. High Youth begins

SEPTEMBER 14:(Wednesday)4:45 PM – Family Meal; 6:00 PM – Midweek Ministries begin;  – Awana, Jr. High Youth & Adult Bible Studies

SEPTEMBER 16-18 – Ladies Garden Getaway Retreat (see insert for details)

SEPTEMBER 249-11:00 AM – Danville World Hunger Food Project/GAiN/FBC-BFLC


Sunday, August 7, 2016

The Barnabas Basket  will be in the foyer today & next Sunday for those who would like to make a food donation to our local Food Bank. The specific need this month is peanut butter and saltines.

TONIGHT! Please join us at the Montour DeLong Fairground, Washingtonville,  for the Vesper Service at 7 PM. The service is being presented by the FBC Praise Team and Pastor Luke. Some seating is provided, bring a lawn chair if you like.

Young Ladies in Grades 5 ~ 8: Today is the deadline to RSVP! The Daughters of the Divine Class is inviting you to a special tea! It will take place on next Sunday, August 14 at 9:00 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center. Please RSVP to your SBS teacher today.

Business Meeting UpdateThe following actions were taken at the August 3rd, Summer Business Meeting: 1.) We voted to accept the recommendation by the Mission Board to continue our partnership in Haiti with at least one trip this year. We will re-evaluate the need each year. 2.) We approved the Trustee Board recommendation that we accept the proposal for Somerset Media Group to update our sound system at a cost of $38, 998. We also were made aware that we have a negative cash flow, although we are under budget in our spending. This year’s budget was increased by 10%. Our expenses also reflect that increase, however our giving has not increased by that amount. Copies of the agenda and reports are available at the Information Desk.

River Baptism service  is scheduled for August 28. If you would like to participate and had not previously spoken with Pastor Dawes, please speak with him about your interest.

Haiti Team XI – Applications are available for our next trip to Haiti, December 31 – January 7. Please stop by the Information Desk to pick up additional information and an application if you are interested in participating in this ministry opportunity.

During the month of August, the Haiti Team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We will take these supplies with us &  distribute on our December/January trip. Please leave your donations of the following items in the barrel outside Springer Chapel: Wooden Pencils, Ball Point Pens, Boxes of Crayons, Spiral notebooks – arge size with 70 pages, Notebooks of graph paper, Erasers* (not a slip-on pencil eraser), Small individual pencil sharpeners, Toothbrushes, Small tubes of toothpaste.


 Summer Change Project: Each Summer, the Mission Board hands out  Summer Change Cans to FBC families. The money collected is used by the FBC Haiti Teams to purchase glasses which the teams then distribute while there. Glasses for each trip usually cost about $1400 and include 900 pairs of UV sunglasses & 250 pairs of reading & distance glasses. Collection cans are available in the Foyer. 

Mom – I’m Bored! Right Now Media might be the answer! Right Now Media is an online video library which FBC provides for all FBC attendees. There are numerous titles for every member of the family. Contact the office with your email address and we will send you an “invitation” which will enable you to access the library.


August 21 ~ Movie Night “God is Not Dead 2”

September 7 ~ Awana Pre Registration

September 8 ~ WGRC – Secret Keeper Girls Tour/BFLC

September 11 ~ Community Memorial Service

September 14 ~ Mid Week Ministries Begin

September 15 ~ Decision America Tour 2016/Harrisburg

October 26 ~ Trunk or Treat

November 13 ~ Collingsworth Family in Concert

November 18 ~ Watoto Children’s Choir



Sunday, July 31, 2016

Join us Wednesday, August 3, Summer Business Meeting & Ice Cream Social;  Reports & updates from our boards. See the announcements for details of a proposal being presented by Pastor John. Everyone is welcome to attend, (only members may vote.)

