The Library is open Sunday mornings 8:45-10:30am and Wednesday evenings 5:45-7:30pm.
Midweek Meal: Wednesday, February 21: Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Meatball Stroganoff, Glazed Carrots & the
desserts you bring. Please sign up by Monday, February 19 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested
donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
Safe Church Class TODAY! This class is required of all individuals who work with children at FBC. Please join Ruth Ann in the BFLC at 9:15am.
Awana Derby Workshop This Friday! Our first ever Derby Workshop where parents and kiddos can get help from the pros will take place this Friday, February 23rd from 6-8pm in the BFLC. If you would like to help out at the Derby Workshop, please sign-up TODAY on the ramp bulletin board.
Winter MOSAIC Event is This Saturday! All “55+ers” are invited to our Ministry & Outreach for Senior Adults In Christ event on Saturday, 2/24 at 4:00pm. We’ll have a “Game and Gab” time at Steve and Patty Miller‘s home. Please sign up TODAY on the ramp bulletin board. A light dinner will be provided; bring a dessert or snack to share. Call Lynn Wonderland with questions.
Welcome Back Yaddah Pearls! This wonderful group of ladies will begin the study He Chose the Nails by Max Lucado Monday morning at 9:00AM. They meet each Monday in the conference room and would like to extend a warm invitation to join them!
2018 Phone Prayer Chain List Now Available! Please pick up your copy at the Info Desk in the main foyer today!
FYI: Haiti 13 Trip Postponed Due to scheduling challenges of potential team members, the April missions trip to Haiti has been postponed to November 10-17. April applications that have been turned in will be accepted for November’s trip if desired.
Reclaiming Intimacy Recap – We had a wonderful time with Bruce McCracken last weekend as he encouraged and called to account the couples that attended. Special thanks to Chubb & Alice Laidacker & Jack & Brenda Miller for all their help! Also to Erica Reichenbach of The Miss Cupcake for her delicious donated cupcakes!
Welcome 2018 FBC Board & Committee Members! If you would like to “meet” the 2018 team, check out the Committees & Boards list on the ramp bulletin board. They’ll be working hard for you this year so send them encouragement along with your questions!
Please Note! Pastor Dawes will need several weeks to recover from his surgery. If you have a pastoral emergency, please contact Pastor Paul or your deacon. You do not have to be a member. If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Diaper Truck Unload This Saturday! The Danville Diaper Bank, supported by FBC, has a truck coming this Saturday to be unloaded between 8am-10am. If you can help, join us at Christ Memorial Episcopal Church (corner of Market St. and Pine St.)!
Towels & Flannel Needed – The LuoPad Team needs flannel and towels (2nd hand is fine)! The collection point is located by the Kitchen doorway across from the Nursery. If you are interested in being part of the team, please call Patty Miller.
Support for MegaForce Event – Want to be part of the event on March 10 & 11?! We are looking for volunteers to help out in these areas: Ushers, Welcome Team, Council Team and Resources Table Attendants. If you are interested, please sign up at the Info Desk today! If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make checks out to FBC and note “MegaForce” in the memo field. Monies can be put in our Love Offering envelopes with “MegaForce” noted on the envelope as well.
Palm Sunday Baptism Service! ~ March 25 @ 6pm ~ Let Pastor Paul know if you are interested in being baptized!