Sunday, July 4, 2021

Church Informational Directory now available – You do not have to be a member to grab a copy of contact information on your church family! Available at the Info Desk in the main lobby. The next printing is scheduled for December.
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main lobby. July’s Need is Jell-O & Pudding.
Fishnet Meeting This Week! This group of amazing ladies will be meeting again on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
New Devos In! Check out the Borrow-a-Book box & Tract Rack to pick up your new Large Print Our Daily Bread and Keys for Kids devotionals for
July | August | September.
Next Baptism Sunday: Aug. 15 – If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by Sunday, August 8th.
FBC Summer Reading Program Our Library is welcoming kiddos from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in the Scripture Reading Race! Stop in and pick up your race card and win a prize once you have crossed the finish line! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 15th! Happy reading!!
Youth Serve Weekends coming up! Jr. High: July 9-11 / Sr. High: August 6-8 – Contact Pastor Luke to sign up.
When? July 12-16 | 6-8:30PM
Who? Ages 4 to 6th grade
How? Register online by Wednesday, July 7 –
  • VOLUNTEER TRAINING LAST CALL! Video is available on the VBS webpage.
  • VBS T-Shirts available in the office for suggested donation of $7 each.
  • DECORATING DATES – Wednesday and Friday @ 5pm | Saturday @ 11am!!!!!
VBS MISSION PROJECT – The Missionary: Francklin (shown with his wife Nerlie) was appointed as a missionary with Missions Door in 2006 to serve as the youth and children’s ministries coordinator. He works with the pastors of churches that are associated with Missions Door in Haiti, helping those churches develop children’s and youth ministries. The Project: For many children in Haiti, the cost of education often hinders them from attending school and receiving an education. Your support to the Haiti Children’s School Scholarships project is an opportunity to provide a child with the gift of an education. All gifts given to this project go directly towards paying for school fees. The Numbers: Cost for 1 Child to attend school for 1 year is $355.00. This amount includes: Entry fee of $12, monthly cost of $20 (x9 months = $180), and school supplies worth $50 (includes uniforms!). For more info:
Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 18!! Following the VBS Closing ceremony during the 10:30 service, everyone is invited to enjoy hotdogs and hamburgers, a giant slip-n-slide with a lagoon, a Little’s splash area, Bocce, Corn Hole, Ga-Ga pit and MORE! No cost! We’ll also have softball for Sr. highers and older!! Sign up for a team in the main foyer or call the office to register your team of 10 by 7/17. Bring own equipment. (Disclaimer: Outdoor events are weather pending)
Family Fun Day Volunteers Needed To make this event as fun as it always is we are going to need help!! Food logistics, setup support, game facilitators, clean up crew, etc. Sign up to help at the table in the main foyer!
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs 7PM Zoom Bible Study *WILL NOT MEET JULY 7*  Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 18!! Following the VBS Closing ceremony during the 10:30 service, everyone is invited to enjoy hotdogs and hamburgers, a giant slip-n-slide with a lagoon, a Little’s splash area, Bocce, Corn Hole, Ga-Ga pit and MORE! No cost! We’ll also have softball for Sr. highers and older!! Sign up for a team in the main foyer or call the office to register your team of 10 by 7/17. Bring own equipment. (Disclaimer: Outdoor events are weather pending)
Volunteers Needed for Family Fun Day! To make this event as fun as always, we are going to need help!! Food logistics, setup support, game facilitators, clean up crew, etc. Sign up to help at the table in the main foyer!
New Devos In!! Check out the Borrow-a-Book box & Tract Rack to pick up your new Large Print Our Daily Bread and Keys for Kids devotionals for
July | August | September
LuoPad Ministry Meeting this Thursday 7/1 at 9:30AM in the gym. This dynamic group of ladies will meet on the first Thursday of each month to
assemble sanitary garments for women in third world countries. 1000’s have been made and sent around the world already!
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main lobby. July’s Need is Jell-O & Pudding.
Service Projects Needed! The youth group has two weekends as well as other days over the summer to help with small or simple projects, like
yard work, painting, etc. But we won’t just show up to a random house, so we need to know if you or someone you know has some service opportunities for us! You can contact Pastor Luke with any jobs.
Informational Directory is now available. You do not have to be a member to grab a copy of contact information on your church family! Available at the Info Desk in the main lobby. The next printing is scheduled for December.
