What is First Baptist Church?
We are followers of Jesus Christ that gather throughout the week, but particularly celebrate on Sunday mornings with worship through music, hearing the message preached from the Bible, and being together as the “body of Christ.” Our vision statement: “We are A Community in Christ, reaching our community for Christ.”
Where is the church building located?
12 Brookside Drive in Danville, PA. There is a blinking yellow light along rt. 54 that allows you to turn onto Jerseytown Rd. (Rt. 642). After about a half mile, the church will appear on the right.
What time do the services start?
Sunday, 8:00 AM Worship Service
Sunday, 10:30 AM Worship Service
Could I see what a service is like?
Yes! You can watch our services via our Live Streams/archives on our FBC Danville Youtube page & Facebook page.
What to expect at each service:
8:00 Service: In this service, following a prelude, the congregation sings a number of worship songs ranging from hymns to contemporary choruses. The instrumentation will vary from single instruments like organ, piano, or guitar, to a full band including drums, guitars, keyboards, etc. for the accompaniment. There is a time of prayer led by a deacon or pastor. The message will then be brought from one of our Pastors or missionaries, and will conclude with a song or benediction. You can expect the service to last about an hour. Communion is usually served on the first Sunday of the month. This service is live streamed to both Facebook and YouTube.
10:30 AM Service: This service is the same as the 8:00 service (unless outside in which a song might be changed because of the organ being inside). At the Sunday 10:30 AM service, we provide “Jr Kidz Church” for children ages 4 through Kindergarten during the sermon (or message) part of this service. The children are dismissed from the service and can be picked up by a parent or guardian following the service. You can expect the service to last a little over an hour. You can expect this service to be crowded, so please come early, grab a quick bite to eat down in the gym (coffee time) and be back in the sanctuary by 10:15 so you have a seat.
Is childcare provided?
We offer “safe church” childcare for both Sunday service times. We have nursery care for the 8 AM & 10:30 AM services for infants aged newborn to 3 years old. The two nursery rooms are located downstairs when you first enter the building. Children’s Bulletins, Busy Bags & Kids’ Activity Sheets are available with Children’s Church offered at the 10:30 AM service through June.
What about my baby?
We’re so thankful for your little one! Please feel free to have them join you for worship (even with the fusses and the cries). Or, if you prefer, you can drop them off with our “safe church” workers located in the downstairs nursery rooms (for 10:30 services). For our 8:00 service, we often have parents stay with their children in nursery, but it is a great opportunity for your child to play while you watch the simulcast on the nursery tv. We also simulcast our services to our lower level chapel and the gym, where many families and nursing mothers usually go if they feel their child is getting distracting for others, or you just need a moment to “step out.” We get it! We want to make your experience as enjoyable as it can be.
Is there a dress code?
No there isn’t. You will find a mix of everything: your Sunday best (suit and tie), and the casual jeans and t-shirt. Our only requirement is that you do, in fact, wear clothes.
Will I be singled out as a visitor?
No! We have all experienced those moments of being “singled out,” and so we will simply allow you to come and see, and connect. There are welcome packets at our information desk with information about many ministries and areas where you can get connected. If you fill out a connect card (attached to your bulletin), and drop it in the offering box (at the sound booth), our team of pastors will contact you and even share a meal with you. Community is THAT important to us. Come and see.
Should I bring a Bible?
Again, we have a mix of people that either bring a Bible, use the ones provided in the pews, or use their phones or tablets to follow along with the reading/studying of God’s Word. Some people prefer to write in their Bibles, while others use the sermon note sheets provided in the bulletin. Others simply listen and take it in. Either way, know that you WILL hear from God’s Word (the Bible), as we learn about Jesus and follow after Him.
Where do I go?
When you arrive, most people will park in the lower parking lot (handicap parking available to the upper level). You may take the sidewalk up to the main entrance (upper level), or you can enter through one of our lower level entrances. The bottom level will provide direct access to the nursery and the Sunday School rooms. There is an elevator at the bottom of the stairs to take you up to the main floor. If you take the stairs up, you will enter our lobby, where you will find the information desk and our greeters standing by the entrance to the sanctuary. Our ushers will be available to help you find a seat for the worship services. Bathrooms are located on both the upper and lower levels. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask a greeter or usher.