Please be in prayer for Haiti team #8. They leave early Saturday morning and will be gone until April 25th. Pray for their protection and ministry during their time in Haiti.
Softball Season is here ~ Please sign up on the ramp bulletin board if you are interested in playing. Participants must be at least 15 years old to join. The first game is April 27th. A schedule is also posted on the bulletin board.
Sign up today! We will need a number of people to help out in our booth in downtown Danville on May 2. Sign up today in your SBS Class or on the ramp bulletin board. This Wednesday, April 15, 5:30 PM, there will be a hands on training for those working in the booth. Pizza will be served.
A Red Cross Blood Drive will be held in the BFLC on April 20 from 1:00-6:00 PM. Please stop by to donate or to volunteer.
A local mission’s night is planned for April 26, 6 PM, in the BFLC. Howard Long will share about his ministry at the Buckhorn Truck Stop Chapel. Aemon Shoff will also share about his plan to provide food here in Danville, using a trailer that can be moved around town. Please bring a dessert to share and come learn about these two ministries close to home.
Thank you to all who had part in our celebration services last week. Thanks to those who participated in the dramas, shared their testimonies, led in worship, helped with the Easter Breakfast, and did all the behind the scenes work to help us all celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!
In addition to what the State is requiring, we are asking that you attend a training session about safety procedures at First Baptist Church. The following dates have been set for these sessions:
Directory Updates: Our FBC directory is a compilation of names, addresses, and phone numbers for all those who attend First Baptist Church. We would like for you to be included whether you are a member, regular attendee or new to the community and planning to make FBC your family church. The new, updated directories will be available in the near future.
- Current attendees/members – has any of your information changed? Please fill out the Connect Card with any new info, and circle “D”.
- New? Please completely fill out Card and circle “D”.
Place your Connect Card in the offering plate or drop it off at the Info. Desk.FBC Questionnaire forms (for use in our data base) will also be available at the Information Desk. If you have not filled out one of these, please consider taking a few minutes to do so…it will help the office a lot!
Mark your calendar!
April 26, 11:45 AM ~ Youth Parent Meeting & Lunch/BFLC
April 26, 6:00 PM ~ Local Missions’ Night
April 29, 6:30 PM ~ Spring Business Meeting
May 2 ~ Spring Fling
May 15-17 ~ SURGE Youth Adult Conference
May 17 ~ Ladies Tea Party ~ BFLC