Starting Next Sunday…
  • 10:30 Service moves inside – Yay air conditioning!
  • Sensory Friendly Worship Area (chapel) will be open BOTH services
  • Gym will be open – Family-friendly seating available for BOTH services
  • Jr. Children’s Church – Will be available for ages 4yrs-K during the 10:30 service again!
  • Infant Nursery – Attendants will be available during the Sunday School Hour (9:15am-10:15am). Parents are welcome to use the nursery during both services.
Next Baptism Sunday: Aug. 15 – If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by Sunday, August 8th.
FBC Summer Reading Program! Our Library is welcoming kiddos from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in the Scripture Reading Race! Stop in and pick up your race card and win a prize once you have crossed the finish line! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 15th! Happy reading!!
VBS VOLUNTEER TRAINING Video is available on the VBS webpage. VBS T-Shirts available in the office for suggested donation of $7 each.
VBS DECORATING DATES The decorations are going up THIS Wednesday @ 5pm!!!
REGISTER FOR VBS TODAY! AGES 4 to 6TH GRADE* Online Registration closes July 7th * –
VBS MISSION PROJECT The Missionary: Francklin (shown with his wife Nerlie) was appointed as a missionary with Missions Door in 2006 to serve as the youth and children’s ministries coordinator. He works with the pastors of churches that are associated with Missions Door in Haiti, helping those churches develop children’s and youth ministries. The Project: For many children in Haiti, the cost of education often hinders them from attending school and receiving an education. Your support to the Haiti Children’s School Scholarships project is an opportunity to provide a child with the gift of an education. All gifts given to this project go directly towards paying for school fees. The Numbers: Cost for 1 Child to attend school for 1 year is $355.00. This amount includes: Entry fee of $12, Monthly cost of $20 (x9 months = $180), School supplies worth $50 (includes uniforms!). For more info:
PackHOPE Event Donations for the PackHOPE experience are so welcome! Grab an M&M tube, fill it with quarters and return it by Sept. 5th!
Staying away from sugar? Donate online at: What’s the PackHOPE experience about? We are collecting donations to fund the food we’ll be packing on Saturday, September 11th, and shipping to Unto, who partners with Cru, and ships the food globally! Why food? Food allows their partners and pastors on the ground all over the world to access remote places they are not usually permitted to go. While distributing the food, they build relationships and are able to share the gospel!
PackHOPE Experience Details:
Date/Times: Saturday, September 11 | 2 shifts: 8:30am & 11:00am
Financial & Food Goals: $26,000 – pays for 78,000 meals
Volunteer Goal: 72 people per shift
Ages: All volunteers must be 12 y/o+
Questions? Contact: Donna Outt
Info | Registration | Donation:
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting  Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom – ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260

Sunday, June 20, 2021

In Honor of Our Fathers FBC is giving $100 to our prison ministry. This ministry brings the good news of the gospel to prisoners in 3 local facilities. They have seen inmates come to know Christ as their Savior and have also performed baptisms. In honor of our mothers for Mother’s Day, FBC donated $100 to each of the our 3 local pregnancy care centers!
LuoPad Ministry Meeting next Thursday 7/1 at 9:30AM in the gym. This dynamic group of ladies will meet on the first Thursday of each month to
assemble sanitary garments for women in third world countries. 1000’s have been made and sent around the world already!
Sons of the Savior Sunday School Class is back in the building! This class welcomes men of all ages to join them as they study the Bible together. You can find them in room #228. Second floor above office.
Service Projects Needed! The youth group has two weekends as well as other days over the summer to help with small or simple projects, like
yardwork, painting, etc. But we won’t just show up to a random house, so we need to know if you or someone you know has some service opportunities for us! You can contact Pastor Luke with any jobs you may have.
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 18!! Following the VBS Closing ceremony during the 10:30 service, everyone is invited to enjoy hotdogs and hamburgers, a giant slip-n-slide with a lagoon, a Little’s splash area, Bocce, Corn Hole, Ga-Ga pit and MORE! No cost! We’ll also have softball for Sr. highers and older!! Sign up for a team in the main foyer or call the office to register your team of 10 by 7/17. Bring own equipment. (Disclaimer: Outdoor events are weather pending)
Family Fun Day Volunteers Needed To make this event as fun as it always we are going to need help!! Food logistics, setup support, game facilitators, clean up crew, etc. Sign up to help at the table in the main foyer!
