Sunday, April 19, 2015

Please help fill in our Spring Fling Volunteer Sheet: We still need some volunteers to help out in our booth in downtown Danville on May 2.
Continue to pray for our Haiti team #8. They are ministering this week in Haiti and will return on April 25th. Pray for their protection and ministry during their time in Haiti.
Please check the sign-up sheets in your SBS Class & Ramp bulletin board to see where help is still needed. THANKS for helping in this important outreach event.
A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held in the BFLC tomorrow, April 20, from 1:00-6:00 PM. Please stop by to donate or to volunteer.

A local mission’s night is planned for April 26, 6 PM, in the BFLC. Howard Long will share about his ministry at the Buckhorn Truck Stop Chapel.   Aemon Shoff will also share about his plan to provide food here in Danville, using a trailer that can be moved around town. Please bring a dessert to share and come learn about these two ministries close to home.

A Bible Study Opportunity is available for all ladies. The Yadah Bible Study Group meets in the Conference Room on Mondays from 3:00-4:30. They are starting a new study this week, “The Storm Inside” by Sheila Walsh, and welcome all ages to join them. If you have questions about this study please contact the office.

Softball Season is here ~ Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you are interested in playing. Participants must be at least 15 years old to join.   The first game is April 27th. A schedule is also posted on the bulletin board.

Something new: A Family Restroom is now available in the main foyer hallway, just past the Ladies Room.   Another changing table is located in this restroom for your convenience.
The Spring Business Meeting is April 29th. Officers need to have reports into the office by next Sunday, April 26th.
New security measures have been mandated by the State of PA for all volunteers who come in contact with children/youth through our church’s ministries. You may visit our church web-site (Resources/Safe Church) to find out exactly what is required. Please stop by the table in the foyer this morning to pick up a packet with more information or to set up an appointment if you would like help fulfilling these requirements. The deadline is July 1st, so we are asking that you begin this process right away.In addition to what the State is requiring, we are asking that you attend a training session about safety procedures at First Baptist Church. The following dates have been set for these sessions:
April 19, 10:00 AM/Conference Room ~ All ministry heads
April 26, 9:00 AM/BFLC ~ Volunteer training ~ attend this one if you are not a SBS Teacher or VBS Worker
May 8, 6:00 PM/BFLC ~ A cookout for SBS teachers/workers along with training session
May 26, 6:30 PM/Chapel ~ For all VBS Workers June 4, 6:30 PM/Chapel ~ Second chance for VBS Workers

 M & M tubes are available for you to take this morning. Each tube holds up to 56 quarters or $14 which will be used to purchase rice, beans and seeds for GAiN Warehouse. A trip to go help pack these items will be scheduled the week of June 15th. Please return the M & M tubes June 7th & 14th.

Please save small soup cans for a future mission’s project. These can be placed in the marked tub in the chapel hallway.

Directory Updates: Our FBC directory is a compilation of names, addresses, and phone numbers for all those who attend First Baptist Church. We would like for you to be included whether you are a member, regular attendee or new to the community and planning to make FBC your family church. The new, updated directories will be available in the near future.

  • Current attendees/members – has any of your information changed? Please fill out the Connect Card with any new info, and circle “D”.
  • New? Please completely fill out Card and circle “D”.

Place your Connect Card in the offering plate or drop it off at the Info. Desk.

FBC Questionnaire forms (for use in our data base) will also be available at the Information Desk. If you have not filled out one of these, please consider taking a few minutes to do so…it will help the office a lot!






April 12, 2015

Please be in prayer for Haiti team #8. They leave early Saturday morning and will be gone until April 25th. Pray for their protection and ministry during their time in Haiti.

Softball Season is here ~ Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you are interested in playing. Participants must be at least 15 years old to join.   The first game is April 27th. A schedule is also posted on the bulletin board.

One of our missionary families, are in need of a new vehicle in the near future. If anyone has a vehicle that could be donated, please contact a member of our mission’s board.

Sign up today! We will need a number of people to help out in our booth in downtown Danville on May 2. Sign up today in your SBS Class or on the ramp bulletin board. This Wednesday, April 15, 5:30 PM, there will be a hands on training for those working in the booth. Pizza will be served.

