VBS Prayer Guides are now available at all prayer sheet areas. These prayer guides will lead you in prayer for VBS each day, now through July 13.
Updated Info Directories are Here! Grab your copy today at the Info Desk. You do not have to be a member to have one!
Bus Trip to New York City! The Wesner’s small group would like to invite you on their June 16 bus trip! Cost is $30 which covers transportation and driver’s tip. There are only 50 seats available so contact Jeanie asap! Bus leaves from FBC at 7am and leaves NYC at 6pm. For more info, see the poster on the bulletin board ramp or ask Jeanie.
FBC Connect Begins Today! If you are new here and would like to know what we are all about or if you have questions on being baptized or becoming a member, then this is your class! This is a 3-part class and will take place in the Conference Room (across from the church office) at 9:15am on June 10, 17 & 24. Questions? Feel free to call the office!
Summer Movie at FBC! On Friday, July 20 (new date!), FBC will be showing the hit movie I Can Only Imagine at 8:30pm. Weather permitting, we’ll be showing it outside so bring your camp chairs, lounge chairs, beach blankets, etc. Bring camp snacks to share too if you’d like!
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please check off “baptism” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
Treasure Fest 2018 – Calling all Sunday School Teachers, Ministry Leaders and anyone storing anything here. We are going to start a church-wide storage cleaning! Room Closets, Storage Closets, Storage Areas – everything must be sorted through! Unwanted items can be temporarily put in room 11 (next to the women’s bathroom by Springer Chapel). Items to be left in main storage areas should be clearly marked with either owner’s name or the ministry’s name. Treasure Fest will take place on the following Sundays (7/29, 8/1 & 8/8) where everyone will have a chance to go through the unwanted items!
fellowship! Last week there was a positive vote (Yes: 89, No: 11, Abstain: 3) to hire Hiller Architectural Group for the proposed building project. Due to time constraints, we mentioned that there would be a follow-up meeting. At this special business meeting, now scheduled for June 24th, we’ll be seeking approval of the specifics of the building project as summarized in the four-page handout distributed at the June 3rd meeting. A ballot vote will be taken. Copies of the handouts are available at the Information Desk if you were unable to attend the June 3rd meeting. Approval to proceed to the construction phase will come at a later date after we receive competitive bids from building contractors. Let us continue to be in prayer for God’s direction.
Hygiene Items for Good Samaritan Good Samaritan is looking for the following items to be able to hand out to their clients: The collection bin is located by the Kitchen.
· Tooth Brushes · Toothpaste · Soap · Shampoo · Deodorant |
· Body Lotion · Vaseline · Razors · Shaving Cream · All items are welcome! |
Serve the servants!
Þ VBS Staff will be working hard July 9-13! They would thoroughly enjoy and appreciate a sweet or savory dish that’s grab-n-go friendly! Please sign up at the VBS table in the lobby if you’re interested!
Þ Sr. High will soon be serving in Rochester June 24-30 and Jr. High here July 8-14. We are asking you to join us by providing some simple meals for us to take along. Five meals for six people both of these weeks is what we’re praying for: frozen or easy-to-make. Circle “F” on your connect card or email Pastor Luke at PLuke@danvillefirstbaptist.org.
Þ Jr. High is also looking for opportunities to serve you, our church family, during the “24/7” mission trip here in Danville the week of July 8-14. Windows, yardwork, small jobs, etc. If a group of silly Jr. Highers can do it, we want to serve! Circle “S” on your connect card or email Pastor Luke.