Business Meeting Proposal: The Trustees have a proposal  to address the sound concerns in the sanctuary and radio room. The proposal  will be presented at the upcoming business meeting. The upgrade would
replace our sound consoles that are beginning to break down, meet the monitor needs of an ever-expanding music ministry, improve sound quality in the sanctuary where there has been uneven sound distribution and “dead spots”, and greatly improve the sound quality of our radio ministry. This proposal will also provide future audio needs for live-streaming services and events, as well as provide new opportunities for training of sound technicians both in our church and in our community (outreach). Total cost of the proposal is $38,988 and would come from the Building Fund.

Announcing Haiti Team XI

– Applications are available for our next trip to Haiti, December 31 – January 7. Please stop by the Information Desk to pick up additional information and an application if you are interested in participating in this ministry opportunity.
The Good Samaritan Socks & Underwear Drive is Here! Please bring your donation of new socks & underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the chapel foyer today & next Sunday, August 7. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they prepare for the new school year. 
During the month of August , the Haiti Team is collecting school supplies for the children of Haiti. We will take these supplies with us & distribute on our December/January trip. Please leave your donations of the following items in the barrel outside Springer Chapel. The following items are needed:  Wooden Pencils,  Ball Point Pens,  Boxes of Crayons,  Spiral notebooks (large size with  70 pages),  Notebooks of graph paper, ¨ Erasers* (not a slip-on pencil eraser),  Small individual pencil sharpeners,  Toothbrushes, Small tubes of toothpaste. 

 Each Summer, the Mission Board hands out   Summer Change Cans to FBC families. The money collected is used by the FBC Haiti Teams to purchase glasses which the teams then distribute while there. Glasses for each trip usually cost about $1400 and include 900 pairs of UV sunglasses & 250 pairs of reading & distance glasses. Collection cans are available in the Foyer. 


Danville World Hunger Project/GAiN: Saturday, September 24, from 9-11 AM,  FBC Beveridge Family Life Center. We will be packing 36,000 rice-lentil meals for refugees. We need 250 volunteers and $12,000 for this project. For more information about the refugee crisis, to sign up and/or donate, please go to


Prayer sheets  can be found at the Info. Desk, on the Ushers Table in the back of the sanctuary & outside of the SBS Office. Also at the Usher’s Table there is a prayer calendar for the team as they serve in refugee camps in Greece, through August 14. Please also be in prayer for our Jr. Highers at Harvey Cedars Bible Camp this week.

Ladies in Grades 5 ~ 8: The Daughters of the Divine Class is inviting you to a special tea! It will take place on Sunday,  August 14 at 9:00 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center. Please RSVP to your SBS teacher by August 7.

Attn. Adult Ladies: It’s that time of year again for Ladies Fall Retreat! Our theme is “Garden Getaway/A Walk with God”, September 16-18. There is still time for you to join us! You will discover how God is at work in your life, no matter what season of life you’re in. Our journey will take us through Ecclesiastes 3. Cost of $160 includes transportation, lodging, 5 meals and study materials. We have something new this year, canvas painting! To register, contact Sheri Croll at 570-441-2471 or email her at

The River Baptism service  has been postponed to August 28. If you would like to participate and had not previously spoken with Pastor Dawes please speak with him about your interest.

Mom – I’m Bored! Right Now Media might be the answer! Right Now Media is an online video library which FBC provides for all FBC attendees. There are numerous titles for every member of the family. Contact the office with your email address and we will send you an “invitation” which will enable you to access the library.

With Dr. Bob in Ethiopia”  by Dr. Bob Bowers, former FBC missionary, is now available in the FBC Office. If you are interested in obtaining a copy please check with the office Sundays or through the week.

RailRiders Baseball Faith & Family Night, Friday, August 5. Saline, Pastor John’s band will be providing a pre & post game concertSee the Bulletin Board for  more information.

Concert in the Park (Bloomsburg): Saturday, August 6, sponsored by Shiloh Bible Church. Free food & games starting at 6 PM  with music by Saline & Freedom Calls starting at 7 PM.


SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016

The River baptism service planned for today has been rescheduled to August 28.
Please note the date change!Join us Wednesday, August 3 –   Summer Business Meeting  –   Ice Cream Social -:Reports & updates from our boards. See the below for details of a proposal being presented by Pastor John.Everyone is welcome to attend, (only members may vote.)


to our great crew of leaders and helpers at VBS last Week! Thanks also to the Family Fun Day team for a great day of fun and community outreach!

The Good Samaritan Socks & Underwear Drive is Here!

Please bring your donation of new socks & underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the chapel foyer today & next Sunday, July 31st. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they prepare for the new school year.

Announcing Haiti Team XI

– Applications are available for our next trip to Haiti, December 31 – January 7. Please stop by the Information Desk to pick up additional information and an application if you are interested in participating in this ministry opportunity.
Luo Pad Work Session
: We will meet in the BLFC on Tuesday, July 26 from 9 AM – 12 PM. Sewers & non-sewers welcome. Plan to come to help trace, cut (bring your fabric cutting scissors), sew & turn.  Bring your sewing machine if possible.  Questions? Contact the office.

Ladies in Grades 5 ~ 8: The Daughters of the Divine Class is inviting you to a special tea! It will take place on Sunday, August 14 at 9:00 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center. Please RSVP to your SBS teacher by August 7.

Attn. Adult Ladies: It’s that time of year again for Ladies Fall Retreat! Our theme is “Garden Getaway/A Walk with God”, September 16-18. There is still time for you to join us! You will discover how God is at work in your life, no matter what season of life you’re in. Our journey will take us through Ecclesiastes 3. Cost of $160 includes transportation, lodging, 5 meals and study materials. We have something new this year, canvas painting! To register, contact the church office.

Business Meeting Proposal: The Trustees have confirmed and set forth a proposal from Somerset Media Group, for the approval of the
congregation, to address the sound concerns in the sanctuary and radio room. The proposal will be presented at the upcoming business meeting. The upgrade would replace our sound consoles that are beginning to break down, meet the monitor needs of an ever-expanding music ministry,
improve sound quality in the sanctuary where there has been uneven sound distribution and “dead spots’, and greatly improve the sound quality of our radio ministry. This proposal will also provide future audio needs for
live-streaming services and events, as well as provide new opportunities for training of sound technicians both in our church and in our community (outreach). Total cost of the proposal is $38,988 and would come from the Building Fund. If you have any questions in advance, please contact one of our pastors.

Danville World Hunger Project/GainOn Saturday, September 24, from 9-11 AM,  in the BFLC, we will be packing 36,000rice-lentil meals for refugees.  We need 250 volunteers and $12,000 for this project. To sign up and/or donate, please go to

Summer Change ProjectEach summer, the Mission Board hands out a Summer Change Can to each FBC family. The money collected is used by the FBC Haiti Teams to purchase glasses which the Teams then distribute while there.  Glasses for each trip usually cost about $1400 and include 900 pairs of UV sunglasses and 250 pairs of reading and distance glasses.

See the Bulletin Board  for information on another RailRiders Baseball Faith & Family Night, Friday, August 5. Saline, Pastor John’s band will be providing a pre & post game concert.





SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016

The River baptism service planned for today has been rescheduled to August 28.
Please note the date change!Join us Wednesday, August 3 –   Summer Business Meeting  –   Ice Cream Social -:Reports & updates from our boards. See the below for details of a proposal being presented by Pastor John.Everyone is welcome to attend, (only members may vote.)


to our great crew of leaders and helpers at VBS last Week! Thanks also to the Family Fun Day team for a great day of fun and community outreach!

The Good Samaritan Socks & Underwear Drive is Here!

Please bring your donation of new socks & underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the chapel foyer today & next Sunday, July 31st. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they prepare for the new school year.

Announcing Haiti Team XI

– Applications are available for our next trip to Haiti, December 31 – January 7. Please stop by the Information Desk to pick up additional information and an application if you are interested in participating in this ministry opportunity.
Luo Pad Work Session
: We will meet in the BLFC on Tuesday, July 26 from 9 AM – 12 PM. Sewers & non-sewers welcome. Plan to come to help trace, cut (bring your fabric cutting scissors), sew & turn.  Bring your sewing machine if possible.  Questions? Contact the office.