Starting on Sunday, July 4th
  • 10:30 Service moves inside – Yay air conditioning!
  • Sensory Friendly Worship Area will be open BOTH services
  • Gym will be open – Family-friendly seating available for BOTH services
  • Jr. Children’s Church – Will be available for ages 4yrs-K during the 10:30 service again!
  • Infant Nursery – Attendants will be available during the Sunday School Hour (9:15am-10:15am). Parents are welcome to use the nursery during both services.
LAST CALL for Ladies Retreat September 17-19 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! Registration forms at Info Desk. Questions? Contact Heather Hess.
When?: JULY 12-16 | 6-8:30PM
Who?: AGES 4 to 6TH GRADE
Register:  * Online Registration closes July 7th *
Volunteer Training (ALL volunteers must attend 1 class) – LAST CHANCE! THIS Thursday @ 7pm in Chapel – VBS T-Shirts available at in-person training sessions for suggested donation of $7 each.
Decorating Dates – If you can hold a paint brush, WE WANT YOU!!!
  • THIS Monday @ 5pm – Gym
  • THIS Saturday @ 11am – Gym
New Devos In Check out the Borrow-a-Book box & Tract Rack to pick up your new Large Print Our Daily Bread and Keys for Kids devotionals for
July | August | September.
PackHOPE READY?…GET SET…GOOOOO!!!! Donations for the PackHOPE experience are so welcome! Grab an M&M tube, fill it with quarters and return it by Sept. 5th! Staying away from sugar? Donate online at: What’s the PackHOPE experience about? We are collecting donations to fund the food we’ll be packing on Saturday, September 11th, and shipping to Unto, who partners with Cru, and ships the food globally! Why food? Food allows their partners and pastors on the ground all over the world to access remote places they are not usually permitted to go. While distributing the food, they build relationships and are able to share the gospel!
PackHOPE Experience Details:
  • Date/Times: Saturday, September 11 | 2 shifts: 8:30am & 11:00am
  • Financial & Food Goals: $26,000 – pays for 78,000 meals
  • Volunteer Goal: 72 people per shift
  • Ages: All volunteers must be 12 y/o+
  • Questions? Contact: Donna Outt
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting  Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom – ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Starting on Sunday, July 4th…
  • 10:30 Service moves inside (Yay air conditioning!)
  • Sensory Friendly Worship Area (located in the chapel) will be open BOTH services
  • Gym will be open – Family-friendly seating available for BOTH services
  • Jr. Children’s Church will be available for ages 4yrs-K during the 10:30 service again!
  • Infant Nursery – Attendants will be available during the Sunday School Hour (9:15am-10:15am). Parents are welcome to use the nursery during both services.
Baptism NEXT Sunday (June 20) If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by TODAY!
Breakfast Sweets: A HUGE Thank You for all the donations we’ve received!
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
Fishnet Back in July! This group of amazing ladies processes large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please call Donna Outt.
PackHOPE Event READY?…GET SET…GOOOOO!!!! Donations for the PackHOPE experience are so welcome! Grab an M&M tube, fill it with quarters and return it by Sept. 5th! Staying away from sugar? Donate online and register at: What’s the PackHOPE experience about? We are collecting donations to fund the food we’ll be packing on Saturday, September 11th, and shipping to Unto, who partners with Cru, and ships the food globally! Why food? Food allows their partners and pastors on the ground all over the world to access remote places they are not usually permitted to go. While distributing the food, they build relationships and are able to share the gospel!

PackHOPE Experience Details:
Date/Times: Saturday, September 11 | 2 shifts: 8:30am & 11:00am
Financial & Food Goals: $26,000 – pays for 78,000 meals
Volunteer Goal: 72 people per shift
Ages: All volunteers must be 12 y/o or older
Questions? Contact: Donna Outt

FBC Summer Reading Program Our Library is welcoming kiddos from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in the Scripture Reading Race! Stop in and pick up your race card and win a prize once you have crossed the finish line! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 15th. Happy reading!
