Sunday, June 17, 2018
Posted on Jun 16, 2018 in Newsletter |
LuoPad Team Join us the first Thursday of every month at 9:30am as we continue to assemble LuoPads in the BFLC. This is an ongoing mission through GAiN that provides sanitary undergarments to women all over the world! We’d love to have you join us!
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please check off “baptism” on your Connect Card.
Blood Drive Tomorrow: Red Cross Blood Drive will be here tomorrow in the BFLC from 1:00-6:00pm. Stop and see Jack and Brenda who will be serving food in the kitchen to all donors!
Summer Movie at FBC! On Friday, July 20 (new date!), FBC will be showing the hit movie I Can Only Imagine at 8:30pm. Weather permitting, we’ll be showing it outside so bring your camp chairs, lounge chairs, beach blankets, etc. Bring camp snacks to share too if you’d like!
Wanna Be a Buddy? God’s Champions is a ministry here at FBC that shares God’s love with those who have special needs. Buddies provide one-on-one support so our special friends can enjoy their Sunday School classes, VBS and more! For more information or to volunteer, contact Michele Whitenight. You can also pick up a God’s Champions Volunteer pamphlet at the Info Desk.
VBS Prayer Guides are now available at all prayer sheet areas. These prayer guides will lead you in prayer for VBS each day, now through July 13.
VBS Registration is Happening! You can register kiddos ages 4 years to 6th grade online at Online registration wraps up July 5!! Paper registrations can be printed off at the webpage or you can pick one up at the Info Desk! VBS is July 9-13 from 6-8:30pm.
VBS Decorating Team If you can trace, cut paper and/or paint-by-number, then you are PERFECT for the team!! Here’s this week’s schedule:
* Day Shift: 10am-2pm – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
* Evening Shift: 6pm-8pm Wednesday, Thursday
Treasure Fest 2018 – Calling all Sunday School Teachers, Ministry Leaders and anyone storing anything here. We are going to start a church-wide storage cleaning! Room Closets, Storage Closets, Storage Areas – everything must be sorted through! Unwanted items can be temporarily put in room 11 (next to the women’s bathroom by Springer Chapel). Items to be left in main storage areas should be clearly marked with either owner’s name or the ministry’s name. Treasure Fest will take place on the following Sundays (7/29, 8/1 & 8/8) where everyone will have a chance to go through the unwanted items!
contractors. Let us continue to be in prayer for God’s direction.
FBC SAFE CHURCH CLASS on RightNow Media – Here at FBC, all adults working with children are required to take a yearly Child Safe Church class. If you attended a class before 2018, you may take a refresher course online to fulfill this requirement.
Step 1: Have RightNow Media access? Then check your email for your class invite! Don’t have access? Email the office and say “I need access and the Safe Church Class!” **You MUST be invited to this class for your progress to be recorded**
Step 2: Watch the video and answer 2 questions. Next… you’re done!
Hygiene Items for Good Samaritan – Good Samaritan is looking for the following items to be able to hand out to their clients:
· Tooth Brushes · Toothpaste · Soap · Shampoo · Deodorant |
· Body Lotion · Vaseline · Razors · Shaving Cream · All items are welcome! |
The collection bin is located by the Kitchen.
Serve the Servants!
Þ VBS Staff will be working hard July 9-13! They would thoroughly enjoy and appreciate a sweet or savory dish that’s grab-n-go friendly! Please sign up at the VBS table in the lobby if you’re interested!
VBS Needs
- Calling all Volunteers! We still need a few more people! Check out our table in the lobby to sign up today for an awesome time!
- Snack Items for the kiddos! We’ll need specific items for our snack recipes during VBS. Please stop by our table in the lobby to see what items are needed. Items will need to be dropped off in the Kitchen by July 1st. Thank you in advance!
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Posted on Jun 9, 2018 in Newsletter |
VBS Prayer Guides are now available at all prayer sheet areas. These prayer guides will lead you in prayer for VBS each day, now through July 13.
Updated Info Directories are Here! Grab your copy today at the Info Desk. You do not have to be a member to have one!
Bus Trip to New York City! The Wesner’s small group would like to invite you on their June 16 bus trip! Cost is $30 which covers transportation and driver’s tip. There are only 50 seats available so contact Jeanie asap! Bus leaves from FBC at 7am and leaves NYC at 6pm. For more info, see the poster on the bulletin board ramp or ask Jeanie.
FBC Connect Begins Today! If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) at 9:15am on June 10, 17 & 24. Questions? Feel free to call the office!
