It’s a Christmas takeover!
Posted on Dec 18, 2015 in Blog |
![Christmas blog banner3](
Given the choice between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I’m sorry but I’d have to forego Thanksgiving. I’m sure many people would be on the same page. But I’m beginning to think that maybe I need to change my mentality.
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Posted on Dec 18, 2015 in Newsletter |
Please pray for our Haiti Team members as they pack luggage and make final plans this week. Continue to pray for health, safety, and their ministry from December 28 – January 5. Thank you to everyone who has helped purchase sports items and craft supplies for our ministry to children in Haiti.
7:30 PM Christmas Eve service. Thanks to everyone who participated. Special thanks to those who supplied the beautiful Christmas Tree
and Advent wreath.
The Nominating Committee has been meeting and a list of nominees is posted on the ramp bulletin board. Please direct any questions or concerns to a member of the committee.
A Family New Year’s Eve Celebration will be held on December 31st. A meal catered by Fu Star will start the evening off at 6 PM. The movie, “The War Room,” will be shown at 7 PM. Dessert, Devotions & Prayer for the New Year will finish off the evening. Reservations for the catered meal are needed. Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board, in your SBS class, or call the church office. Suggested donation for the meal is $5 per person or $15 per family. Please bring a dessert to share.
New Year, new calendar: Ministry Leaders, please contact the office to confirm your dates for 2016 so we can be sure the bulletin is correct, facilities are not double booked, or NOT booked when they could be, etc.
A BIG THANKS to all of our musicians who have led us in worship the past two Sundays to help prepare us for our Christmas Celebration of Jesus’ birth!
Posted on Dec 11, 2015 in Newsletter |
10:30 AM ~ Praise & Worship
Practice for 4 year olds – 6th grade during Children’s Church.
The Christmas Offering this year will go toward an audio visual system upgrade to improve our worship services and radio transmission. Offering envelopes for this gift are available in your bulletin this morning, and will be in the pew racks during the month of December.
Stop by the Tract Rack to find Christmas devotionals, and many Christmas tracts to use throughout the season.
More blankets needed for Syrian refugees: If you would like to help, please place new & gently used blankets (all sizes) in the white barrel near the Chapel.
New Prayer letters are available in the chapel hallway from our missionaries. Please stop by and pick up letters that will give you updates and current prayer requests.
HAITI CHILDREN GIFTS – You can help provide these gifts without shopping…27 gift envelopes are left on the display in the foyer. Please choose a gift that you would like to purchase – Take a gift envelope from that pocket – Put the money in the envelope – Drop it in the gift box on the table. PLEASE RETURN GIFT ENVELOPES BY NEXT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015
9:00 AM ~ Birthday Party for Jesus, Sanctuary, Refreshments following in the BFLC
10:30 PM ~ Christmas Drama, Pastor Harry WonderlandNo Evening Services
5:30 PM ~ Early family service with children in mind.
Pre-school children will participate in the Nativity Story and
school age children will share some of their songs from the Birthday Party for Jesus.
7:30 PM ~ A second Christmas Eve Service with special music, candles and carols.
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Posted on Dec 4, 2015 in Newsletter |
Tuesday, 9:00-1:00 ~ Vaccine Clinic/Chapel ~ flyers at Information Desk. If you do not have insurance to cover flu shots and shingles shots, please check out this service. Appointments are required.
Midweek Meal ~ Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wednesday, December 9. The menu for this week is meatloaf, scalloped potatoes, corn and desserts. Please sign up by Monday, December 7 on the ramp bulletin board, your SBS class, or by calling the office.
Poinsettias may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $7.00. If interested, please contact the church office at 570-275-1511 by Wednesday, December 9th. The poinsettias may be picked up following the Christmas Eve Service.
Drop money in gift box by December 20th.