Who: AGES 4 to 6TH GRADE

When: JULY 12-16 | 6-8:30PM
How: Register today at

VOLUNTEER TRAINING * ALL volunteers must attend 1 class *
  • THIS Tuesday @ 7pm in Chapel
  • THIS Thursday @ 7pm on ZOOM ID:817 1928 4247 | P:193284
  • 6/24 Thursday @ 7pm in Chapel
* VBS T-Shirts available at in-person training sessions for suggested donation of $7 each.
VBS DECORATING DATES If you can hold a paint brush, WE WANT YOU!!!
  • THIS Thursday @ 10am – Gym
  • 6/21 Monday @ 5pm – Gym
  • 6/24 Thursday @ 10am – Gym
Sunday Bible School FYI
Adult Classes: Sojourners are now meeting in their classroom (Room #224/226 on 2nd floor) & SMASSH is now meeting in room #102 (2nd floor hallway that parallels the gym)
Children’s Class: 3 Year Old Class postponed until Sept.
Service Projects Needed The youth group has two weekends as well as other days over the summer to help with small or simple projects, like
yard work, painting, etc. But we won’t just show up to a random house, so we need to know if you or someone you know has some service opportunities for us! You can contact Pastor Luke.
Couch Worship with Pastor John – Thursdays at 2:30 on Facebook
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom – ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, June 6, 2021

PackHOPE What’s the PackHOPE experience about? We are collecting donations to fund the food we’ll be packing on Saturday, September 11th, and shipping to Unto, who partners with Cru, and ships the food globally! Why food? Food allows their partners and pastors on the ground all over the world to access remote places they are not usually permitted to go. While distributing the food, they build relationships and are able to share the gospel! PackHOPE Experience Details:
  • Date/Times: Saturday, September 11 | 2 shifts: 8:30am & 11:00am
  • Financial & Food Goals: $26,000 – pays for 78,000 meals
  • Volunteer Goal: 72 people per shift
  • Ages: All volunteers must be 12 y/o or older
Questions? Contact: Donna Outt. Donations for the PackHOPE experience are so welcome! Grab an M&M tube, fill it with quarters and return it by Sept. 5th! Staying away from sugar? Donate online at:
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main lobby. June’s Need: Canned Fruit.
Red Cross Blood Drive will be here tomorrow, in the BFLC (gym) from 1:00-6:00pm. The Red Cross is in need of blood and is taking every precaution to keep everyone safe during their collections.
Breakfast Sweets Needed! Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. NOTE: items must be individually wrapped prior to drop off. Many heartfelt thanks! Wanna join the team? Sign up for a Sunday at the food table! The team will walk you through what you need to know!
Baptism Sunday on June 20!! If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by NEXT Sunday!
Heartfelt Thanks to Wayne Krebs! We want to take a minute to thank Wayne Krebs for his 55+ (yes, 55+!!) years of volunteer service at First Baptist Church in the audio and media ministry.  His vision and commitment helped launch and grow our live-audio, radio, and live-streaming ministries that so many people enjoy today.  He is retiring from the audio ministry, but will continue to serve in different areas at FBC.  If you see him, thank him for all he has done!
Service Projects Needed!! The youth group has two weekends as well as other days over the summer to help with small or simple projects, like
yardwork, painting, etc. But we won’t just show up to a random house, so we need to know if you or someone you know has some service opportunities for us! You can contact Pastor Luke with any jobs
New Our Daily Breads! Check out the Borrow-a-Book box & Tract Rack to pick up your new Regular Print devotional for June, July, August!
FBC Summer Reading Program! Our Library is welcoming kiddos from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in the Scripture Reading Race! Stop in and pick up your race card and win a prize once you have crossed the finish line! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 15th! Happy reading!!
DETAILS JULY 12-16 | 6-8:30PM – Ages 4 to 6th grade
VOLUNTEER TRAINING * ALL volunteers must attend 1 class *
  • 6/15 Tuesday @ 7pm in Chapel
  • 6/17 Thursday @ 7pm on ZOOM  ID:817 1928 4247 | P: 193284
  • 6/24 Thursday @ 7pm in Chapel
DECORATING DATES  If you can hold a paint brush, WE WANT YOU!!!
  • 6/12 Saturday @ 11am in the Gym
  • 6/21 Monday @ 5pm
VBS PRAYER SHEETS Sheets are available at the Info Desk and Welcome Table! Join us in prayer during the month of June over this outreach event, that God would be glorified.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting  Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
7AM – The Upper Zoom – ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Special Opportunities Today! The special collection box is located at the Info Desk that will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times.