 A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held in the BFLC on April 20 from 1:00-6:00 PM. Please stop by to donate or to volunteer.

A local mission’s night is planned for April 26, 6 PM, in the BFLC. Howard Long will share about his ministry at the Buckhorn Truck Stop Chapel.   Aemon Shoff will also share about his plan to provide food here in Danville, using a trailer that can be moved around town. Please bring a dessert to share and come learn about these two ministries close to home.

Thank you to all who had part in our celebration services last week. Thanks to those who participated in the dramas, shared their testimonies, led in worship, helped with the Easter Breakfast, and did all the behind the scenes work to help us all celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!

Free Book ~ stop by the Information Desk to pick up a copy of “Radical” by David Platt while supplies last.
New security measures have been mandated by the State of PA for all volunteers who come in contact with children/youth through our church’s ministries. You may visit our church web-site (Resources/Safe Church) to find out exactly what is required. Please stop by the table in the foyer this morning to pick up a packet with more information or to set up an appointment if you would like help fulfilling these requirements. The deadline is July 1st, so we are asking that you begin this process right away.
In addition to what the State is requiring, we are asking that you attend a training session about safety procedures at First Baptist Church. The following dates have been set for these sessions:
April 19, 9:00 AM/Conference Room ~ All ministry heads
April 26, 9:00 AM/BFLC ~ Volunteer training ~ attend this one if you are not a SBS Teacher or VBS Worker
May 8, 6:00 PM/BFLC ~ A cookout for SBS teachers/workers along with training session
May 26, 6:30 PM/Chapel ~ For all VBS Workers June 4, 6:30 PM/Chapel ~ Second chance for VBS Workers

 Directory Updates: Our FBC directory is a compilation of names, addresses, and phone numbers for all those who attend First Baptist Church. We would like for you to be included whether you are a member, regular attendee or new to the community and planning to make FBC your family church. The new, updated directories will be available in the near future.

  • Current attendees/members – has any of your information changed?  Please fill out the Connect Card with any new info, and circle “D”.
  • New? Please completely fill out Card and circle “D”.

    Place your Connect Card in the offering plate or drop it off at the Info. Desk.FBC Questionnaire forms (for use in our data base) will also be available at the Information Desk. If you have not filled out one of these, please consider taking a few minutes to do so…it will help the office a lot!


 Mark your calendar!

 April 20, 1:00-6:00 PM ~ Red Cross Blood Drive/BFLC
April 26, 11:45 AM ~ Youth Parent Meeting & Lunch/BFLC
April 26, 6:00 PM ~ Local Missions’ Night
April 29, 6:30 PM ~ Spring Business Meeting
May 2 ~ Spring Fling
May 15-17 ~ SURGE Youth Adult Conference
May 17 ~ Ladies Tea Party ~ BFLC





Sunday, April 5, 2015

 Today is Barnabas Sunday ~ please put canned fruit donations in the basket in the foyer to be delivered to our local food bank.

 Those who donated flowers may take them home after the 10:30 service.

Easter Offering: Please use the offering envelopes in the pew racks this morning for your Easter offering. These gifts will be used for the Youth Mission Trips this summer.
“Treasure Quest” Children’s Church will begin meeting next week during the 10:30 AM service . Children will be dismissed from the service during the offering. Kids will enjoy searching for “treasure” in God’s Word through songs, activities & Bible stories.  Parents please pick up your immediately after the service, they will not be dismissed, but will be waiting for you in the Youth Room.
College Student Care Packages: If you would like to help send boxes to our college students, please place donations in the box located in the kitchen foyer. Today is the deadline for updated addresses for college students. Parents, please stop by the Information Desk to fill out the necessary information to be sure your child received a box.
Movie Night! The Grace Card will be shown April 11 in the Beveridge Family Life Center at 7:00 PM. No admission fee & free popcorn & drinks! Stop by the Information desk to pick up a bookmark invitation to share with a friend. This movie is for ages 13 and up. A different movie & activities are being planned for younger children.
Special Events are planned for April 19: Mottel Baleston will be speaking in both services explaining the Seder meal, followed by communion. At 6:00 PM we will enjoy a concert with Phil Biega and Saline (Pastor John’s group). A free will offering will be received at the concert.
Volunteers are needed to help in our booth at the Spring Fling on May 2. Sign-up sheets will be passed around in Adult Sunday Bible Classes, or you may sign up on the ramp bulletin board. A pizza training session will be held on April 15th at 5:30.

