“Thank You Temples”-Dessert Reception – Join us as we honor the Temples’ many years of service in keeping FBC looking great. Please bring a dessert to share on Sunday, February 5 in the BFLC at 6pm.
Upcoming Blood Drive: Red Cross Blood Drive will be here tomorrow, January 30th in the BFLC, 1-6 pm.
The Bells of Joy resume rehearsals this week. They meet Monday evenings at 6:30 PM. For more information, please see Pastor John.
Midweek Meal Please join us for our Midweek Family Meal on Wed, February 1. Dinner is served 4:45-5:45 PM. This week’s menu is Chicken Devan with Broccoli & the desserts you bring. Please sign up by Mon, January 30 on the Ramp Bulletin Board, in your SBS class or by calling the office. Suggested donation for meals is $3/person or $10/family. If you know of a shut-in or elderly person and would be willing to deliver a meal to them, it is free of charge. Please put their name on the sign up sheet and indicate “Shut-In”. Desserts are on a donation basis, so feel free to share a dessert any time.
He Said Yes! We are excited to inform you that Pastor Paul Fink has accepted the call to be the next Associate Pastor here at FBC! We are looking for a few happy hosts to take in our new associate pastor and his family while they are in town looking for their new home. Dates are still to be confirmed, but can possibly be as soon as the weekend of February 4th. If you are interested, please call the office.
Be a L.I.F.T. Prayer Partner – Love – Intercession – Faith – Thanksgiving
Numerous lost items have been found throughout the building. Please check the BFLC coatroom Lost & Found area to see if any of them belong to you! Items remaining after February 12 will be donated to charity.
The Pastors’ Picture Board has returned! Check it out on the wall near the library (lower level). Many thanks to Craig Roberts for all of his efforts.
Offering Envelopes help ensure recording accuracies and makes it easier for the Financial Secretary to keep records of giving. If you
are giving regularly to First Baptist Church and would like Offering Envelopes please circle “E”on your Information Card. If you already have Offering Envelopes but need more, you may also circle “E”. If you have requested offering envelopes recently, you may pick them up at the ushers table in the back of the sanctuary.
Wednesday evening Ladies Bible Study will begin a new study, this week. Ladies are invited to join them for I Peter – A Living Hope In Christ, by Jen Wilkin. They meet at 6 PM in Room 230 (3rd floor).
The Yaddah Pearls have started a new study Mondays at 9am in the library. They are studying Max Lucado’s “Cast of Characters/Common People in the hands of an Uncommon God.” Biblical people who were “messed up” like us; God comes alongside of them, passing out moral compasses to all comers and takers. Join us! (NO homework to be done.)
Attention Ladies: For those interested in getting more information about our retreat, we will have our first meeting Sunday, February 12 in the BFLC, immediately following the 10:30 service. Lunch will be provided. Registration will begin March 5. Mark your calendars for September 15-17 for our retreat at Linck Hill Inn!
VBS 2017 – July 10-14, 6:00pm-8:30pm. danvillefirstbaptist.org/vbs-2017 – Discover the incredible mysteries of the final frontier! You’ll encounter amazing and wonderful things designed by a Creator who is even bigger than the vastness of His creation. But the most amazing wonder to be discovered truly boggles the mind. The God who created everything there is—the knowable and the unknowable, the visible and the invisible—wants a relationship with you! And from the very beginning, God had a plan to restore the relationship He knew we would break.
Registration: Online Registration: May 1-June 30; Paper Registration: May 1-July 11
Family Fun Day is Sunday, July 16 • 10:15am-2:30pm.