Exploring FBC begins this morning. This class will be offered at 9 AM for three Sundays (October 25, Nov. 1 and Nov. 8). This is a class for those interested in finding out more about our church, baptism, and/or membership.
Wednesday, October 28 ~ TRUNK or TREAT ~ 5:30 – 7:30 PM. There is no Midweek Meal this week! Instead, please plan on attending TRUNK or TREAT here at FBC! Hot dogs will be served!
Next Sunday is Barnabas Sunday. This month we will be taking food items to “Feed A Friend” to help provide Thanksgiving Dinners for people in
Montour County. You can help by bringing canned vegetables, canned soup, boxed stuffing or boxed potatoes. If you would like to give a
monetary gift, please make checks out to “Feed A Friend”.
College boxes will be packed on Monday, October 26, at 4:00 PM in the Lower Level Coat Room. Please talk to Lynn Wintersteen if you have
questions about how you can help.
Daylight Savings Time Ends next weekend. Be on time for church next
Sunday…be sure and set your clocks back one hour before going to bed on Saturday night.
Please stop by one of the tables (in the foyer or outside the chapel) to pick up a Haiti 9 prayer letter. Also check your name off the sheet. This helps us know who we still need to mail letters to.
November 21st is First Baptist’s turn to host the Jubilee Kitchen. Call the office to see how you can help.
~ Nov 20-21 – 30 Hour Famine