Special Donation Opportunity Sunday – Your donation will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times. There is a special collection box located at the Info Desk. FBC will also be gifting a wreath during the Memorial Day ceremonies at Memorial Park.
CALLING VOLUNTEERS for VBS! JULY 8-12 & 14 | 6-8:30pm – Many positions to sign up for in the main lobby! Training Dates: June 10, 11, 20 & 21 @ 6:30pm *Safe Church Certification Needed*
PRAYER GUIDES AVAILABLE! We ask for your prayer as the power of prayer is a vital part of VBS. Prayer Calendars are available at the Info Desk for pick up.
Last Call for Grad Info! We’re honoring grads Next Sunday! The following info is needed SUNDAY. High School: Name, School, Future Plans, Picture & RSVP for the Youth Grad Luncheon (immediate family members are covered) College: Name, School & Degree earned
Security Notice: Starting June 16, the Springer Chapel exterior entrance \(door 2) will be locked at 10:50am for the contemporary worship time. Security staff will be at the door until 11am to let people in for the service. Anyone arriving after 11am will need to use the main entrance (door 1). Thank you for your understanding as we work to keep FBC a safe place.
Spring Business Meeting will be on Wednesday, May 29 at 6:30pm. Pick up your Spring Report at the Info Desk!
Pizza with the Pastors scheduled for this Sunday has been canceled. Stay tuned for the next date!
Missions Trip to Costa Rica has been Postponed! Due to insanely expensive airfare, the trip has been rescheduled for November 2-9.
Daughters of the Divine would like to thank all our single ladies for making the Lovely Ladies Luncheon special. The class will begin a new study on June 9 with Jennie Allen on 1 Corinthians.
Summer’s Coming! Got a Good Book? Check out our library! Many new books to choose from – perfect for beach reading. Our Library is located on the parking lot level, between the nurseries, and is open Sundays.
Calling All Prayer Warriors! It’s time to update our Prayer Chain! There is nothing more powerful than lifting each other in prayer to our Loving Father in great time of need. Prayer Chain is available by phone and/or email. If you would like to be added, contact Yvonne Fetterman. Please sign up by Sunday 5/26.
God’s Girls – BIBLE STUDY | MUSIC | CRAFTS | GAMES | LIFE SKILLS – Mondays | JUNE 10, 24 JULY 15, 29 | 9am-2pm – For Girls going into 3rd – 6th grade! This is a day camp style format with worship in song, large group devotional time, small group breakout sessions, journal time, team building activities, crafts, skill building and good ol’ summertime fun! NEW Our Daily Breads! Check out the Tract Rack to pick up your new Regular Print devotional for June-July-August!
LOST SOMETHING? Check out our lost & found display in the BFLC (gym) entrance! Any items not picked up by June 2 go to charity!
River Baptism – Sunday, July 21 | 4pm – If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office.
Community Opportunities – Wondering how you can reach our community for Christ? Here are some opportunities! Interested? Contact the church office.
- Danville Little League is looking for volunteers to help out with concession stand, field maintenance, scorekeeper & book keeper for dates between June 16 to July 6.
- Ferry Street Market – FBC has the opportunity to host a kid’s table at the market on June 15 from 8am-12pm. An easy craft will be provided and time commitments can be 8-10am or 10-12pm.
Care & Concern Ministry began in October ‘03 and is a group of some of the biggest hearts around. They make and take meals to those who have had babies, surgery or are going through a tough time. This ministry has lifted the hearts of many as the love of Christ is shared in a practical & much needed way. If interested, contact the church office.
Summer Sunday School – Attention all kiddos going into 2nd through 5th grade! Let’s get together during the Sunday School hour this summer! Beginning June 9th, we will be combining grades 2-5 to enjoy God’s Word together, learn from each other, and have some fun. Meet us in the gym each Sunday at 9:15 am to sign in.
Updated Address Directory! Coming in June. Need to update your contact info? The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file. If you would like us to include your cell phone number and email address in the June directory, please contact the church office.