Community Opportunities: Please check the ramp bulletin board for new ministry opportunities in our community from Wycliffe Associates & Good Samaritan Mission Center.



APRIL 19th SUNDAY: Night of Worship

Saline PhilBiega

April 19th:  A Night of Worship

6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
      Join us for a worship concert as Saline (led by John Messner) and Phil Biega perform songs of praise and adoration in the FBC sanctuary.  The concert is FREE to attend.  However, a love offering will be taken to help support the artists.
      Saline is known for their high-energy music, and their ability to reach the young and the young at heart.  You can hear more from them at
      Phil Biega just released his album “Dark to Light” and will be performing songs from the album as well as some familiar worship songs by other artists.  Check out his music here.

March 29, 2015


Softball Season is here ~ Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you are interested in playing.  Participants must be at least 15 years old to join.    The first game is April 27th.  A schedule is also posted on the bulletin board. 

The Haiti Team needs clean, dry Weis/Giant bags.  Please put them in the laundry basket by the downstairs coat rack. 

Dominic & Gladys Jacob, one of our missionary families, are in need of a new vehicle in the near future.  If anyone has a vehicle that could be donated, please contact a member of our mission’s board. 

Coming on Easter Sunday ~ A.D. The Bible Continues TV series. A.D. tells the story of Christ’s followers, taken from the first ten chapters of the Book of Acts. This powerful new program begins Easter Sunday, 9:00 PM on NBC.  It is a 12 week series, and will conclude on June 21.  Our church library has ordered the book with the same title, by Dr. David Jeremiah.   It will be
available mid April. 

Spring Fling:  Spring is “officially” here, so it’s time to start planning for First Baptist’s part in Spring Fling on May 2.  We will need a number of people to help out in various ways throughout the day.  Sign up sheets will be available next week for those who can help with this outreach.  Please consider being part of this team!!  On Wednesday, April 15, 5:30 PM, there will be a hands on training for   working in the booth.  Pizza will be served.

 Attention Ladies:  Mark your calendars for Fall Women’s Retreat,  October 2-4.  The cost for the weekend is $150.00 which includes lodging and study materials. Contact Sheri Croll or Joanna Klein with any questions.  More details to come!!
Movie Night:  A free movie,  “GraceCard”, will be shown at Danville First Baptist on Saturday, April 11, at 7:00 PM.  There will be free popcorn and drinks.  Come enjoy a good movie with friends.
Special Music Concert:  A concert is being planned for Sunday evening, April 19th, featuring Phil Biega and Saline (Pastor John’s group).
Easter Offering:  This year’s Easter offering will be used to support our Youth Summer Mission’s Events.  The Sr. High Youth will participate in a tribal mission’s experience June 14-19th ~ The Wayumi Expedition (part of New Tribes’ Mission) at Jersey Shore, PA.  The Jr. High Youth are doing a 24/7 Mission’s Adventure July 12-17 focusing on serving the Danville  community, including helping with VBS.  Easter Offering envelopes are available this morning  and next Sunday in the pew racks.  
Easter Flowers may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one.  Suggested donation is $8.50.  The flowers will be available to take on Resurrection Sunday after the 10:30 service.  Please stop by the Information Desk or call the office by March 31st.  
Parents of College-students:  The deadline for filling out the update form is next Sunday, April 5th.  Please pick up a form at the Information Desk or call the church office.  A new form is required each time boxes are mailed, so please make sure we get this information so no one will be left out.  Donations for the college boxes may be placed in the box located in the kitchen foyer through April 12th.  The boxes will be packed on
April 13th. 
Time Adjustment:  Beginning on April 5th, midweek ministries that are still meeting will begin a half hour later – starting at 6:30 pm. 