Memorial Sunday Service A time of reflection, thanksgiving, songs and prayer will take place at Memorial Park this evening at 6pm. Bring a chair!
Congratulations kiddos on moving up! Heartfelt thanks to our Sunday School teachers for being so passionate in sharing Jesus with our children. And for also being incredibly flexible in our reopening and growth! New Classes Begin Next Sunday.
Baptism Sunday on June 20! If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by Sunday, June 13th!
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main lobby. June’s Need: Canned Fruit.
LuoPad Ministry restarts THIS Thursday 9:30AM in the gym. This dynamic group of ladies will meet on the first Thursday of each month to assemble sanitary garments for women in third world countries. Thousands have been made and sent around the world already!
Red Cross Blood Drive will be here next Monday, June 7, in the BFLC (gym) from 1:00-6:00pm. The Red Cross is in need of blood and is taking every precaution to keep everyone safe during their collections.
Breakfast Sweets Needed Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. NOTE: items must be individually wrapped prior to drop off. Many heartfelt thanks! Wanna join the team? Sign up for a Sunday at the food table! The team will walk you through what you need to know!
Fishnet Meeting This Week This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt. They will be taking a break during the month of June.
Walk for Life This Saturday Enjoy fresh air and sunshine with friends and family while you support your local Pregnancy Care Center this Spring! Your Loving Choices has their walk scheduled for this Saturday (6/5) at 9AM at 904 Market St., Bloomsburg.
New Our Daily Breads Check out the Borrow-a-Book box & Tract Rack to pick up your new Regular Print devotional for June, July, August!
Updated Address Directory Coming in June! Need to update your contact info? Please write it on your connect card or email the office by Sunday. The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file. If you would like us to include your cell phone number and email address in the June directory, please let us know on your connect card!
Mystery Island VBS JULY 12-16 | 6-8:30PM – Ages 4 through 6th grade – REGISTER TODAY at Printed registration forms are available at the Info Desk.
VBS Prayer Sheets Sheets are available at the Info Desk and Welcome Table! Join us in prayer for the month of June over this outreach event, that God would be glorified.
FBC Summer Reading Program! Our Library is welcoming kiddos from Kindergarten to 6th grade to take part in the Scripture Reading Race! Stop in and pick up your race card and win a prize once you have crossed the finish line! A parent/guardian signature is required on your completed card for prize eligibility. Cards are due by August 15th! Happy reading!!
Service Projects Needed The youth group has two weekends as well as other days over the summer to help with small or simple projects, like
yardwork, painting, etc. But we won’t just show up to a random house, so we need to know if you or someone you know has some service opportunities for us! You can contact Pastor Luke with any jobs.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom – ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260
  • 9:15AM – Sojourners are now meeting in-person, outside at FBC!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Today is Pentecost! Christmas we celebrate our Savior dwelling WITH us. Pentecost we celebrate our Savior dwelling IN us! The Christian holiday of Pentecost is a moveable feast, which is celebrated on the 50th day from Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks, as described in the Acts of the Apostles. It is also known as “the birthday of the Church”. Pentecost fulfills Jesus’ promise to send the “Counselor” and “Spirit of Truth” in John 16:5-15. This event also launched the large-scale spreading of the Gospel after Jesus’ ascension. Acts 2:41 records that after Peter spoke to the crowd after receiving the Holy Spirit, some 3,000 people were baptized.
Baptism Sunday on June 20!! If you would like to take the plunge in following Jesus’ example, let us know on your connect card by Sunday, June 13th!
Breakfast Sweets Needed! Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. NOTE: items must be individually wrapped prior to drop off. Many heartfelt thanks! Wanna join the team? Sign up for a Sunday at the food table! The team will walk you through what you need to know!
Active Retired Men in Service Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meet for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
Fishnet Meeting This Week! This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
Sensory-Friendly Worship Area! “A shush-free, judgment-free zone where ALL can safely learn about God!” Our chapel has been fitted with wiggle seats, fidget toys, dimmable lights, noise-canceling headphones, a calming special-effect light and more! We welcome all who have unique needs to enjoy this area during our 8AM services! Both services will be available in the Fall.