Thanks to all who have taken ornaments from our Tree of Love located in the kitchen foyer. If you would still like to help, please stop by and take a foam ornament. Bring back the upwrapped gift to the church office by December 13. Please keep the ornament with the gift so it goes to the right person.
The Ministry of The Word the NEXT Lord’s Day Sunday, December 13:
9:00 AM ~ “Celebrating the Season” with Music & Worship Message ~ Pastor Dawes
10:30 AM ~ “Sounds of Christmas” ~ Adult Choir & Praise Band Message ~ Pastor Dawes
11:45 AM ~ Youth Parent Lunch & Meeting 4:30 PM – meet at church to pack cookies for caroling
Pre-school children will participate in the Nativity Story and school age children will share some of their songs
from our Birthday Party for Jesus.
A New Year’s Eve Celebration is being planned. A catered dinner by Fu Star will be at 6 PM, followed by the movie “War Room” shown at 7 PM. Devotions and prayer for the New Year will finish the evening at 9 PM.
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Posted on Nov 25, 2015 in Newsletter |
Everyone is invited to go Caroling on Sunday evening, December 13, from 5:00-7:00 PM. Meet at the church by 4:30 if you want to help with the cookie plates that we will hand out throughout the evening.
Calling all youth parents & guardians: Lunch & discussion on December 13 after church.
Poinsettias may be ordered in honor or memory of a loved one. The suggested donation is $7.00. If interested, please contact the church office
at 570-275-1511 by December 9. The poinsettias may be picked up following the Christmas Eve service.
~ 9:00 AM, Celebrating the Season with Music & Worship
~ 10:30 AM, “Sounds of Christmas”, by Adult Choir and Bells of Joy
~ 9:00 AM, Celebrating the Season
with Music & Worship
~ 10:30 AM, “Celebration of Christmas”
by Adult Choir and Praise Band
~ 9:00 AM, Birthday Party for Jesus for all ages.
Please meet in the Sanctuary for program,
followed by refreshments in the BFLC.
~ 10:30 AM, Christmas Drama ~ Combined Worship Service
Regular Schedule with Guest Missionaries
~ Tim and Jackie Faulkner
~ 9:00 AM, Traditional Service & Sunday Bible Classes
~ 10:30 AM, Contemporary Service & Adult Fellowship II
Each foam ornament represents a person and a Christmas gift. As God leads you, please take an ornament from the tree and return it
with the designated unwrapped gift to the church office by December 13. Please keep the ornament with the gift so it goes to the right person.
Thanks for caring!
The Christmas Offering this year will go toward an audio visual system upgrade to improve our worship
services and radio transmission. Offering envelopes for this gift will be available during the month of December.
Sunday, November 22, 2015
Posted on Nov 20, 2015 in Newsletter |
~ Thanksgiving Eve Service ~
Please plan on joining us on
Wednesday, November 25, at 7 PM
for a Family Thanksgiving Eve Service.
There will not be a Family Dinner or other
mid-week Ministries that evening.
TODAY ~ noon-5:30 PM – Turkey Bowl XI
No Sr. High Youth tonight
No Jr. High Youth this week – Thanksgiving Eve Service
SNOW CAMP deposits due December 1
Sr High Snow Camp ~ February 26-28
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Posted on Nov 13, 2015 in Newsletter |
Count Your Blessings…name them one by one. Please add what you are thankful for to the bulletin board outside the Sunday School Office (downstairs). Let’s fill up the board with notes of thanks!
from 9:00 – 4:30.
Please continue to pray for the Persecuted Church. To stay informed of current prayer needs, go to Stay informed and pray for our missionaries by picking up letters in the chapel hallway. New ones are added weekly.
Flu/Shingles shots will be available at FBC on Nov. 19th & Dec. 8th when the PA Dept. of Health hosts clinics in the chapel. Please see the flyers posted on the ramp bulletin board or pick up a flyer at the Information Desk. Appointments are required.