Summer Movie at FBC! On Friday, July 20 (new date!), FBC will be showing the hit movie I Can Only Imagine at 8:30pm. Weather permitting, we’ll be showing it outside so bring your camp chairs, lounge chairs, beach blankets, etc. Bring camp snacks to share too if you’d like!
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please check off “baptism” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
Treasure Fest 2018 – Calling all Sunday School Teachers, Ministry Leaders and anyone storing anything here. We are going to start a church-wide storage cleaning! Room Closets, Storage Closets, Storage Areas – everything must be sorted through! Unwanted items can be temporarily put in room 11 (next to the women’s bathroom by Springer Chapel). Items to be left in main storage areas should be clearly marked with either owner’s name or the ministry’s name. Treasure Fest will take place on the following Sundays (7/29, 8/1 & 8/8) where everyone will have a chance to go through the unwanted items!
fellowship! Last week there was a positive vote (Yes: 89, No: 11, Abstain: 3) to hire Hiller Architectural Group for the proposed building project. Due to time constraints, we mentioned that there would be a follow-up meeting. At this special business meeting, now scheduled for June 24th, we’ll be seeking approval of the specifics of the building project as summarized in the four-page handout distributed at the June 3rd meeting. A ballot vote will be taken. Copies of the handouts are available at the Information Desk if you were unable to attend the June 3rd meeting. Approval to proceed to the construction phase will come at a later date after we receive competitive bids from building contractors. Let us continue to be in prayer for God’s direction.
Hygiene Items for Good Samaritan Good Samaritan is looking for the following items to be able to hand out to their clients: The collection bin is located by the Kitchen.
· Tooth Brushes · Toothpaste · Soap · Shampoo · Deodorant |
· Body Lotion · Vaseline · Razors · Shaving Cream · All items are welcome! |
Serve the servants!
Þ VBS Staff will be working hard July 9-13! They would thoroughly enjoy and appreciate a sweet or savory dish that’s grab-n-go friendly! Please sign up at the VBS table in the lobby if you’re interested!
Þ Sr. High will soon be serving in Rochester June 24-30 and Jr. High here July 8-14. We are asking you to join us by providing some simple meals for us to take along. Five meals for six people both of these weeks is what we’re praying for: frozen or easy-to-make. Circle “F” on your connect card or email Pastor Luke at
Þ Jr. High is also looking for opportunities to serve you, our church family, during the “24/7” mission trip here in Danville the week of July 8-14. Windows, yardwork, small jobs, etc. If a group of silly Jr. Highers can do it, we want to serve! Circle “S” on your connect card or email Pastor Luke.
Sunday, June 3, 2018
Posted on Jun 2, 2018 in Newsletter |
Help Us Roll Out the Red Carpet! – Friday, June 29 | 5:30-7:30pm – Geisinger will be hosting a picnic-style reception at Frosty Valley Country Club for all their new in-coming residents. FBC will have a table setup there and we need a few friendly faces!! Families welcome! If you’re interested, please call the church office!
LuoPad Team Join us the first Thursday of every month at 9:30am as we continue to assemble LuoPads in the BFLC. This is an ongoing mission through GAiN that provides sanitary undergarments to women all over the world! We’d love to have you join us!
Barnabas Sunday: Next Week! During the first Sunday of every month, FBC collects food items for the Danville Food Bank. The collection basket will be in the Foyer next Sunday. June’s need is Canned Fruit.
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Sign up today for the June 19th packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk. Sign-up & registration are a must. Register and complete liability waiver online at
M&M Tubes Available! Pick up yours today in the main lobby! Please return tubes by next Sunday, June 10 with whatever monetary donation you’d like to give. Donations will pay for the rice, beans and seeds that FBC will be packing on June 19 at the GAiN warehouse in Lancaster!
Bus Trip to New York City! The Wesner’s small group would like to invite you on their June 16 bus trip! Cost is $30 which covers transportation and driver’s tip. There are only 50 seats available so contact Jeanie asap! Bus leaves from FBC at 7am and leaves NYC at 6pm. For more info, see the poster on the bulletin board ramp or ask Jeanie.
FBC Connect Coming Soon! If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) at 9:15am on June 10, 17 & 24. Questions? Feel free to call the office!
Summer Movie at FBC! On Friday, July 27, FBC will be showing the hit movie I Can Only Imagine at 8:30pm. Weather permitting, we’ll be showing it outside so bring your camp chairs, lounge chairs, beach blankets, etc. Bring camp snacks to share too if you’d like!