ATTENTION YOUTH:  TODAY is your last chance to get your $50 deposit in.  No guaranteed spots after today!! 

                 TOTAL COST (prior to deposit)

                          Senior High, July 20-25 – $340

                          Junior High, July 27-31 – $285 

Please give your deposit and/or final payments to the office.  On the memo line write “Jr. High Harvey Cedars” or “Sr. High Harvey Cedars”.  There are discounts to families with multiple children attending.  Contact Pastor Luke about available scholarships. 







March 22, 2015

A special thanks to everyone who helped in our Upward Program this year. THANKS to our directors, the coaches, referees, cooks, and all those who helped oversee, led devotions, prayed, or helped in any way. Thanks also to parents who brought their children each week. We appreciate all who invested their time in this important outreach!

 Gracias, Merci Beaucoup, Salamat…We want to say thanks to the Wednesday night kitchen crew in as many ways as we can. Thanks to each of you for the delicious meals you have provided for us this year. This is a great ministry to those involved in Wednesday night programs, and we thank you for the time and energy you give to help out!!

 There will be no Adult Mid-Week Ministries on Wednesday night, March 25 because of Awana Closing Celebration and on Wednesday night, April 1 because of the Maundy Thursday service on Thursday night. Jr. High will meet as usual.

 You are invited to the Awana Closing Ceremony this Wednesday, March 25th at 6 PM. Because we want to encourage our children and their leaders by our attendance, there will not be other Adult mid-week studies this week.

Awana Picnic Supper: If you are planning to attend the Awana Closing Ceremony, please join them for supper at 5:30 PM. The menu is Cubbies & Sparky’s Favorite: Grilled Hot Dogs & Hamburgers, Leaders Love Macaroni Salad & Cole Slaw, and Truth & Training Treats: Potato Chips. Sign up by Monday, March 23, on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS Class, or by calling the office at 570-275-1511.
Easter Offering: This year’s Easter offering will be used to support our Youth Summer Mission’s Events. The Sr. High Youth will participate in a tribal mission’s experience June 14-19th ~ The Wayumi Expedition (part of New Tribes’ Mission) at Jersey Shore, PA. The Jr. High Youth are doing a 24/7 Mission’s Adventure July 12-17 focusing on serving the Danville community, including helping with VBS. Easter Offering envelopes will be available in the pew racks on Palm Sunday, March 29th.

 Softball Season is here ~ Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you are interested in playing. Participants must be at least 15 years old to join.   The first game is April 27th. A schedule is also posted on the bulletin board.

The Haiti Team needs clean, dry Weis/Giant bags. Please put them in the laundry basket by the downstairs coat rack.

Don’t forget to bring items to put in the college care packages. Donations can be placed in the box located in the kitchen foyer today through April 12th. Parents of college students need to fill out a form updating their child’s address (deadline April 5th). Forms with suggested items and address updates are available at the Information Desk. Boxes will be packed April 13th in the BFLC Coat Room.

Surge Young Adult Conference at Harvey Cedars is May 15-17, 2015. If you are interested in attending, please contact the office or Lynn Wintersteen so reservations can be finalized and plans coordinated. A $30 non-refundable deposit is due by April 15th, and will lock in reservations for $129. You can still register until May 10, but the cost goes up to $139. This Conference is designed for people at least 18 years of age. The weekend theme is “What is Your World View? Why Do You Need One?”
Spring is “officially” here, so it’s time to start planning for First Baptist’s part in Spring Fling on May 2. We will need a number of people to help out in various ways throughout the day. Sign up sheets will be going around soon for those who can help with this outreach. Please consider being part of this team!!
It is not too early to begin thinking about VBS. We want you to join us July 13-17 as we “Journey Off the Map”. Please prayerfully consider where you can become involved in this exciting children’s outreach. Please contact Katie Yarger or the church office to join the journey







March 15, 2015 Announcements

The Midweek Menu for this week:  The menu for the Family Dinner time for this Wed., March 18, is Really Good Roast Chicken, Marvelous Mashed Potatoes, Fabulous Filling, Great Gravy, and Copious Corn.  Sign up by Monday, March 16, on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS Class, or by calling the office at 570-275-1511.  If you would like to deliver a meal to an elderly friend or shut-in, please add their name to a list and indicate “carry-out”.