Ladies in Grades 5 ~ 8: The Daughters of the Divine Class is inviting you to a special tea! It will take place on Sunday, August 14 at 9:00 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center. Please RSVP to your SBS teacher by August 7.

Attn. Adult Ladies: It’s that time of year again for Ladies Fall Retreat! Our theme is “Garden Getaway/A Walk with God”, September 16-18. There is still time for you to join us! You will discover how God is at work in your life, no matter what season of life you’re in. Our journey will take us through Ecclesiastes 3. Cost of $160 includes transportation, lodging, 5 meals and study materials. We have something new this year, canvas painting! To register, contact the church office.

Business Meeting Proposal: The Trustees have confirmed and set forth a proposal from Somerset Media Group, for the approval of the
congregation, to address the sound concerns in the sanctuary and radio room. The proposal will be presented at the upcoming business meeting. The upgrade would replace our sound consoles that are beginning to break down, meet the monitor needs of an ever-expanding music ministry,
improve sound quality in the sanctuary where there has been uneven sound distribution and “dead spots’, and greatly improve the sound quality of our radio ministry. This proposal will also provide future audio needs for
live-streaming services and events, as well as provide new opportunities for training of sound technicians both in our church and in our community (outreach). Total cost of the proposal is $38,988 and would come from the Building Fund. If you have any questions in advance, please contact one of our pastors.

Danville World Hunger Project/GainOn Saturday, September 24, from 9-11 AM,  in the BFLC, we will be packing 36,000rice-lentil meals for refugees.  We need 250 volunteers and $12,000 for this project. To sign up and/or donate, please go to

Summer Change ProjectEach summer, the Mission Board hands out a Summer Change Can to each FBC family. The money collected is used by the FBC Haiti Teams to purchase glasses which the Teams then distribute while there.  Glasses for each trip usually cost about $1400 and include 900 pairs of UV sunglasses and 250 pairs of reading and distance glasses.

See the Bulletin Board  for information on another RailRiders Baseball Faith & Family Night, Friday, August 5. Saline, Pastor John’s band will be providing a pre & post game concert.





Sunday, July 17, 2016

A River Baptism Service –  Next Sunday, July 24 at 3 PM. East side of the Danville/Riverside bridge.  (Turn right off Water Street.) Bring your lawn chairs. *Please let Pastor Dawes know no later than Monday, July 18  if you would like to be baptized at this service. 

Cookies, brownies  and other “non-melting” finger foods are needed for the baptism reception. Please bring your donations to the kitchen Sunday morning, July 24, clearly marked “Baptism Reception” or the baptism service that evening. Thanks!

The Good Samaritan Socks & Underwear Drive is Coming!  Please bring your donation of new socks & underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the chapel foyer July 24 & 31. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they begin the new school year.

Announcing Haiti Team XI  – Applications are available for our next trip to Haiti, December 31 – January 7. Please stop by the Information Desk to pick up additional information and an application if you are interested in   participating in this ministry opportunity.

Luo Pad Work Session : We will meet in the BLFC on Tuesday, July 26 from 9 AM – 12 PM. Sewers & non-sewers welcome. Plan to come to help trace, cut (bring your fabric cutting scissors), sew & turn.  Bring your sewing machine if possible.  Questions? Contact the office.

Ladies in Grades 5 ~ 8: The Daughters of the Divine Class is inviting you to a special tea! It will take place on Sunday, August 14 at 9:00 AM in the Beveridge Family Life Center. Please RSVP to your SBS teacher by August 7.