Summer Campground Ministry Join Joe & Terry Davis of the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as they share the good news each Sunday!
- 9am:Knoebels: Near campground registration Desk *Bring Chairs!
- 10:30am – J&D Campground: Multi-purpose building *Seating provided
Hygiene Items for Good Samaritan – Good Samaritan is looking for the following items to be able to hand out to their clients:
· Tooth Brushes · Toothpaste · Soap · Shampoo · Deodorant |
· Body Lotion · Vaseline · Razors · Shaving Cream · All items are welcome! |
The collection bin is located by the Kitchen.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Posted on May 26, 2018 in Newsletter |
Bus Trip to New York City! The Wesner’s small group would like to invite you on their June 16 bus trip! Cost is $30 which covers transportation and driver’s tip. There are only 50 seats available so contact Jeanie asap! Bus leaves from FBC at 7am and leaves NYC at 6pm. For more info, see the poster on the bulletin board ramp or ask Jeanie.
Grad Sunday is June 3rd! Get your grad’s info in ASAP! Needed are: Name, School, Future Plans, Grad & Child pics, Attending Grad Luncheon?
Memorial Day ceremonies at Memorial Park.
FBC Connect Coming Soon! If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) at 9:15am on June 10, 17 & 24. Questions? Feel free to call the office!
Summer Movie at FBC! On Friday, July 27, FBC will be showing the hit movie I Can Only Imagine at 8:30pm. Weather permitting, we’ll be showing it outside so bring your camp chairs, lounge chairs, beach blankets, etc. Bring camp snacks to share too if you’d like!
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Sign up today for the June 19th packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Registration is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk.
VBS Registration is a GO! You can register kiddos ages 4 years to 6th grade online at Paper registrations can be printed off at the webpage or you can pick one up at the Info Desk! VBS is July 9-13 from 6-8:30pm.
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please check off “baptism” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
M&M Tubes Available! Pick up yours today in the main lobby! Please return tubes by June 10 with whatever monetary donation you’d like to give. Donations will pay for the rice, beans and seeds that FBC will be packing on June 19 at the GAiN warehouse in Lancaster!
Summer Campground Ministry Has Begun! Join Joe & Terry Davis of the Shamokin Area Christian Laymen as they share the good news each Sunday!
¨ 9am – Knoebels: Across from campground registration Desk *Bring Chairs!
FBC SAFE CHURCH CLASS is now on RightNow Media. Here at FBC, all adults working with children are required to take a yearly Child Safe Church class. If you attended a class before 2018, you may take a refresher course online to fulfill this requirement.
Step 1: Have RightNow Media access? Then check your email for your class invite! Don’t have access? Email the office and say “I need access and the Safe Church Class!” **You MUST be invited to this class for your
progress to be recorded**
Step 2: Watch the video and answer 2 questions. Next… you’re done!
If you have never taken our Safe Church class in person, please contact the office to get your name on the class list.
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Posted on May 19, 2018 in Newsletter |
Updated Address Directory Coming in June! If you haven’t given us your updated address yet, please write it on your connect card, email us, or call the office by May 31. The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file.
Saturday Night Services will wrap up for the summer on 5/26! They’re projected to resume on 9/8. Stay tuned!
Memorial Pictures of Veterans Needed During our Memorial Sunday services, FBC would like to honor any veteran who has passed. Please send in a picture to the church office by May 23.
Special Donation Opportunity on Memorial Sunday will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times. There will be a special collection box located at the Information Desk on Sunday, May 28. FBC will also be gifting a wreath during the Memorial Day ceremonies at Memorial Park.
Calling All Questions!! Do you have a question about God, the Bible or Faith? Let us know! The pastors will be hosting a sermon series in July/August called The Bible Speaks regarding your questions! There are question slips near the offering boxes by the sound booth as well as on the wall by the office. Deadline for all questions is June 10.
Ladies Summer Bible Study – “Finding I AM” by Lysa TerKeurst – May 30-July 3 // 6:30-8pm – Join us on Wednesday evenings as we take in “How Jesus fully satisfies the cry of your heart”. Each session is stand alone to accommodate busy schedules. Books & Sign-ups begin today in the sanctuary lobby. Books are a suggested donation of $15. Please contact Heather Hess if you need childcare. We can’t wait to see you!