Special Opportunities Next Sunday There will be a special collection box located at the Info Desk that will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times.
Memorial Sunday Service A time of reflection, thanksgiving, songs and prayer will take place at Memorial Park next Sunday at 6pm. Bring a chair!
Updated Address Directory Coming in June! Need to update your contact info? Please write it on your connect card, email us, or call the office by May 30. The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file. If you would like us to include your cell phone number and email address in the June directory, please let us know on your connect card!
VBS Registration Open at VBS this year takes place JULY 12-16 | 6-8:30PM AGES 4 to 6TH GRADE
VBS Prayer Sheets are available at the Info Desk and Welcome Table! Join us in prayer for the month of June over this outreach event, that God would be glorified.
LuoPad Ministry is back! June 3rd @ 9:30AM. This dynamic group of ladies will meet on the first Thursday of each month to assemble sanitary garments for women in third world countries. 1000’s have been made and sent around the world already!
New Our Daily Breads! Check out the Borrow-a-Book box & Tract Rack to pick up your new Regular Print devotional for June, July, August!
Last Call for Grad Info We want to celebrate your high school and college grads Next Sunday during both service! Please email the church your:
  • Student’s Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
Promotion Sunday is May 30th! With kiddos wrapping up their school year, we’d like to take this time to “wrap-up” our current Sunday School grades and transition them to their next grade. During this event we thank and dedicate teachers and helpers, present Bibles and devotionals and say hi to new teachers. You are invited to join us in the sanctuary at 9:15am to encourage our “littles in the faith”!
Church Business Meeting THIS Wednesday @ 7pm. Join In-Person or through Zoom! All are welcome to attend, however only members who attend in person may vote. * * * Reports are available at church* * * We will be voting on new members and constitutional changes regarding Elders & Deacons.  ZOOM INFO: 895 7866 8349 | Passcode: 153583
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting  Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom – ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260
  • 9:15AM – Sojourners are now meeting in-person, outside at FBC!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Breakfast Sweets Needed! Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour team would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. NOTE: items must be individually wrapped prior to drop off. Many heartfelt thanks! Wanna join the team? Sign up for a Sunday at the food table! The team will walk you through what you need to know!
Jr. Children’s Church will be taking a break while the 10:30 service is outside. It will resume when this service comes back inside in the Fall.
Special Giving Opportunity On Sunday, May 30th, there will be an opportunity to give to the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund helps local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times.
Fishnet Meeting This Week! This group of amazing ladies meets on Thursdays from 9AM-12 noon at the home of Linda Beyer. They process large quantities of eyeglasses and sunglasses to be sent all over the world! If you would like to join them, please contact Donna Outt.
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk. For questions, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney. We welcome those within FBC and those not from FBC to apply!
Updated Address Directory Coming in June! Need to update your contact info? Please write it on your connect card, email us, or call the office by May 30. The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file. If you would like us to include your cell phone number and email address in the June directory, please let us know on your connect card!
Ladies Retreat -Registration Now Open! September 17-19 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! Questions? Contact Rachel Renno or Heather Hess . Registration Forms Available at Info Desk
Topic: Prayer – lecture-style sessions (no videos)
Cost: $190.00 – includes meals, lodging & study material A $25 non-refundable deposit will secure your spot. (Checks can be made out to FBC with Ladies Retreat in the memo)
Grad Info Needed We want to celebrate your high school and college grads!! Please email the church your:
  • Student’s Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
Voter Guides Available Primary Elections – This Tuesday Learn ahead of time the who’s and what’s that will be on the docket. Guides can be found at the Info Desk and Welcome Table.
Mystery Island VBS is happening July 12-16 6-8:30pm for kids ages 4 to 6th grade. Closing is on Sunday, July 18! Registration is now open! WWW.DANVILLEFIRSTBAPTIST.ORG/VBS/.
Sensory-Friendly Worship Area! “A shush-free, judgment-free zone where ALL can safely learn about God!” Our chapel has been fitted with wiggle seats, fidget toys, dimmable lights, noise-canceling headphones, a calming special-effect light and more! We welcome all who have unique needs to enjoy this area during our 8AM services! Both services will be available in the Fall.
Church Business Meeting – Wednesday, May 26 @ 7pm – Join In-Person or through Zoom! All are welcome to attend, however only members who attend in person may vote.
Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference Marriage is a lifelong adventure of growing together through every age and stage of life. The happiest couples are those who commit to learning skills that help them weather difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship challenges. It’s your turn to make a great marriage happen. Cost of Event: $175 per person – BUT add our promo code DFBC2022WTR and you’ll save $100 per couple!! Register at: Why register so early?! Over 1.5 million couples have attended these events. Trust us: spots won’t last long!
LuoPad Ministry is Back beginning June 3rd @ 9:30AM. This dynamic group of ladies will meet on the first Thursday of each month to assemble sanitary garments for women in third world countries. 1000’s have been made and sent around the world already!
Active Retired Men in Service is meeting Thursdays @ 8:30AM. This great group of guys meet for devotions, prayer time and lots of fellowship! Following their group time, they also help out around the church as well. Come on over!
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Bible Study & Prayer Meeting  Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom – ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Tae’s Home Group – ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying the book Walking With God in the Desert – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 | Password: 217343
    This class will begin meeting in-person outside at FBC on 5/23!!
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Ladies Retreat Registration Now Open! Happening September 17-19 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! Topic is Prayer with lecture-style sessions (no videos). Cost is $190.00 – includes meals, lodging & study material. A $25 non-refundable deposit will secure your spot. (Checks can be made out to FBC with Ladies Retreat in the memo). Questions? Contact Rachel Renno or Heather Hess. Registration Forms Available at Info Desk.
Breakfast Sweets Needed! Our Sunday morning Coffee Hour would be grateful for any homemade or store-bought breakfast foods. Please drop off in the kitchen before 9am. NOTE: items must be individually wrapped prior to drop off. Many heartfelt thanks!
Jr. Children’s Church will be taking a break while the 10:30 service is outside. It will resume when this service comes back inside in the Fall.
Special Giving Opportunity Coming! On Sunday, May 30th, there will be an opportunity to give to the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund helps local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times.
Veteran Needed! We are looking for a veteran to present the FBC Memorial wreath during the May 30th ceremonies at the Danville Memorial Park at 11am. Please call the office if interested!
Deacons v. Elders What’s the difference? What do they do? For answers to these questions and much more on the proposed Elder position, grab an info packet at the Info Desk and Welcome Table.
Sensory-Friendly Worship Area! “A shush-free, judgment-free zone where ALL can safely learn about God!” Our chapel has been fitted with wiggle seats, fidget toys, dimmable lights, noise-canceling headphones, a calming special-effect light and more! We welcome all who have unique needs to enjoy this area during our 8AM services! Both services will be available in the Fall.
Updated Address Directory Coming in June! Need to update your contact info? Please write it on your connect card, email us, or call the office by May 30. The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file. If you would like us to include your cell phone number and email address in the June directory, please let us know on your connect card!
VBS Team Sign-Ups – July 11-16 | 6-8:30PM – Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at We revamped our Safe Church Class!! Unit 7 can now be completed online by watching 3 videos and filling out a form. This needs to be completed annually. Kiddo Registration begins May 16th!
Treasure Fest – Last Day is Sunday in the gym. Free treasures ARRR to be found, matey!
Children’s Ministry Director – Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position: Malachi Courtney. Pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk.
Grad Info Needed – We want to celebrate your high school and college grads!! Please email the church your:
  • Student’s Name
  • School/College graduated from
  • Degree Earned
  • Next steps/future plans
  • And a fun picture of your grad!
Voter Guides Available! Primary Elections are May 18th. Learn ahead of time the who’s and what’s that will be on the docket. Guides can be found at the Info Desk and Welcome Table.
Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference in Hershey – February 11-13, 2022 – Marriage is a lifelong adventure of growing together through every age and stage of life. The happiest couples are those who commit to learning skills that help them weather difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship challenges. It’s your turn to make a great marriage happen. Cost of Event: $175 per person – BUT add our promo code DFBC2022WTR and you’ll save $100 per couple!! Register at: Why register so early?! Over 1.5 million couples have attended these events. Trust us: spots won’t last long!
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Prayer Meeting Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom  ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Zoom Home Group with Tae (Dr. Kwon)  ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying the book Walking With God in the Desert – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 | Password: 217343
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone? Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #

Sunday, May 2, 2021

National Day of Prayer – Thursday, May 6 12:00 outside the Montour County Courthouse. Let us gather together to join in prayer for our nation, leaders and community.