 Attn Adult Ladies: It’s that time of year again for Ladies Fall Retreat! Our theme is “Garden Getaway/A Walk with God,” September 16-18. There is still time for you to join us! You will discover how God is at work in your life, no matter what season of life you’re in. Our journey will take us through Ecclesiastes 3. Cost of $160 includes transportation, lodging, 5 meals and study materials. We have something new this year, canvas painting! To register, contact Sheri Croll at 570-441-2471 or email her at

Summer Business Meeting & Ice Cream Social, Wednesday, July 27 at 6:30 PM. We will review reports and attend to New Business. Take note of the  information below from Pastor John. Officers: your reports for the Business meeting are due in the office July 24.

Proposal: The Trustees have confirmed and set forth a proposal from Somerset Media Group, for the approval of the congregation, to address the sound concerns in the sanctuary and radio room. The proposal will be presented at the upcoming business meeting. The upgrade would replace our sound consoles that are beginning to break down, meet the monitor needs of an ever-expanding music ministry, improve sound quality in the sanctuary where there has been uneven sound distribution and “dead spots’, and greatly improve the sound quality of our radio ministry. This proposal will also provide future audio needs for live-streaming services and events, as well as provide new opportunities for training of sound

technicians both in our church and in our community (outreach). Total cost of the proposal is $38,988 and would come from the Building Fund. If you have any questions in advance, please contact one of our pastors.

DVD available: A copy of the tribute for Pastor Harry, a full length version of his challenge to FBC and Pastor Harry and Lynn sharing
special memories of their time at FBC will be available in the Office. A donation to help cover costs would be appreciated.

With Dr. Bob in EthiopiaDr. Bob Bowers, a missionary supported by FBC, has written a book about the challenges he and his wife, Marion,
experienced while serving in Ethiopia from 1974 until they were forced to leave in 1997. A sample copy of the book may be viewed at the Information Desk. Book purchases may be made at or from the Bowers directly by contacting them at 570-724-6809.



Sunday, July 10, 2016

Today during the SBS hour their will be a Child Safe Church   training session in the BFLC. Please attend if you are helping with VBS & still need this class to complete the requirements.

You’re invited to join God’s Champions  in the Music Room today at 8 or 9:15 AM to finish the “Surviving to Thriving: Successfully Including the Child with Special Needs” video. Please come & join us even if you missed last time because the video is comprised of small mini videos.

Young Adult CookoutTODAY, 2:30 PM at the Wintersteen’s Farm. Please plan to bring a dish to share & RSVP to Sheri ll or Lynn They will provide directions.

New Prayer Letters  have arrived from several of our missionaries. Be sure to pick up your copy in the Chapel Hallway. 

A River Baptism Service  is planned for July 24.  Please let Pastor Dawes know as soon as possible if you are interested in being baptized at this service. Cookies, brownies and other “non-metling” finger foods are needed for the baptism reception. Please bring your donations to the kitchen Sunday morning, July 24, clearly marked “Baptism Reception” or the baptism service that evening. Thanks!

 The Good Samaritan Socks & Underwear Drive is Coming!  Please bring your donation of new socks & underwear for boys and girls, sizes 4-16 to the chapel foyer July 24 & 31. These items will be given by the Good Samaritan ministry to local students in need as they begin the new school year.

Family Fun DayItems needed to borrow for the day are large garbage cans or barrels and canopies. If you are able to help with either item, please contact the church office.

Mark your calendar: Summer Business Meeting & Ice Cream Social Wednesday, July 27 at 6:30 PM. We will review reports and attend to New Business. Officers: reports are due in the office July 24.


DVD available: A copy of the tribute for Pastor Harry, a full length version of his challenge to FBC and Pastor Harry and Lynn sharing
special memories of their time at FBC will be available at the Info Desk. A donation to help cover costs would be appreciated.

With Dr. Bob in EthiopiaDr. Bob Bowers, a missionary supported by FBC, has written a book about the challenges he and his wife, Marion, experienced while serving in Ethiopia from 1974 until they were forced to leave in 1997. A sample copy of the book may be viewed at the

Information Desk. Book purchases may be made at or from the Bowers directly by contacting them at 570-724-6809.