The Danville Baccalaureate will take place Sunday at 7pm at the Danville Middle School auditorium. We’ll be needing donations of cookies, brownies, etc. for a refreshments table. Please drop them off today in the kitchen marked “Baccalaureate”. Thank you in advance!
VBS Registration is a GO! You can register kiddos ages 4 years to 6th grade online at Paper registrations can be printed off at the webpage or you can pick one up at the Info Desk! VBS is July 9-13 from 6-8:30pm.
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please circle “B” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
M&M Tubes Available! Pick up yours today in the main lobby! Please return tubes by June 10 with whatever monetary donation you’d like to give. Donations will pay for the rice, beans and seeds that FBC will be packing on June 19 at the GAiN warehouse in Lancaster!
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Sign up today for the June 19th packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Registration is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk.
Ladies Retreat – September 14-16, 2018 – We’ll be studying Keep It Shut by Karen Ehman at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn located in Morris, PA. To sign up or for more information on cost, meals, books and more, contact Sheri Croll.
FBC SAFE CHURCH CLASS is now on RightNow Media! Here at FBC, all adults working with children are required to take a yearly Child Safe Church class. If you attended a class before 2018, you may take a refresher course online to fulfill this requirement.
Step 1: Go to Don’t have access? Email the office and say “I need access!”
Step 2: Search for Safe Church Class and look for
Step 3: Watch the video and answer 2 questions. Next… you’re done!
If you have never taken our Safe Church class in person, please contact the office to get your name on the class list.
VBS 2018 Volunteer Sign-ups Begin Next Week!! Sign ups will be in the church lobby; 20 different areas to choose from.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Posted on May 12, 2018 in Newsletter |
Updated Address Directory Coming in June! If you haven’t given us your updated address yet, please write it on your connect card, email us, or call the office by May 31. The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file.
Saturday Night Services will wrap up for the summer on 5/26! They’re projected to resume on 9/8. Stay tuned!
Memorial Pictures of Veterans Needed During our Memorial Sunday services, FBC would like to honor any veteran who has passed. Please send in a picture to the church office by May 23.
Special Donation Opportunity on Memorial Sunday will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times. There will be a special collection box located at the Information Desk on Sunday, May 28. FBC will also be gifting a wreath during the Memorial Day ceremonies at Memorial Park.
New! Adult Open Gym Night! Mondays from 8-10pm, adults ages 25+ are welcome to come enjoy a game or two of basketball! The fellowship will boost your spirit and the exercise will boost your health! For any questions, contact Leighton Elliott.
The Danville Baccalaureate will take place next Sunday at 7pm at the Danville Middle School auditorium. We’ll be needing donations of cookies, brownies, etc. for a refreshments table. Please drop them off next Sunday marked “Baccalaureate”. Thank you in advance!
VBS Registration is a GO! You can register kiddos ages 4 years to 6th grade online at Paper registrations can be printed off at the webpage or you can pick one up at the Info Desk! VBS is July 9-13 from 6-8:30pm.
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please circle “B” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
Calling All Questions!! Do you have a question about God, the Bible or Faith? Let us know! The pastors will be hosting a sermon series in July/August called The Bible Speaks regarding your questions! There are question slips near the offering boxes by the sound booth as well as on the wall by the office. Deadline for all questions is June 10.
M&M Tubes Now Available! Pick up yours today in the main lobby! Please return tubes by June 10 with whatever monetary donation you’d like to give. Donations will pay for the rice, beans and seeds that FBC will be packing on June 19 at the GAiN warehouse in Lancaster!
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Sign up today for the June 19th packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Registration is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk.
Happy Mother’s Day! In honor & memory of our mothers here at Danville First Baptist Church, we are making a special contribution
to three local pregnancy care centers in our area. Thank you to all of our moms for their loving hearts.
Ladies Open Door Summer Study – “Finding I AM” by Lysa TerKeurst – May 30-July 3 // 6:30-8pm – Join us on Wednesday evenings as we take in “How Jesus fully satisfies the cry of your heart”. Each session is stand alone to accommodate busy schedules. Books & Sign-ups begin next week in the sanctuary lobby. Books are a suggested donation of $15. Please contact Heather Hess if you need childcare. We can’t wait to see you!
Graduates’ Info – Graduation Sunday is June 3. We want to recognize & celebrate all high school grads! This week is your last chance to get your info in. Email:
- Child’s name
- Graduating school
- Future plans
- Senior & child pic
- Will you attend lunch @ Pine Barn? How many?