There will be a baptismal service as part of the 10:30 Worship Service on March 22 with a reception to follow.  Please talk to Pastor Dawes if you are interested in baptism. 

AWANA Closing is Wednesday, March 25th.  There will be a light meal served at 5:30 PM, followed by the Closing Ceremony at 6:00 PM. 

Easter Offering:  This year’s Easter offering will be used to support our Youth Summer Mission’s Events.  The Sr. High Youth will participate in a tribal mission’s experience June 14-19th ~ The Wayumi Expedition (part of New Tribes’ Mission) at Jersey Shore, PA.  The Jr. High Youth are doing a 24/7 Mission’s Adventure July 12-17 focusing on serving the Danville community, including helping with VBS.  Easter Offering envelopes will be available in the pew racks on Palm Sunday, March 29th.

Permission forms for Youth Events are located outside Pastor Luke’s office as well as on-line.  Youth will need these completed for the over-nighter.
It’s time for College Care Packages.  A box will be in the kitchen foyer where you can place items until April 12th.


Announcements ~ March 15, 2015

Midweek Menu this week:  The menu for the Family Dinner time for this Wednesday, March 11, is Buonissima Lasagna, Fresco Salada, Stupenda Pane (Bread) and Delizioso Desserts.  Sign up by Monday, March 9, on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS Class, or by calling the office at 570-275-1511.  If you would like to deliver a meal to an elderly friend or shut-in, please add their name to a list and indicate “carry-out”.

All members and non-members are invited to a mini-flock lunch next week, March 15, right after the morning services.  Families will meet with their assigned deacon for lunch, followed by a time of sharing.   Lunch and child-care will be provided.  Please sign up today on the ramp bulletin board or in your SBS classroom so lunch plans can be made.  Also indicate on the sign-up sheet if you need child care and children’s ages. 


There will be a baptismal service as part of the 10:30 Worship Service on March 22 with a reception to follow.  Please talk to Pastor Dawes if you are interested in baptism. 
Children 4 years old ~ 4th grade are invited to join us next Sunday, March 15th, during the 10:30 service to make their own set of Resurrection Eggs.  Children should go to the service with their parents, and will be dismissed for our time together.  They will bring their Resurrection Eggs home to share with their families. 


March 1, 2015 Announcements

Today is Barnabas Sunday:  Please leave your donations of cereal in the basket in the foyer to be donated to the local food bank.  If you are making a monetary donation,  make checks out to Danville Area Food Bank. 
Midweek Menu this weekThe menu for Family Dinner time for this Wednesday, March 4 is Buonissima Lasagna, Fresco Salada, Stupenda Pane (Bread) and Delizioso Desserts   Please sign up by Monday, March 2  on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in SBS, or by calling the office at 570-275-1511. If you would like to deliver a meal to an elderly or shut-in person, please add their name to the sign-up sheet. 
Exploring FBC” begins today at 9 AM in the Conf Room.  If you would like to find out more about our church, baptism, and/or membership, please plan on attending this three week class.  There will be a baptismal service as part of our 10:30 service on March 22.  Please talk to Pastor Dawes for more information about the class or baptism. 
Prayer Chain 2015 Update:  It is time to update our Prayer Chain, which is used for urgent matters, hospitalizations, or for families who have had a death of a loved one, etc.  If you are currently on either prayer chain (phone or email) and wish to continue, you do not need to do anything.  If you would like to be added to a prayer chain or make any changes please contact the church office. 
Mini-Flock Lunch : All members and non-members are invited to mini-flock lunch on Sunday, March 15, right after the morning services.  Families will meet with their assigned deacon for lunch, followed by a time of sharing.  Please see the listing on the ramp bulletin board or contact the office to find out who your deacon is for this year.   Lunch and child-care will be provided.  Please sign up today on the ramp bulletin board or in your SBS classroom, or by calling the church office so lunch plans can be made.  Also indicate on the sign-up sheet if you need child care and children’s ages. 




