Updated Address Directory Coming in June! If you haven’t given us your updated address yet, please write it on your connect card, email us, or call the office by May 31. The Info Desk has the current address book if you’d like to see what info we have on file.
Saturday Night Services will wrap up for the summer on 5/26! They’re projected to resume on 9/8. Stay tuned!
Memorial Pictures of Veterans Needed During our Memorial Sunday services, FBC would like to honor any veteran who has passed. Please send in a picture to the church office by May 23.
Special Donation Opportunity on Memorial Sunday will benefit the Montour County Veterans Assistance Fund. This fund assists local veterans in our area who have fallen on hard times. There will be a special collection box located at the Information Desk on Sunday, May 28. FBC will also be gifting a wreath during the Memorial Day ceremonies at Memorial Park.
Calling All Questions!! Do you have a question about God, the Bible or Faith? Let us know! The pastors will be hosting a sermon series in July/August called The Bible Speaks regarding your questions! There are question slips near the offering boxes by the sound booth as well as on the wall by the office. Deadline for all questions is June 10.
Ladies Summer Bible Study – “Finding I AM” by Lysa TerKeurst – May 30-July 3 // 6:30-8pm – Join us on Wednesday evenings as we take in “How Jesus fully satisfies the cry of your heart”. Each session is stand alone to accommodate busy schedules. Books & Sign-ups begin today in the sanctuary lobby. Books are a suggested donation of $15. Please contact Heather Hess if you need childcare. We can’t wait to see you!
The Danville Baccalaureate will take place Sunday at 7pm at the Danville Middle School auditorium. We’ll be needing donations of cookies, brownies, etc. for a refreshments table. Please drop them off today in the kitchen marked “Baccalaureate”. Thank you in advance!
VBS Registration is a GO! You can register kiddos ages 4 years to 6th grade online at www.danvillefirstbaptist.org/vbs-2018. Paper registrations can be printed off at the webpage or you can pick one up at the Info Desk! VBS is July 9-13 from 6-8:30pm.
River Baptism has been scheduled for Sunday, July 22 at 6pm. If you are interested in being baptized, please circle “B” on your Connect Card. If you would like to get baptized sooner, please contact Pastor Dawes.
M&M Tubes Available! Pick up yours today in the main lobby! Please return tubes by June 10 with whatever monetary donation you’d like to give. Donations will pay for the rice, beans and seeds that FBC will be packing on June 19 at the GAiN warehouse in Lancaster!
GAiN Mission Packing Day! Sign up today for the June 19th packing project at the GAiN Logistics Center in Lancaster! Join thousands of volunteers preparing tons of humanitarian supplies from 8:00am to 4:00pm. FBC will provide transportation. Registration is a must. Sign up sheets are located on the ramp bulletin board and at the Info Desk.
Ladies Retreat – September 14-16, 2018 – We’ll be studying Keep It Shut by Karen Ehman at the gorgeous Linck Hill Inn located in Morris, PA. To sign up or for more information on cost, meals, books and more, contact Sheri Croll.
FBC SAFE CHURCH CLASS is now on RightNow Media! Here at FBC, all adults working with children are required to take a yearly Child Safe Church class. If you attended a class before 2018, you may take a refresher course online to fulfill this requirement.
Step 1: Go to www.RightNowMedia.org. Don’t have access? Email the office and say “I need access!”
Step 2: Search for Safe Church Class and look for
Step 3: Watch the video and answer 2 questions. Next… you’re done!
If you have never taken our Safe Church class in person, please contact the office to get your name on the class list.
VBS 2018 Volunteer Sign-ups Begin Next Week!! Sign ups will be in the church lobby; 20 different areas to choose from.