FBC SAFE CHURCH CLASS is on RightNow Media! Here at FBC, all adults working with children are required to take a yearly Child Safe Church class. If you attended a class before 2018, you may take a refresher course online to fulfill this requirement.
Step 1: Go to Don’t have access? Email the office and say “I need access!”
Step 2: Search for Safe Church Class and look for
Step 3: Watch the video and answer 2 questions. Next… you’re done!
If you have never taken our Safe Church class in person, please contact the office to get your name on the class list.
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Posted on May 5, 2018 in Newsletter |
Updated Address Directory Coming in June! If you haven’t given us your updated address yet, please write it on your connect card, email us, or call the office by May 31. The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file.
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please circle “B” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
Calling All Questions!! Do you have a question about God, the Bible or Faith, let us know! The pastors will be hosting a sermon series in July/August called The Bible Speaks regarding your questions! There are question slips near the offering boxes by the sound booth as well as on the wall by the office. Deadline for all questions is June 10.
M&M Tubes Now Available! Pick up yours today in the main lobby! Please return tubes by June 10 with whatever monetary donation you’d like to give. Donations will pay for the rice, beans and seeds that FBC will be packing on June 19 at the GAiN warehouse in Lancaster!
New! Adult Open Gym Night! Mondays from 8-10pm, adults ages 25+ are welcome to come enjoy a game or two of basketball! The fellowship will boost your spirit and the exercise will boost your health! For any questions, contactLeighton Elliott.
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the new arrivals that have just buzzed in!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Ladies Open Door Summer Bible Study will begin on Wednesday, May 30 from 6:30-8pm. Mark your calendars! More info to come.
Fil’s Retirement Party! Join us in celebrating on Sunday, May 6 @ 3pm. It will be a dessert reception so any and all sweets would be appreciated!
Safe Church Class on Right Now Media – Here at FBC, all adults working with children are required to take a yearly Child Safe Church class. If you attended a class before 2018, you may take a refresher course online to fulfill this requirement.
Step 1: Go to Don’t have access? Email the office and say “I need access!”
Step 2: Search for Safe Church Class and look for
Step 3: Watch the video and answer 2 questions. Next… you’re done!
If you have never taken our Safe Church class in person, plan to attend a VBS Training Class on June 5, 6 & 13 @ 6pm!
GAiN Warehouse Trip – We’ll be traveling down to the GAiN warehouse in Lancaster to pack rice, beans & seeds! Great for all
ages! FBC will provide transportation. Sign up today on the ramp bulletin board, in your Sunday School class or at the Info Desk. Registration is a must! M&M Tube Donations pay for items! Please Return Tubes by June 10.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Posted on Apr 28, 2018 in Newsletter |
College Care Packages are Off!! A team of 7 packed and sent a total of 22 care packages to our college students! Thank you so much for your donations. Please keep college kids in your prayers as they head into final exams and the spiritual warfare that they face.
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the new arrivals that have just buzzed in!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Certified to Teach First Aid, CPR, AED? If you are interested in sharing your talents by teaching classes here at FBC we have the space and equipment! Please circle “T” on your connect card or contact Jason our new Administrator.
FaithBuilders’ New Study! Starting today, FaithBuilders Sunday School Class will be studying Tim Tebow’s book, Shaken. During the 4 sessions, you’ll gain wisdom from the scriptures and hear personal testimonies from celebrities to cancer patients and be reminded that a secure identity only comes from a personal relationship with God. Location: Room 230
New! Adult Open Gym Night! Mondays from 8-10pm, adults ages 25+ are welcome to come enjoy a game or two of basketball! The fellowship will boost your spirit and the exercise will boost your health! For any questions, contact Leighton Elliott.
Look Out Fish!! Fil’s Retiring! Join us in celebrating on Sunday, May 6 @ 3pm. It will be a dessert reception so any and all sweets
would be appreciated!
Spring Fling Packing & Pizza Party! Wednesday – 5:00 PM – Join us for a time of pizza, prep and prayer for this great event! Sunday is Your Last Chance to Sign Up!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Posted on Apr 21, 2018 in Newsletter |
Midweek Meals have concluded for the summer! A heartfelt thank you to Boyd Pick, Patty & Steve Miller, Jack & Brenda Miller, Diane Gelbaugh and their faithful team for their labor of love throughout the school year in preparing the many delicious meals! Family Meals will resume in September.
Board & Ministry Leaders The Spring Business meeting on May 2 is around the corner! Please have your reports emailed in to the office by 4/23.