As you prepare for Christmas, we want to let you know of several opportunities for giving through our church and community
so that you may participate in those you choose.
Our Christmas Offering this year will go toward an audio visual system upgrade to improve our worship services and radio transmission. Offering envelopes for this gift will be available in December.
Many gifts will be needed to take on the Haiti Mission Trip (Dec. 28-July 5). A list of items and drop off spots will be available soon.
Our November & December food donations are going to help with the community efforts to provide Christmas dinners for people in our community. We will also soon have information regarding the Danville Community Christmas Tree that will collect gifts for people in our community.
In December you will be given the opportunity to purchase poinsettias in memory or honor of a loved one.
November 25 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service
November 29 ~ First Sunday of Advent & Communion Sunday
December 6 ~ 6 PM ~ Baptism Service & Reception
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Posted on Nov 6, 2015 in Newsletter |
Mission Reports: Tonight Frank Auker will be sharing in the chapel about his recent trip to Cuba. Next Sunday we will welcome missionaries Stan & Tami Brown. They will be sharing a greeting in the morning services, and giving a mission report at 6 PM in the BFLC. Please plan on attending and bring a dessert to share.
Good Samaritan Center is in desperate need of girls clothing, (sizes 4,5,6). If you can help, please drop your donations off on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
November 20-21 ~ Youth 30 Day Famine
November 21 ~ Jubilee Kitchen
November 22 ~ Turkey Bowl
November 25 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Posted on Nov 6, 2015 in General |
Mission Reports: Tonight Frank Auker will be sharing in the chapel about his recent trip to Cuba. Next Sunday we will welcome missionaries Stan & Tami Brown. They will be sharing a greeting in the morning services, and giving a mission report at 6 PM in the BFLC. Please plan on attending and bring a dessert to share.
November 21st is First Baptist’s turn to host the Jubilee Kitchen. Please call the office if you have questions.
Good Samaritan Center is in desperate need of girls clothing, (sizes 4,5,6). If you can help, please drop your donations off on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
November 20-21 ~ Youth 30 Day Famine
November 21 ~ Jubilee Kitchen
November 22 ~ Turkey Bowl
November 25 ~ Thanksgiving Eve Service
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Posted on Oct 30, 2015 in Newsletter |
TRUNK OR TREAT – A special thank you to the crew of volunteers for all of their hard work. Thanks also to everyone who donated candy. At least 900 people enjoyed Trunk or Treat at our church this past week.
Today is Barnabas Sunday. This month we will be taking food items to “Feed A Friend” to help provide Thanksgiving Dinners for people in Montour County. If you would like to give a monetary gift, please make checks out to “Feed A Friend”.
Midweek Meal: Join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wednesday, Nov. 4. The menu for this week is wunderbar pork and sauerkraut, herrilch potatoes, and schmeckts gut desserts. Please sign up by Monday, Nov. 2 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class, or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3 per person/$10 per family. If you would like to take a meal to a shut-in there is no charge. Desserts are provided on a volunteer basis. Please bring one to share anytime.
Volunteers Needed: UPWARD’S second registration/skills drill will be held Friday night, November 6 (6:00-8:00 PM) and Saturday, November 7 (9:30 AM-1:30 PM). There is a job for everyone, and many volunteers are needed. Please call the office if you can help. UPWARD participants may register online, but MUST still attend this skills drill, if they didn’t go to the one in October.
First Baptist Church will be hosting the Jubilee Kitchen on November 21st. Please call the office if you would like to give a monetary donation, or can provide dessert.
Did You Know? There are several ways to hear a sermon if you are unable to hear it during church, want to hear it again, or share it with a friend…
- Listen live ~ 9:00 Traditional Service broadcast on WPGM 1570 AM ; 10:30 Contemporary Service broadcast on WPGM 96.7 FM
- Request a copy on CD (forms available at bottom of stairs in coat room at back of sanctuary).
- Listen to it on-line from our web-site.