FBC Connect Class – May 9, 16 & 23 9:15AM – If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This 3-part class will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) during the Sunday School hour. If you have any questions, feel free to call the office!
Jr. Children’s Church will be taking a break while the 10:30 service is outside. It will resume when this service comes back inside in the Fall.
Giving Opportunity Sunday Donations given to our Fellowship Fund are used to assist those in our church who are struggling during these hard times. “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Proverbs 19:17
The Barnabas Basket is a monthly food collection that takes place on the first Sunday of the month (Communion Sunday). All donations are given to the Danville Food Bank. The basket will be located in the main lobby. May’s need is Sauce & Spaghetti.
Deacons v. Elders What’s the difference? What do they do? For answers to these questions and much more on the proposed Elder position, grab an info packet at the Info Desk and Welcome Table.
Prayer Guides Available  It’s Ramadan! This is the most sacred month of the year for Muslims and goes from April 13 to the evening of May 12. Let us continue to pray for our Muslim neighbors around the world during this time that they would come to know the One True God!
Weekend to Remember marriage conference in Hershey – February 11-13, 2022 – Marriage is a lifelong adventure of growing together through every age and stage of life. The happiest couples are those who commit to learning skills that help them weather difficult seasons and deal confidently with relationship challenges. It’s your turn to make a great marriage happen. Cost of Event: $175 per person – BUT add our promo code DFBC2022WTR and you’ll save $100 per couple! Register at: Why register so early?! Over 1.5 million couples have attended these events. Trust us: spots won’t last long!
VBS Team Sign Ups Happening – VBS | July 11-16 | 6-8:30PM – Make sure you are up-to-date with your clearances at We revamped our Safe Church Class!! Unit 7 can now be completed online by watching 3 videos and filling out a form. This needs to be completed annually. Kiddo Registration begins May 16th!
Treasure Fest – Today & Next Sunday in the Gym. Free treasures ARRR to be found, matey! Save The Date!
Church Business Meeting is happening Wednesday, May 26 @ 7pm.
Full Time Position Available at FBC! If you are interested in applying for our Children’s Ministry Director position, please reach out to the deacon overseeing the search for this position, Malachi Courtney.  Pick up an informational packet at the Info Desk.
Save the Date: Ladies Retreat!! September 17-19 at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn in Morris, PA! Sign-ups start Next Sunday. More Info to Come!
Sensory-Friendly Worship Area! “A shush-free, judgment-free zone where ALL can safely learn about God!” Our chapel has been fitted with wiggle seats, fidget toys, dimmable lights, noise-canceling headphones, a calming special-effect light and more! We welcome all who have unique needs to enjoy this area during our 8AM services! Both services will be available in the Fall.
Heartfelt Thanks! To all who helped at our Spring Clean up Day…THANK YOU!! The sharing of your time, talents and gifts were very appreciated as many hands made the work light…and fun!
Walks for Life
Enjoy fresh air and sunshine with friends and family while you support your local PCC’s this Spring!
  • PCC Corner of Hope will be having their walk at 9AM THIS Saturday at Knoebels!!
  • Your Loving Choices has their walk scheduled for Saturday, June 5 at 9AM at 904 Market St., Bloomsburg.
Connect Weekly on Zoom
WEDNESDAYs @ 7PM – Zoom Prayer Meeting  Meeting ID: 882 0581 5427 | Passcode: 697056
  • 7AM – The Upper Zoom  ID: 851 3612 7114 | P: 693945
  • 7PM – Zoom Home Group with Tae (Dr. Kwon)  ID: 927 5098 8527 | P: 644284
SUNDAYs Classes meeting online
  • 9:15AM – Fred Hess with Sojourners are studying the book Walking With God in the Desert – Meeting ID: 826 8364 3656 | Password: 217343
  • 9:15AM – Dan Jones with Adult Fellowship are meeting in-person AND on Zoom! – Meeting ID: 810 1520 7879 | Password: 446260
Need help setting up Zoom? Go to to find instructional videos made by Pastor John!
Calling in to a Zoom meeting on a dial-up phone?  Step 1. Call (646) 558-8656 Step 2. Add Meeting ID Step 3. Press #