Spring Fling Pizza Party! Sign-up for pizza, packing & prayer as we get ready to reach our community for Christ! You can sign-up in your Sunday Bible class, on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk. *You’ll also see sign-up sheets of times you can help at Spring Fling!*
National Day of Prayer is coming up on Thursday, May 3! We’ll be gathering in front of the Montour County Courthouse in Danville at 12pm for a time of prayer and worship. We’ll be praying for our nation, leaders and communities.
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the new arrivals that have just buzzed in!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Certified to Teach First Aid, CPR, AED? If you are interested in sharing your talents by teaching classes here at FBC we have the space and equipment! Please circle “T” on your connect card or contact Jason our new Administrator.
Wanna Be a Buddy? God’s Champions is a ministry here at FBC that shares God’s love with those who have special needs. Buddies provide one-on-one support so our special friends can enjoy their Sunday School classes, Awana and more! For more information or to volunteer, contact Michele Whitenight. You can also pick up a God’s Champions Volunteer pamphlet at the Info Desk.
Church Business Meeting – May 2 @ 6:30 pm – Come and see what God is doing in and through FBC!
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Posted on Apr 14, 2018 in Newsletter |
Midweek Meal: Wednesday, April 18: Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Salad, Lasagna & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, April 16 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
Spring Fling 2018 – Calling All Volunteers! Sign-up Today! Danville hosts their Spring festival on Mill Street on Saturday, May 5 from 9am to 5pm! FBC has their own tent and we encourage you to pray about joining us this year! We hand out bottled water, make crafts with children, and more! Sign-up sheets are available in Sunday School classes, the ramp bulletin board & the Info Desk!
National Day of Prayer is coming up on Thursday, May 3! We’ll be gathering in front of the Montour County Courthouse in Danville at 12pm for a time of prayer and worship. We’ll be praying for our nation, leaders and communities.
Baseball Anyone? Catch a Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Railriders game during Faith & Family Night on April 21 at 4pm! Gates open at 2:30. Enjoy special events before the game! Groups of 10 or more can call Matt at (570) 969-2255 to get $5 tickets.
Wanna Be a Buddy? God’s Champions is a ministry here at FBC that shares God’s love with those who have special needs. Buddies provide one-on-one support so our special friends can enjoy their Sunday School classes, Awana and more! For more information or to volunteer, contact Michele Whitenight. You can also pick up a God’s Champions Volunteer pamphlet at the Info Desk.
Make a Bee-Line to the Library! Check out the new arrivals that have just buzzed in!! Your children will bee thrilled with the selection of books and DVDs. Please bee sweet as honey and make sure you’re returning what you’ve borrowed. Don’t worry! We don’t sting for late returns!
Certified to Teach First Aid, CPR, AED? If you are interested in sharing your talents by teaching classes here at FBC we have the space and equipment! Please circle “T” on your connect card or contact Jason our new Administrator.
Board & Ministry Leaders The Spring Business meeting on May 2 is around the corner! Please have your reports emailed in to the office by 4/23.
AWANA Closing – Wednesday, April 25 – Pizza @ 5pm, Ceremony @ 6pm – The Awana children have been hard at work all year learning verses and completing assignments as they hide God’s word in their hearts. Come and encourage them on as they receive their book awards! Please sign up for the meal in your Sunday School class or on the ramp bulletin board by 4/23. All are welcome!!
FBC Connect – If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) during the Sunday School hour. If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office! Begins Sunday, April 15.
College Care Ministry – Finals will be here before you know it!! The donation box is in the kitchen foyer until April 22.
Suggested items to donate: Easy Mac & Cheese (envelopes); Hot Chocolate; Microwave Popcorn; Ramen noodles (not cups); Indiv. Packages of crackers; Breakfast/Cereal Bars; Indiv. Rice Krispie Treats; Individual Pkg. of Trail Mix/Nuts; Post-It Notes; Stamps; Glue Sticks; Highlighters; Treat-sized choc. Candy; Hard Candy; Tic-Tacs/Mints Gum; Lifesavers; Chapstick; Pencils; Black or Blue Pens; Tissue Packets; Individual boxes of Raisins.
Monetary donations are gratefully accepted to help with postage costs as well as buying supplemental items. Please designate “College ministry” and place in the offering.
FBC Ladies Tea – Saturday, April 28, 2018, 1:00-3:00pm – It’s time to get fancy, dahling. Don’t miss this Downton Abbey inspired event. All are welcome and free to dress Victorian for added fun! Tickets are $5 each and available in the main lobby today.